The fossil-revival gimmick has always been an interesting way to receive prehistory-themed Pokémon, but Game Freak decided to mix things up, literally, with Pokémon Sword and Shield’s fossils. Rather than allowing players to revive two prehistoric creatures, Sword and Shield let players partially revive four Pokémon – Dracozolt, Arctovish, Arctozolt, and Dracovish – via the fusion of two fossils each. This leaves it up to fans to interpret what these creatures could have looked like in their original, uncombined forms.

Fossil revival goes as far back as Pokémon Red and Blue, but Pokémon Sword and Shield’s fossils add an extra bit of real-world paleontology’s history into the mechanic. While Game Freak usually doesn’t openly discuss the true origins of Pokémon designs, fans have theorized the fossil combination mechanic is inspired by early paleontologists’ mistakes when assembling dinosaur fossils. Dracovish, for example, appears to be the head of a fish-like Pokémon attached to the tail of a Stegosaurus-like Pokémon. This could be a reference to both paleontologists mistakenly combining two different species’ fossils and to the first assembly of an Elasmosaurus skeleton, in which scientists unknowingly placed the head at the end of the skeleton’s tail.


The idea of referencing these scientific mistakes for Sword and Shield’s monsters was a good one, but the designs Game Freak came up with ended up among the Pokémon series’ worst designs ever, looking more like Digimon or Pokémon fusion fan art than actual, official creatures. Perhaps the concept would have worked better if the fossil combo designs looked like in-game scientists had attempted to make them more seamless and believable, just as early paleontologists did. In an attempt to find the beauty in these designs, though, fans have created renditions of what the fossil Pokémon could (or, perhaps, should) have looked like if they had simply been restored in full.

What If Pokémon Sword And Shield’s Fossils Looked Cute?

Image Source: ありヒノコ/Pixiv

Artist ありヒノコ on Pixiv imagined the original fossil ‘mon in a cute and cuddly style, with plenty of rounded shapes and thick frames. Their interpretation of the full “Arcto” Pokémon could even be cute enough to be one of the cutest Pokémon ever, if it was official, with an adorable pile of snow stacked on its head – possibly from years of precipitation building on its fossilized skull.

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What If Pokémon Sword And Shield’s Fossils Looked Majestic?

Image Source: Susiron/DeviantArt

DeviantArt user Susiron chose to give the fossils a more majestic appearance. This works particularly well for the “Draco” and “Arcto” Pokémon, and, while perhaps a bit generous, the artist’s interpretation of “Zolt” makes Game Freak’s official design look even lamer and more pitiful.

What If Pokémon Sword And Shield’s Fossils Looked Cool?

Image Source: JWNutz/DeviantArt

DeviantArt’s JWNutz and Twitter’s gerph_art may have done the best of any fans at capturing a really Pokémon-like look for these creatures. JWNutz’s “Arcto” and “Draco” designs are particularly intimidating, potentially being among the coolest reptile Pokémon if they were official, and the artist’s “Zolt” is great, as well.

Artist gerph_art’s “Zolt” and “Vish” designs look almost exactly as one would imagine Game Freak would have completed them. The “Draco”and “Arcto” designs also bring some interesting elements to the table that distinguish them from other interpretations, while still looking like they could be official Pokémon.

Each of these designs gives a look at what Pokémon Sword and Shield’s fossils could look like, but fans won’t know what Game Freak’s idea for the creatures was unless the developer someday gives players the ability to revive the complete Pokémon. Perhaps in the Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass DLC, this could become possible.

Pokémon Sword and Shield released for the Nintendo Switch on November 15, 2019.

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