Star Wars: The Old Republic recently celebrated its 10th anniversary, but the promised Legacy of the Sith expansion suffered an unfortunate delay to its release date. Though the Star Wars MMO’s anniversary has already passed, fans cannot access BioWare’s new adventure for another few weeks. SWTOR‘s team stated that these delays came from quality control and updates born out of fan responses to several announced changes. Looking to avoid a flawed launch, BioWare pushed the expansion back several months, delaying SWTOR’s next expansion for the greater good.

Star Wars: The Old Republic’s story is set thousands of years before the original trilogy, and its contents are considered non-canon by Disney. Players can choose one of eight classes aligned with the Galactic Republic or the Sith Empire. Each class has a unique story and progresses to shared expansions that explore new planets and conflicts. SWTOR‘s Legacy of the Sith explores Manaan, the world responsible for most of the galaxy’s kolto (medicinal) production. Imperial players will lead an invasion while Republic players defend the planet and its inhabitants, but a new threat waits in the shadows. Darth Malgus, the former Empress’ Wrath, has plotted in the shadows since his defection and plans to return and claim the galaxy for himself.


SWTOR’s Legacy of the Sith expansion is now releasing February 15, with the Tenth Anniversary Event spanning all of 2022. Like all expansions, players can explore the new Flashpoints and Operations in SWTOR indefinitely and continuously replay the upcoming story. Other events from the anniversary celebration may be timed, meaning fans looking to enjoy SWTOR’s content throughout the year should keep a close eye on BioWare’s website for announcements and an event timeline.

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What Can SWTOR Players Expect In Legacy Of The Sith

The main draw for casual players in Legacy of the Sith is the story, which explores a war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire on Manaan. The oceanic planet is the primary provider of kolto, the medicinal liquid used to treat most wounds in Star Wars. Despite remaining neutral in the conflict, the Sith Empire soon launches a surprise invasion to control kolto production and cut off the Republic’s medical supply chain. Meanwhile, Darth Malgus plots in the shadows to overthrow the Republic and the Empire, installing a new order of influential Force users across the galaxy. However, the story campaign isn’t the only feature available.

Powerful, experienced players can also experience a new Flashpoint and Operation, which offer powerful boss fights with new mechanics. The Flashpoint explores an Ancient Sith Temple belonging to a radical Darth whose identity and actions were erased from history. Players can experience this Flashpoint as a story mode or embark on the Veteran difficulty with a personal squad. Star Wars: The Old Republic’s new Operation explores a laboratory built into a meteor, where illegal experimentation with Force wielders has created monstrous hybrids of technology and Dark Side energy. Only the most powerful players will be able to conquer this Operation.

Despite the delay, Legacy of the Sith promises to kickstart the next major conflict for Star Wars: The Old Republic. While players are likely to finish story content reasonably quickly, endgame activities like the Operation and Flashpoint provide other goals to work towards. Additionally, the 10th Anniversary events throughout 2022 will provide continuous content beyond Legacy of the Sith‘s lifespan. Players only have a few more weeks to wait untilStar Wars: The Old Republic Legacy of the Sith releases on February 15 for active subscribers.

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