What became of The Twins after The Matrix Reloaded? The two 2003 Matrix sequels are often considered vastly inferior to the 1999 original, and while that opinion hasn’t changed much over the past 17 years, there’s still plenty to enjoy in both The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions. Although the plot becomes more convoluted and the symbolism much less subtle, the battles between Neo and Smith feel suitably epic and the sequels take a deeper dive into the mythology behind the Wachowskis’ dystopian future. Another widely celebrated addition were The Twins, who made their memorable debut in The Matrix Reloaded.


Played by Neil and Adrian Rayment, The Twins are exile programs and two of the most formidable henchmen under the employ of The Merovingian. As well as being physically identical, these two assassins move and think as one entity, referring to themselves as “we” in the singular sense. The Twins can phase through physical objects in the Matrix, transforming into ghosts that are notoriously troublesome to battle, but visually impressive on the big screen. In The Matrix Reloaded, The Twins are sent to recapture The Keymaker after Morpheus and Trinity bust the old man out, and this leads to the iconic freeway chase that would become a highlight of the entire Matrix trilogy. The sequence ends with Morpheus slicing the gas tank on The Twins’ car, then pummeling the underside of their vehicle with bullets, triggering an explosion that sends both twins hurling through the air never to be seen again.

The Twins are caught in the very center of the blast and don’t return for the final movie, strongly suggesting that Morpheus killed them. But when The Twins are being propelled through the air, they both engage their ghostly, non-corporeal forms, implying that they’re still alive and preparing for a semi-safe landing. One of the twins is also screaming, adding fuel to the fire that neither were actually killed by the explosion. It’s possible that the Wachowski sisters intended The Twins to die after the freeway chase, and the final ghostly transformation was merely a creative choice rather than a nod to their survival. Alternatively, the plan might’ve been to kill the assassins off, but leave a grain of ambiguity just in case The Twins ever needed to be brought back for a future story.

Speaking of future installments, The Matrix Online was released in 2005 as a video game continuation of the movie trilogy, and gives a small clue towards the fate of The Twins. The story sees The Merovingian bringing The Twins back online, supporting the idea that Morpheus’ explosion in The Matrix Reloaded did kill them, as far as exile programs can be killed. With The Matrix 4 on the horizon, however, whether or not The Matrix Online can still be considered canon is debatable.

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While very little is currently known about The Matrix 4, the uncertainty over The Twins’ fates gives them a potential route into the 2021 revival movie. The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions were filmed back-to-back, so there was no opportunity to gauge what was well-received from the second film before moving on to the third. Since The Twins remain popular among Matrix fans in 2020, the upcoming film offers a long-awaited opportunity to bring them back into the realm of live-action.

Key Release Dates
  • The Matrix Resurrections (2021)Release date: Dec 22, 2021
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