Mass Effect Legendary Edition’s Garrus Vakarian is perhaps the most popular crewmate in the series, but the sniper’s journey would have been very different if he hadn’t met Commander Shepard. As the trilogy’s protagonist, Shepard shapes not only the galaxy but the people around them. If Garrus never met Shepard and never joined the Normandy’s crew, several of his story arcs and relationships would have never occurred.

After being recruited in Mass Effect 1, Garrus proves to be a loyal ally, albeit a bit stiff. Frustration with bureaucracy and the backwards logic of the Citadel drives Garrus to leave his post at Citadel Security, and he comes to assist Shepard in the investigation of Spectre Saren Arterius, convinced his fellow Turian is guilty of crimes against the Citadel and its species. Garrus’ adventures with Shepard lead to his role in the war with Mass Effect’s ultimate enemy, the Reapers, but more aspects of his character would not have come to fruition without Shepard’s intervention and companionship.


While Shepard makes an effort to assist Garrus in his Mass Effect 1 conflicts throughout the Citadel, he likely would have survived these encounters anyway. Shepard’s crewmates all become more powerful by leveling up alongside their Commander, but their base skillsets still put them leaps and bounds above other NPCs. Garrus’ sniper abilities and technical experience stem from his intelligence and military upbringing, but his accomplishments alongside Shepard forge his true legacy in Mass Effect’s galaxy, which could never happen without the Commander’s influence and reputation helping him along the way.

Without Shepard, Garrus’ Career Would Have Ended In Mass Effect

When players first meet Garrus in Mass Effect 1, he is still working under C-Sec, where his investigation of Saren goes against his orders. He resigns to travel with Shepard and struggles initially with the ostracization he suffers because of it, but he can eventually regain his honor and respect within the force. It’s unlikely Garrus would have enjoyed these privileges without meeting Shepard, who works to restore his credibility with military accomplishments throughout the galaxy. By disobeying orders and failing to acquire a lead against Saren, Garrus would have torpedoed his career in C-Sec and ended up without a path forward.

This lack of direction could spiral into many unfortunate situations, including a possible court-martial and temporary imprisonment for his failure to follow orders. At the very least, Garrus would likely have suffered a demotion, a significant blow against the already impulsive sniper. Garrus would then probably follow his own path, resigning from his position to pursue his personal form of justice. His impulsiveness could bring an era of mercenary vigilantism to the Citadel, just as he adopts the “Archangel” identity in Mass Effect 2 after Shepard’s apparent demise.

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Without Shepard, Garrus Would Never Experience Mass Effect’s Romances

Perhaps the most significant omission from Garrus’ life without Shepard would be meeting Tali’Zorah – or simply Shepard herself. When players don’t romance Tali or Garrus, the two grow close and form a romantic relationship. They frequently chat and tease one another, but they also share moments of vulnerability usually discouraged by each species’ cultures. If playing as a female Shepard in Mass Effect 2, players can choose to romance Garrus themselves. Though he is unromanceable in the first game, he and Shepard enjoy a strong friendship that can blossom into one of the series’ best romances in the second game.

Garrus frequently uses humor and sarcasm as defense mechanisms, but his strained relationship with his father and unwillingness to follow the protocol set out by military leaders alienate him from his kind. Without Tali or Shepard to guide him through these thoughts, it’s likely Garrus would continue to suffer in solitude, not fixing his relationships or controlling his impulsiveness.

Without Shepard, Mass Effect’s Garrus Wouldn’t Reconnect With His Father

Before Garrus met Shepard in the first Mass Effect, he worked alongside his father, Castis Vakarian, in C-Sec, enjoying a partnership and bond with the man who tutored him throughout his youth. Unfortunately, their differing opinions of the organization’s protocols caused them to clash regularly. Eventually, Garrus and Castis reached a breaking point and split apart. Castis soon resigned from C-Sec and returned to Palaven, the Turian homeworld, to be with the rest of his family. During Garrus’ journeys with Shepard (a Paragon-aligned Shepard, at least), his temper and impulsiveness calm to a more patient demeanor, and he is eventually able to reconnect with Castis.

Sans Shepard, it’s unlikely Garrus would have reached this level of personal growth. With his impulsiveness and short temper running out of control, his instinctive turn to violence and swift justice would likely have caused more harm than good. The ease with which he collects mercenaries under his leadership between Mass Effect 1 and 2 proves Garrus’ skills can attract likeminded individuals. Effectively crafting himself an echo chamber, Garrus would never have admitted he was wrong and never pursued an effort to mend his relationship with his father.

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Without Shepard, Garrus’ Mass Effect Vigilantism Would Have Killed Him

When recruiting Garrus in Mass Effect 2, Shepard saves his life from an onslaught of criminals teaming up to take him down. The criminals, gangs, and rival mercenaries would have overwhelmed Garrus without Shepard to free him from the outcome of his rash actions. A no-Shepard Garrus’ stubbornness and coldness would almost assuredly result in stagnation and an early, dishonorable grave.

Shepard’s presence in the Mass Effect galaxy affects the outcome of many situations, from world-ending calamities and warring species to improving individual people’s spirits. While it’s likely the galaxy would have been doomed without Shepard, the absence of Mass Effect Legendary Edition’s protagonist would also significantly impact other heroes like Garrus.

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