Since its announcement in 2016, Amazon’s New World has undergone a troubled development process, running into various delays and large errors discovered through the game’s closed beta. One of the largest of these issues is the tendency for New World to fry high-end graphics cards such as the Nvidia RTX 3090. Fortunately, Amazon is aware of the problem and has issued a response on how to help prevent it from occurring.

New World was originally set to come out in spring 2020 but was delayed to August 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Once early August approached, though, New World was further delayed to September 28. The second delay comes as a result of feedback from the game’s closed beta, which took place from July 20 to August 2. It seems that Amazon will be taking the time to patch up some of the game’s biggest issues, likely including its GPU errors. The problem was discovered and discussed at length by a number of closed beta players, who reported the issue on the official New World forum.


According to the reports, the issue primarily seems to affect the Nvidia RTX 3090, a high-end GPU that sells for around $2,000 or more as of summer 2021. Specifically, the EVGA 3090 model – which may have trouble due to its fan controller, as some New World players have speculated – seems particularly prone to being impacted. The problem is by no means exclusive to just one card, though. The inciting incident for the error also seems to be different across users, with some reporting that cutscenes are responsible for frying the GPU while others claim that even calibrating New World‘s brightness is enough to ruin the graphics card.

Amazon Explains How To Fix New World’s GPU Problem

A customer service representative from Amazon responded to the GPU problem in mid-July, stating that the company believes the issue to be related to driver settings and frame rate limiters. Essentially, it seems that if New World‘s frame rate is not manually capped, the GPU utilization increases significantly to the point of completely frying the card. This could be due to how the game is rendering visuals. The statement also includes a few options that could help prevent the problem from occurring:

1. Disable the overrides in the driver settings.

2. Make sure to press “APPLY.”

3. Restart the game client.

4. Cap the FPS by going to Settings > Visuals > Max fps > Set this to 60.

5. Check that Max Frame Rate either shows ‘Use Global Settings (Off) or just Off.

The game’s new release date gives developers almost two months to fix bugs and improve stability, meaning that by the time New World officially launches late September – assuming nothing is encountered that results in another delay, of course – the issue should be either fully resolved or less prevalent than it was during the closed beta. In the interest of safety, though, Nvidia RTX 3090 users should take the time to ensure New World‘s frame rate is capped both in the GPU settings and the in-game options before diving into the game once it opens.

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