The PlayStation 5 has released worldwide, but many people across the globe who want a PS5 don’t have one yet. Sony’s newest console continues to sell out, and this has led to all kinds of dangers for prospective buyers. From scammers to scalpers – and a global pandemic, too – there are a lot of dangers out there, and that’s before all of the PS5 robberies and crimes police have warned gamers about are taken into account. So, what’s the safest way to buy a PS5 this year?

The obvious answer is to wait for PS5 restocks at major retailers like Walmart, GameStop, Target, and Best Buy. All of them have gotten restocks prior to Black Friday sales, with Walmart selling PS5s again starting tonight. If people are unable to secure at PS5 from a major retail chain, complete with a safe delivery to their home, then that’s when things can get a little dicey.


While it may seem tempting to buy a PS5 from a scalper online, it’s not a great idea. Scalpers take advantage of desperate shoppers and charge exorbitant prices. Warranties and other safety nets usually don’t hold up (and often don’t exist at all) when purchased from scalpers either, so it’s a major long-term risk. Given some of the PS5’s big problems, people will want their warranty – just in case. There’s nothing safe about buying a PS5 from a scalper, and there’s not even a guarantee they’ll actually send a PS5.

Dangers In Buying A PS5 From Outside Sellers Online

Buying a console from an outside seller on sites like eBay or Amazon Marketplace can be risky, especially around launch times when new sellers pop up to try to take advantage of people. It’s important to look at seller reviews and make sure the seller is legitimate first. Reports of scammers on Amazon UK surfaced last week, illustrating the dangers associated with buying the console. On top of that, some scalpers just keep people’s money and send nothing. So, if you really want to buy a PS5 from an outside seller, it’s important to do some research beforehand.

Even if consumers manage to avoid scalpers and scammers, 2020 is no ordinary year. There’s a global pandemic, and COVID-19 can make shopping and meeting up in person even more dangerous. Thankfully, most PS5s can’t be bought inside a store and must be purchased online. Picking up a console from a major retailer (and not at a sketchy meet-up with someone found online) is definitely much safer.

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The best practice is to just remain patient. Buying from a major retailer is by far the safest way to get a PlayStation 5 this year, especially given retailers’ COVID-19 safety protocols. Trying to nab a PS5 from scalpers, agreeing to meet someone in person, or even buying from a mysterious new outside seller on sites like eBay is just too risky.

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