Spider-Man: No Way Home featured five iconic villains and saw the three Peters cure them and send them home, but it’s unclear what happened when they got there. The villains formed the heart of the story (albeit unintentionally), as their fates were the basis of Peter Parker (Tom Holland) truly learning the weight of responsibility that came with being Spider-Man. Peter worked with his alternate selves to develop cures for the villains in an effort to save them from their fatal battles with the Spider-Man of their universes. However, despite his noble intentions, what would’ve really happened when they returned home remains up in the air.


From the Sam Raimi films, the Green Goblin, Sandman, and Doc Ock all returned from each original Spider-Man film respectively. Of the three, two died battling Spider-Man, while Flint Marko reconciled and made peace with Peter before drifting into the wind. Additionally, Doc Ock also got a redemption arc, as he died saving the city from his out-of-control fusion reactor. Only Norman Osborn truly died a villain, as he was impaled by his own glider. From the Amazing Spider-Man films, Electro was the only villain to return who was killed in his original film, after Peter and Gwen Stacy overloaded his body with energy. Curt Connors / The Lizard was merely cured in his film, not killed.

It stands to reason that Doc Ock would’ve still died saving New York, but every other villain had a good chance of surviving (and probably going to prison). Otto Octavius was redeemed by Peter in Spider-Man 2 and regained control over his mechanical arms despite the loss of his inhibitor chip. Spider-Man: No Way Home made it clear that Otto was transported by Doctor Strange’s spell right at this moment. It thus made sense that when Otto returned with his mind fully restored, he would bear the weight of responsibility and repent for his sins, just as he did in the original film, knowing he would “not die a monster“. This suggests that at least some of the No Way Home villains returned to their universes with the hope of redemption, even if they wouldn’t necessarily survive.

On the other hand, Norman Osborn likely stood a better chance of surviving, as the Peters had seemingly wiped the Green Goblin from his mind. Though it wasn’t made clear where exactly he was when he was transported across the multiverse, providing it wasn’t the literal second before his death, he could’ve probably talked it out with Peter 2 and survived. This likely would’ve seen Norman taken into a psychiatric ward, vastly altering the direction of the subsequent films, as Harry would have no reason to hate Spider-Man anymore.

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Max Dillon / Electro would’ve been in a similar situation to Osborn, as providing he wasn’t about to be struck by an immense load of electricity, he likely could have returned safely. Perhaps he would have aided Peter against his own Green Goblin and helped save Gwen Stacy, as he and Spidey seemed to have a good rapport. As for the Sandman and the Lizard, it wasn’t clear when they were taken either. However, as they were never killed by Spider-Man, they most likely would’ve returned to their lives, albeit without their powers. Connors would still be in prison, and Marko would presumably be a free man.

Spider-Man: No Way Home left the fates of the villains unknown, but Peter at least gave them a chance in their own universes. Due to their lack of powers, they would no longer pose a threat to their respective Spider-Men. As such, Norman Osborn may have received the treatment he needed, Marko would be a free man, Connors would remain in prison, and Electro may have even become a Spidey ally. Sadly, only Doc Ock would return to die at the hands of his own fusion reactor, refusing to die a monster, just as he did in Spider-Man 2.

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