Marvel’s Peter Parker is known as the friendly-neighborhood Spider-Man. But when the symbiote Venom stops threatening the hero, and starts to come for his family instead… Spider-Man is forced to do the last thing fans expect.

Spider-Man and Venom have been fighting one another for years and out of all the symbiotes, there are a few reason as to why Venom is the greatest symbiote villain that Spider-Man will ever face. On one memorable occasion, Venom even rips out Spider-Man’s heart. But no matter how intense their battles become, Spider-Man has yet to kill the symbiote and end their feud for good. The main reason as to why Spider-Man has yet to kill Venom-especially in recent years is because Venom is trying to redeem himself and become a hero. But when Venom decides to hunt down Spider-Man’s family in Dan Slott and Adam Kubert’s Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1, Spider-Man does what he must to save his family.


In Slott and Kubert’s comic and alternate Marvel Universe, Spider-Man and Mary Jane Watson have finally tied the knot and now have a daughter who is named Annie May Parker. As usual, Spider-Man continues to juggle both his home and superhero life. To pay the bills, Peter still takes pictures for the Daily Bugle and his boss J. Jonah Jameson. But one day, when he turns in some shots of Spider-Man fighting super villains, he receives word that the reason more villains are running amok in New York is because many superheroes are dead and missing. Shocked by the news, he goes to the Avengers’ Mansion where the remaining members of the Avengers are hosting a meeting and realize that a man named Augustus Roman may be the man behind the missing and dead superheroes. During the meeting, Spider-Man overhears Hawkeye, Tigra, and Mockingbird tell Captain America that they will not be able to help them because they are containing a prison break on Ryker’s Island. Knowing Venom is one of the prisoners, he immediately returns home-only to find Venom waiting in his living room with wife and daughter.

Without hesitation, Spider-Man tackles Venom and tells Mary Jane to take Annie and run. As Spider-Man wrestles with Venom, Mary Jane runs with Annie and devises a plan to hurt Venom. Bearing in mind that Venom’s weaknesses are loud sounds and fire, she hops on a firetruck that’s racing toward a nearby house fire. Because Venom is able to knock-out Spider-Man for a short while, Venom leaves the apartment building and follows Mary Jane and Annie. When Spider-Man regains consciousness, he follows behind Venom and also heads toward the house fire. While at the house fire, Mary Jane uses the firetruck siren to hinder Venom long enough for Spider-Man to beat him into the burning building. As soon as a firefighter tells Mary Jane the building is clear of people, Spider-Man does what he must… he forces the building to collapse and kills Venom once in for all.

When the lives of his family are at stake, it’s clear that Spider-Man is not afraid to kill. It may come as a surprise to many fans, but this isn’t the first time that the friendly-neighborhood Spider-Man has killed someone.

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