Warning! Spoilers ahead for Shadow and Bone season 1. 

Based on Leigh Bardugo’s best-selling novels, Netflix’s Shadow and Bone introduced a sprawling fantasy world fraught with its own geopolitics, conflicts, and nations. At the center of it all is Ravka, the country literally split in two by the Shadow Fold, a dark swath of magic created by the Darkling hundreds of years ago. However, there is a lot more turmoil and tension facing the nation that extends beyond the borders of the Fold. 

While Shadow and Bone is set centuries after the creation of the Fold, the series is quick to catch the audience up on the conflicts brewing within Ravka and its surrounding areas. The country, which is inspired by 19th century Russia, has been heavily impacted by the Fold’s existence. The shadowy barrier effectively blocks the eastern portion of Ravka, where the capital city of Os Alta is located, from the west, where the port city of Os Kervo and Novokribirsk are situated. In short, those living on the east must consistently cross the fold to obtain food and other resources that allows the west to thrive due to its proximity to the sea and surrounding nations to aid in Ravka’s conflict with Fjerda (to the north) and Shu Han (to the south). 


The Fold, and hundreds of years worth of tension, throws Ravka into the midst of a brewing civil war. On the west, General Zlatan is fueling the idea of a sovereign nation governed by him that is free from the king’s influence in East Ravka. Over the course of Shadow and Bone season 1, information is peppered throughout regarding the extent of the conflict within the nation. The Zemeni and Kerch ambassadors point out there are rumors Zlatan wants West Ravka to secede. The general mentions how tired he is of East Ravka dragging them into the wars with Fjerda and Shu Han, draining their resources to continue fighting. It’s unclear how long Zlatan has been plotting to separate his side of Ravka from the larger part of the country, but it’s been long enough that other dignitaries are taking note.

In this vein, the Fold has driven Ravka apart, creating a rift that, even if physically removed, isn’t so easily fixed. The king and most of the Grisha, peoples who can manipulate matter, believe Alina Starkov can save Ravka by destroying the Fold with her Sun Summoner powers. However, Zlatan isn’t so keen on this idea and wants Alina dead to maintain the status quo. It seems he’s no longer interested in being a united front and wants the king and the rest of East Ravka to suffer the consequences on their own. It’s worth noting Zlatan isn’t in the Shadow and Bone book and his presence in the show is likely meant to further the divide and strain that already exists between both sides. To be sure, cutting off Ravka on the east stifles their position and prevents them from acquiring resources, leaving them high and dry on several fronts. 

The season 1 finale may cause Zlatan to double down on his crusade to split Ravka for good, but it’s possible he will now need the help of the eastern side of the country to help him rebuild Novokribirsk after the Darkling obliterated much of it by expanding the Fold (a deadly consequence that will hopefully play into Shadow & Bone season 2). There are a lot of power plays happening throughout the series and the devastation caused to Ravkan civilians is immense, especially as their country is in conflict with everyone no matter what side they’re on. Whatever happens, it’ll be interesting to see where Ravka stands after the unforeseen turn of events during Shadow and Bone season 1 and how this might change things even more for the country at the center of the story. 

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