Screen Rant has an exclusive clip from Snowpiercerseason 3, episode 9, where Melanie Cavill (Jennifer Connelly) reveals to the train that Andre Layton’s (Daveed Diggs) New Eden mission is a lie. After Mr. Wilford (Sean Bean) left her for dead on the side of the tracks in Snowpiercer season 2, hope for Melanie’s miraculous survival was revived by Wilford himself, who believed that Engineer Cavill somehow managed to find another train to follow Snowpiercer. The super train’s crew does locate Melanie and manage to bring her aboard at last – but at what cost?

Layton’s crusade to find New Eden was inspired by Melanie, who theorized in Snowpiercer season 2 that parts of the Earth were beginning to warm and could possibly sustain human life. Cavill left Snowpiercer on a solo mission to prove her theory and, during her absence, Mr. Wilford seized control of the train from Layton. After Wilford ensured Melanie couldn’t reboard Snowpiercer, which doomed her, Layton and a group of his loyal friends, including Melanie’s daughter Alex (Rowan Blanchard), stole Snowpiercer’s engine to find Melanie. Instead, they found the elder Cavill’s suicide note and her data supporting New Eden’s existence. For the next six months, Layton’s pirate train traveled the world but was unable to find New Eden or proof that Melanie survived. Desperate to give Snowpiercer hope, Layton deceived the train that New Eden is located in the Horn of Africa. Layton continued this course even after he realized that his vision of New Eden was based on a mistake following a near-death experience.


In Screen Rant‘s exclusive clip from Snowpiercer, season 3, episode 9, “A Beacon For Us All,” Melanie returns to her original role as the Voice of the Train and informs the passengers that Layton lied to them about New Eden. As she must have intended, Cavill’s bombshell sends Snowpiercer into immediate turmoil. You can watch the clip below.

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Judging from the clip, Melanie chose an opportune time to address Snowpiercer since all of the passengers appear to be enjoying some sort of celebration, perhaps to welcome Melanie back. Instead, Cavill shatters everyone’s joy, especially Layton’s. The look of shock on the faces of Andre, Alex, Ruth Wardell (Alison Wright), Melanie’s lover Bennett Knox (Iddo Goldberg), and the rest of Andre’s inner circles indicates Cavill’s betrayal of Layton was totally unexpected. It also craters his authority as Snowpiercer’s leader. Meanwhile, Mr. Wilford remains imprisoned in the First Class Libary Car and one wonders what his role in Melanie’s actions are. After all, Layton is Wilford’s nemesis and the billionaire was steadfastly against going to New Eden.

Along with Melanie seemingly returning to her severe and authoritarian Snowpiercer season 1 persona, another eyeopener in Screen Rant‘s exclusive clip is Bess Till (Mickey Sumner) and Miss Audrey (Lena Hall) passionately kissing, which was interrupted by the shock of Melanie’s announcement. Bess and Audrey have been growing closer in the last few episodes of Snowpiercer and it looks like a romance is in full bloom between the Train Detective and Mr. Wilford’s paramour. Snowpiercer season 3’s penultimate episode is packed with intrigue, and Melanie publicly destroying Layton’s dream of New Eden sets up another epic conflict in the season 3 finale.

Snowpiercer Season 3 airs Mondays @ 9pm on TNT.

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