After months of waiting for Cyberpunk 2077’s next-gen update to release on consoles, it finally dropped and completely enhanced the gameplay experience, along with adding extended romance options. The 1.5 patch update addresses a good majority of the issues that the game has faced since its initial launch, which proved to be a fiasco for CD Projekt Red. Even though there have been small fixes throughout last year that aided portions of the title little by little, Patch 1.5 attempts to tackle them all head-on and adds new things for players to enjoy as well.

When it comes down to it, there are very few (but unique) options for players to choose from when it comes down to romanceable characters in Cyberpunk 2077. It’s important to note that in order to get some scenes from certain characters like Panam and Judy, a certain V body type is still a requirement. Even with this new Cyberpunk 2077 update to the romance system, it is still virtually impossible to romance Johhny Silverhand.


In addition to Cyberpunk 2077 now having extended romances, Patch 1.5 also includes new features such as conversations, text messages, and player interactions. For example, whenever someone chooses to sleep in their bed, their significant other will now wake up beside them to greet them. The new phone interactions can even go as far as characters sending lewd images to players as well.

Extended Romances In Cyberpunk 2077 Adds A Realism Factor

While there aren’t any new romance options in Cyberpunk 2077, players are free to start the story over as many times as they want in order to discover and experience what the new intimate interactions have to offer. Even though it may feel like a minuscule change alongside the other major improvements that were included in Patch 1.5, it adds to the game’s story as well. Before the update, after players did the last romance mission with their love interest, that was pretty much the last time they talked to them until the very last mission.

Ultimately, having extended romances in Cyberpunk 2077 gives players some type of reason to romance characters in the first place. Relationships with them feel more lifelike and intimate, especially with texting each other back and forth and just letting one another know that they’re loved. This alone may make Cyberpunk 2077 worth playing again for some players, especially since romance options have proven to be so popular in RPGs.

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As of now, it’s unclear how many of these new extended romances have been added into Cyberpunk 2077, so it’s up to the player base to find them all. With the Patch 1.5 update being the biggest CD Projekt Red has released so far, fans can only hope that more like this one will give the game a full comeback. While the new romance options might not be sufficient to peak players’ interest, there’s a chance that the other new additions will be enough to get the job done.

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