Out of all of Microsoft’s dormant franchises, the one with the most potential has to be Perfect Dark. The N64 original is a stone-cold classic that never really received a proper follow-up despite developer Rare’s best efforts. Now in the hands of The Initiative, the new Perfect Dark will (hopefully) be one of the tentpole releases for the Xbox Series X. In order to satisfy fans eager to return to this superspy sci-fi universe, a new entry in the series has to hit on several key elements that made the original Perfect Dark such a memorable game. From distinctive weapons to old-school features that made Perfect Dark unique, there are more than a few things that the reboot needs to include.


To start with, not much is known about how The Initiative will modernize Joanna Dark’s adventures for a modern audience. There has even been some question as to whether the new Perfect Dark is a pure action FPS or a hybrid experience that draws on games like Hitman for inspiration. With only a single teaser trailer to go off of, players have to assume that the reboot will at least partially continue on in the shooter tradition set up by the previous two games. The original Perfect Dark draws on the strong foundation of GoldenEye 007 and later inspired the TimeSplitters series, and one has to imagine that The Initiative wants their Perfect Dark to evoke some of that immense legacy.

With that in mind, there are plenty of elements that haven’t held up since the days of the N64 and the launch of the Xbox 360. A new Perfect Dark would certainly adopt a standard modern shooter control scheme that streamlines some of the rough edges of the previous games. The Initiative will also likely think long and hard about the game’s multiplayer component. A deathmatch suite might have been a must-include the last two times the franchise released, but it simply isn’t in a world of massive free-to-play titles like Fortnite. Despite these changes, there are definitely a handful of ideas from the previous games that simply must move forward into the new era of Perfect Dark.

Perfect Dark’s Reboot Needs The Laptop Gun

Perhaps the most important inclusion for any Perfect Dark game is the Laptop Gun, the unique SMG that can hide in plain sight as a computer and latch onto walls as a sentry turret. Plenty of current FPS games dealing in out-there weaponry have some sort of sentry gun device, but none come close to the utility and cool factor of this sleek submachine gun. Out of all of Joanna Dark’s unique hardware, the Laptop Gun stands out as a fun weapon to use and as a concept that other games haven’t utilized to its full potential.

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Thankfully, The Initiative has already showcased the Laptop Gun in Perfect Dark’s teaser trailer, so players can expect Ms. Dark to once again lure enemies around a corner into a hail of bullets in the Perfect Dark reboot. Hopefully, this also means that other unique Perfect Dark weaponry like the FarSight XR-20 and the Psychosis Gun will be usable in this brand-new installment.

Perfect Dark’s Reboot Needs Elvis

Rare’s original Perfect Dark follow-up for Xbox 360 suffered in several ways, but one of the most notable was the loss of the developer’s unique sense of humor. While Perfect Dark certainly isn’t as humorous as something like Banjo-Kazooie, it did have Elvis to lighten things up along the way. Joanna Dark’s alien sidekick is a Martian ambassador who finds everything about Earth fascinating, and he helps Dark in firefights once rescued from Area 51.

It’s still unclear if The Initiative’s Perfect Dark reboot resets the timeline of the Nintendo 64 game or if it eventually reveals itself as a continuation a la God of War. Either way, Elvis needs to be a part of the action at some point to preserve the spirit of the game’s original developers and their love of all things over-the-top.

Perfect Dark’s Reboot Needs A Hub World

In an age of painfully linear FPS campaigns, Perfect Dark innovated with the Carrington Institute. This was a hub world where Joanna could not only pick out her next mission but also check out character profiles, test weapons in the shooting range, and interact with a host of NPCs. This kind of worldbuilding was quite unique in the genre during the N64 days, which only added another reason why Perfect Dark became an instant classic.

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Nowadays, even in more action-oriented FPS games, hub worlds and pre-mission areas are much more common. Players can take a tour of Doomguy’s inner sanctum in DOOM Eternal and open loot boxes of Normandy Beach in Call of Duty: WWII. These inclusions prove that Perfect Dark was ahead of its time, and it would be foolish to take out the Institute or a similarly themed area in the new game.

Perfect Dark’s Reboot Needs A Unique Co-Op Experience

Another way that Perfect Dark feels ahead of its time is in its variety of available modes. In addition to a single-player and co-op campaign and a full deathmatch suite, the game also had the unique Counter-Op mode. This set Player One up as Joanna Dark playing through the regular campaign while Players 2 took on the role of an NPC in the level. Play continued until Joanna completes the missions or falls to the hand of the counter operative.

Since Perfect Dark released on the Nintendo 64, players experienced this mode solely through split-screen, which isn’t ideal for a mode all about surprising the Joanna Dark player. Either a copy of Counter-Op or a similar mode done online could be just as revolutionary in 2021 as it was back in the ’90s. Only a few other games have toyed around with combining single-player and multiplayer in this way. It’s basically the Invasion concept from Dark Souls, but against a friend instead of a random griefer, and it could become a signature feature of the new Perfect Dark currently brewing at The Initiative.

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