Through its many stories and legends told through each generation within its world, The Legend of Zelda recounts the ongoing cycle of conflict between Link, Princess Zelda, and Ganon in their various incarnations. With each conflict culminating in various fashions, the end result is normally the destruction of Ganon at the hands of Link to save Hyrule from enslavement. However, there is one case where a different fate befell the King of Evil.

During the events of Ocarina of Time, Link is placed in suspended animation as he claims the Master Sword. During this time, the gateway to between the land of Hyrule and a place known as the Sacred Realm was left open, allowing Ganondorf (the Ocarina of Time incarnation of Ganon) to march into the Sacred Realm unimpeded. What resulted led to the downfall of the Hylian Kingdom following Ganondorf’s invasion before Link is able to return after a seven year period of time.


The Sacred Realm is detailed early on in Ocarina of Time by the Great Deku Tree, who is aware of Link’s destiny to confront the King of Evil. The Sacred Realm is a realm created by the Three Golden Goddesses (Din, Nayru, and Farore) after the creation of Hyrule, with the realm serving as an intermediary for them to return to the heavens above once their creation was completed. Each Goddess would then leave behind a token of their power within the Realm, with the three symbols becoming one and forming the Triforce.

What Is The Sacred Realm in the Legend of Zelda

Through the course of the game, it is revealed that the Sacred Realm was placed under a proverbial lock-and-key; the three Spiritual Stones and the Ocarina of Time itself serve as the first lock, opening the Door of Time to reveal the Master Sword in its pedestal. When removed, the doorway between the realms is opened, breaking the seal between the land of Hyrule and the Sacred Realm. This moment allowed Ganondorf to enact his plan.

Having started his insurrection within Hyrule, he had sent Princess Zelda and her bodyguard, Impa, fleeing from Hyrule Castle, with Zelda leaving Link the Ocarina to unseal the door. However, due to Link’s young age, he was deemed unable to properly wield the sword, resulting in him being frozen in time for seven years as the gateway remained open. This opening allowed Ganondorf to enter the Sacred Realm unopposed and claim the Triforce hidden within. In doing so, the Triforce splits into its three parts as the realm becomes twisted.

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As revealed by Princess Zelda, the Sacred Realm reflects the heart of the person who enters it, and if the person who claims the Triforce should have an impure heart, the Triforce will fracture, with the Sacred Realm becoming a reflection of the impurities of that person’s heart. With the splintering of the Triforce, Ganondorf kept the Triforce of Power, while Link and Zelda would become the holders of the Triforce of Courage and Wisdom respectively.

After Ganondorf transforms into Ganon using the Triforce of Power, he meets his defeat at the hands of Link and Zelda. His weakened state allows Zelda to seal Ganon away with the help of the Sages Link had met through his journey. By sealing Ganondorf away, the Sages lock him within the world of his own creation: the corrupted manifestation of the Sacred Realm. The Sages lock Ganondorf within the Evil Realm to keep his presence out of Hyrule, with the King of Evil declaring that, with the power of his part of the Triforce, he will return.

From the events of Ocarina of Time, the legend splits into what would eventually be confirmed as three different Zelda timelines, with one of them being an alternate timeline where Link’s journey at the end of Ocarina of Time ends in failure, leading to Ganondorf attaining all three pieces of the Triforce and permanently becoming Ganon. As the series continues, fans will see more hints of the legends and stories that permeate the world through its various timelines. Skyward Sword, however, confirms that one thing is certain. The Legend of Zelda‘s story will forever revolve around the destined cycle of Link and Princess Zelda combating Ganon to save Hyrule.

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