Fan-created mods continue to be a big hit in Among Us. After releasing in 2018, the social deduction game from InnerSloth has skyrocketed in popularity and mods have risen as well. One of the newest mods to appear in Among Us is the Phantom Role Mod. Here’s everything to know about the mod, and what it changes in terms of gameplay.

Many mods in Among Us work to overpower Impostors, turning them into famous movie monsters like Godzilla or horror icons like Pennywise the Clown. However, some role mods actually make it more difficult to be an Impostor in Among Us, and this includes the Phantom Role Mod. While there are a few different mods out there with this name, most of them function in a similar fashion.


Phantoms in Among Us are essentially ghosts that can float around the map (mostly) undetected. Phantoms are almost completely transparent, meaning they’re hard to spot. And while most mods allow Phantoms to be killed, this can be difficult for Impostors to accomplish because Phantoms aren’t easily seen. These ghost-like crewmates in Among Us can float around and perform tasks like normal crewmates and even call Emergency Meetings. And thanks to their ability to blend in, they can often secure easy wins for crewmates.

How To Win As A Phantom Role In Among Us

In order to win as a Phantom in Among Us, the player assigned that role will need to complete tasks like they normally would. Once all tasks are completed, they can call an Emergency Meeting and win the game. Although Phantoms are hard to see, it’s still a good idea to keep away from crowds and complete tasks on their own time. This way, it lessens the chances of being spotted by Impostors.

Among Us already requires a good bit of sneaking around, and the Phantom Role Mods out there increase this kind of stealth mechanic even more. Typically, crewmates winning a round of Among Us by completing tasks is rare – since oftentimes crewmates win by simply ejecting Impostors. So, this mod is a great way to make this key gameplay mechanic vital once again.

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For players who enjoy stealth and sneaking around, the Phantom Role Mod for Among Us should be perfect. It’s also great for anyone who prefers playing by themselves, since Phantoms will need to stay away from the crowd and perform tasks alone in order to win. However, the modded role can make it more difficult for Impostors to win, upsetting the balance of the game somewhat.

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