FX’s What We Do In The Shadows, the spin-off series from Taika Waititi’s film of the same name, has proven almost as popular as the movie that it’s based on. The TV show has managed to hit the perfect niche of comedy and horror, and despite the story and characters being different from the film, fans seem to love it.

But art is subjective of course, and not everyone is going to have the same opinions on the series. Over on Reddit, some people have stated views on the show, opinions which may not be widely agreed upon, but ones that should be discussed nonetheless.


The Show Is Overrated

For some viewers, the show is good, but perhaps it’s not quite as awe-inspiring as many are claiming it to be. Reddit user OuterRim777 states that “Everyone acts like it’s the best vampire comedy ever, and it’s not.” They also argue that most of the humor is just overused and tired vampire jokes.

Obviously, not everyone is going to like the show, but considering it’s rated 8.5 out of 10 on IMDb, the idea that it’s a bad show is definitely an unpopular opinion. Plus, no one is really holding this series up as the greatest show of all time, so saying that it’s completely overrated seems a little unfair.

Season 3 Was A Disappointment

According to this Reddit user, season 3 was a very disappointing downgrade. They argue that “Everything has changed. All the characters are completely different. The show appears to be on its way to being ruined.”

While season 3 may not be the best season to some viewers, it has generally been received warmly, and appetite has grown for a now-confirmed fourth season, according to Radio Times. Just because some things have changed, it doesn’t necessarily mean those things are worse. People love season 3 for many reasons, including that a fan-favorite side character, The Guide, gets given a bigger role.

The Show Should Have Stayed In New Zealand

The show’s migration from New Zealand, where the original film was made, weakens the premise as a whole, according to Redditor EmergenceyChimp. They state that the show suffers due to “moving from NZ to the US, with much just falling flat,” especially in comparison to the film.

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People seem mixed on this opinion. While the New Zealand environment was very integral to the film’s identity, the move was probably due to filming requirements. It also allows for a great new cast of characters to appear. Plus, by having a new setting, the show is able to carve out its own identity. By staying in the same place, it might have just felt like a rehash of the film.

Nadja Is The Best Character

According to Reddit user YellowUnderbelly, “the star of this show is hands down Natassia Demetriou as Nadja, from where I stand she’s the scene and show-stealer.” Since the Greek-Romani Vampire is a main character, it’s only natural for people to view highly of her.

But while viewers generally love Nadja, most people on Reddit consider her husband, the English Noble-vampire Laszlo, and his actor Matt Berry, to be the show’s main talent, and no one else comes close in their eyes. But Nadja is still a great character, with some of the show’s funniest lines, and Demetriou clearly puts her all into the role, to wonderful effect.

“Witches” Is a Bad Episode

Some viewers believe that the ninth episode of season 2 was a misfire. bob_lolblaw_0211 states on Reddit that “It feels a little bit like a waste of the witch concept, and the side-plot of Colin, Nadja and Guillermo stuck in the weird room-full-of-doors just felt like a way to waste time until the final act.”

Obviously, the idea of witches in the show’s universe is a great concept, so people want to see it done right. Other Redditors disagreed with this unpopular opinion, arguing that the episode is hilarious, and shouldn’t be overlooked. The episode definitely has its moments, and some great quotes from Guillermo, that prevent it from being considered bad by many.

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The Show Needs Taika Waititi’s Character In It

One Reddit user, Ethlandiaify, believes that the series is missing a crucial character: Viago. Apparently, “it’s lacking a stand-in for Taika Waititi’s character. Having a genuinely sweet, relatively gentle vampire really added a lot to the movie.”

It’s definitely easy to miss Waititi’s charms in the series, seeing that it was him who brought the whole franchise to life, but it’s also understandable why he isn’t in the show. Since it’s set in Staten Island and the story has taken a new direction, Waititi’s New Zealand je ne sais quoi might not fit in with everyone else. Plus, the majority of other viewers seem satisfied with the show’s current cast.

The Film Is Way Better

There’s no doubt that the show’s fandom loves the film, but there is some debate on which is better. “I still prefer the film but I mean…the film is the film,” argues VirulentViper, “I would love to see the characters from the show and film crossover at some point.”

While obviously, the movie is great, the show provides so much more material, and so many funny characters and jokes. Saying that the original was better can often feel like it’s an opinion formed out of an attachment, rather than actual critique. And the show allows the expansion of the What We Do In The Shadows cinematic universe, which can only lead to great things.

The Show Is Underrated

On the other side of the spectrum, there are some fans of the show that feel like it isn’t getting the love that it deserves. Redditor YellowUnderbelly argues that “For me, The show is not getting enough attention.”

While the show has never been the biggest thing on television, it’s definitely not short on praise. The series is rated very highly on IMDB, and it has a 96% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Therefore it doesn’t seem like viewers are undervaluing it. Plus, part of the quirkiness of the show is that it feels relatively low-key, so maybe having a low-key audience is just what the show needs.

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The Show Would Have Worked Better If It Wasn’t A Comedy

Redditor OuterRim777 argues that the show could have been better if it went for a gritty, realistic documentary style rather than the mockumentary that it is, stating that “it could’ve been a haunting look at ‘What if vampires were really hiding among us?'”

This opinion is unpopular because the mockumentary style is the show’s whole premise, and the genre gives the fanged creatures a fresh new take. The series both expands and parodies tropes that viewers have seen in a number of serious vampire movies already. If the film hadn’t been such a great comedy, it wouldn’t have become so popular, and audiences would probably have never gotten the TV show in the first place.

“City Council” Is The Worst Episode

Generally, early episodes of a show aren’t the best, as the writers often need some time to figure out the rhythm of the series. According to Reddit user bob_lolblaw_0211, the second episode of the entire show, “City Council,” is an example of that. They argue that the episode “never really comes together cohesively, and its ending is also really dark for this show.”

While many What We Do In The Shadows fans wouldn’t consider it the best episode, they also wouldn’t rate it dead last. The episode definitely has some funny moments, especially with Lazlo and the raccoons. Clearly different episodes just resonate with different people, and that’s okay!

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