Of all the different species in the Pokémon series, Eevee is the only one to have 7 different evolutions. These “Eeveelutions” have been expanded from the original three as new generations were added to the series. The most recent Eeveelution is the Fairy-type Sylveon from Generation 6. However, no further Eeveelutions have been released recently, and fans may be wondering if a new type of Eeveelution may be on the horizon.

Eevee can currently evolve into 7 different types using different stones, friendship points, or the time of day. Jolteon is Electric, Flareon is Fire, Vaporeon is Water, Espeon is Psychic, Umbreon is Dark, Glaceon is Ice, Leafeon is Grass, and Sylveon is Fairy. While that gives trainers a number of choices to think about when evolving their Eevee, there are 18 available types in the Pokémon games, leaving many types out of the Eeveelution tree.


Of the remaining Pokémon types, there are several that would be interesting to see both in design and as additions to a player’s team strategy. A Dragon-type evolution could be powerful choice, with moves like Outrage and Dragon Tail putting it on the same power level as Sylveon’s Moonbeam. A Ghost-type Eeveelution would provide Eevee fans with a spooky addition to the Eeveelution tree, and could have special evolution requirements like leveling in ruins at night.

Pokémon Could Introduce A New “Eeveelution” In An Upcoming Game

Dual types would also be an interesting options that could be introduced in an upcoming Pokémon generation. Currently, each Eeveelution only has one type each. However, dual types have become increasingly popular, as it adds new challenges and strategies to Pokémon battles. A dual type like Dragon and Steel or Poison and Ghost could add complexity to a future Eeveelution design, as well as offer more attack variety. Fans may also enjoy seeing dual types of a current Eeveelutions, like an Eevee that evolves at sunrise having a Fairy/Psychic type, while an Eevee evolving at sunset having a Dark/Ghost. Each of these types could shake up how Eevee evolutions have worked in past games.

While there isn’t an information currently available that points towards new Eeveelutions being added in current Pokémon games like Sword and Shield, there is a possibility that players may get an Eevee surprise when Pokémon developers release information on the 25 Anniversary of the Pokémon series in the coming months. Until then, players will be continue to enjoy raising their own personal set of seven Eeveelutions while they adventure through the different regions of the Pokémon series.

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