Wheel of Time episode 2 introduced viewers to the cursed city of Shadar Logoth, a place so terrible even the Trollocs would not enter it. Like all the best fantasy stories, Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time—now adapted for a major Amazon TV series—begins with a quest. Sorceress Moiraine Sedai visits the remote village of Emond’s Field, and there discovers a group of ta’veren, people who are central to the Web of Destiny, influencing the lives of those around them to transform the world. One of these ta’veren is the Dragon Reborn, destined to fight the forces of evil in the Last Battle, and as a result they are all being sought out by the power of the Dark One.


Moiraine’s mission is to get the ta’veren to sanctuary before they can be captured or killed by the Dark One’s armies. Needless to say, the quest doesn’t go well. Amazon’s TV series adapts the books to up the tension, with Moiraine suffering a grievous injury that leaves her health—and her power—failing. That leaves the Emond’s Field Five more vulnerable than ever, and Lan—Moiraine’s Warder, sworn to protect her—is forced to take into an even more dangerous place. He leads them into a cursed city called Shadar Logoth, a place so dark even the minions of the Shadow will not pass through the city gates.

Wheel of Time presents a brief explanation of the terrors haunting Shadar Logoth, but naturally Robert Jordan’s books go into far greater detail. Here’s all you need to know about the history of Shadar Logoth, the dark magic dwelling within it, and the major events that take place while the Emond’s Field Five are within its walls.

Shadar Logoth History In Wheel Of Time Explained

The city now known as Shadar Logoth was originally called Aridhol, capital of one of the Ten Nations established after the time of the last Dragon. Its citizens initially fought valiantly in the Trolloc Wars, but King Balwen Mayel listened to unwise counsel from a man named Mordeth. He came to believe the only way to defeat the Trollocs was to become even worse for them, so zealous for the Light that the people of Aridhol became more feared and despised than even Trollocs or their masters the Eyeless.

As Moiraine explained it in Jordan’s book The Eye of the World, “Aridhol drew in on itself, hardened. It was said that some would rather see Trollocs come than the men of Aridhol. The victory of the Light is all. That was the battelcry Mordeth gave them, and the men of Aridhol shouted it while their deeds abandoned the Light.” Aridhol’s evil cost it allies, and one fateful day the city fell silent, every living creature within its walls consumed by shadows. Aridhol was named “Shadar Logoth,” which means “the Place Where the Shadow Waits,” or more simply, “Shadow’s Waiting.”

In the books, the Shadow that is waiting is actually Mordeth himself, the one person who has not been consumed by the darkness of Shadar Logoth. He lives a cursed existence within its walls, an immortal being who seeks to persuade any unwise visitor to take him beyond the city’s walls; should he succeed in doing so, he will be able to consume their soul and wear their skin. The darkness of Shadar Logoth is so terrifying even the armies of the Dark One are hesitant to enter, although in Jordan’s books they are willing to do so when forced.

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What Happened To Everyone In Shadar Logoth?

The original inhabitants of Shadar Logoth were consumed by the living shadows that now stalk the city, and it has been stripped of all life. When the Emond’s Field Five arrive, they notice there are not even any insects or birds, because any living creatures feed the shadows. In Robert Jordan’s books, Mat and Rand explore and encounter Mordeth himself, who attempts to trick them into helping him cross the walls with some of his treasure. Although he ultimately reveals his evil, the less risk-averse Mat Cauthon unwisely takes a ruby-hilted dagger, which he does not know is a powerful magical artifact that carries a deadly curse.

A single cut from the cursed blade deals a deadly wound that can only be healed by Wheel of Time‘s Aes Sedai, and anyone who possesses it falls under a baleful influence that sees many fantasy writers compare it to the One Ring in Lord of the Rings. Mat initially keeps it secret, but it’s finally spotted by Rand: “He was looking down at Mat in surprise, and at what Mat held, hidden from everyone else by his body. A curved dagger with a gold scabbard worked in strange symbols. Fine gold wire wrapped the hilt, which was capped by a ruby as big as Rand’s thumbnail, and the quillons were golden-scaled serpents bearing their fangs.

Events play out a little differently in Amazon’s Wheel of Time, which accelerates the narrative and doesn’t feature Mordeth at all. In the TV series, Mat goes exploring and stumbles upon the ruby-hilted dagger; it’s interesting to note the shadows only begin to spread after he has picked up the cursed object, suggesting the shadows of Shadar Logoth are a little more sentient here. The Emond’s Field Five are forced to scatter, barely escaping with their lives, learning to their cost they should not linger in a place where even Trollocs fear to tread.

The Darkness In Shadar Logoth Explained

The shadows that stalk Wheel of Time‘s Shadar Logoth are called Mashadar, and they are the physical manifestation of all the suspicion and hatred of Aridhol—evil made manifest. “Unseeing, unthinking, moving through the city as aimlessly as a worm burrows through the earth. If it touches you, you will die.” Even an Aes Sedai cannot drive back Mashadar, for it is as vast as the city itself, and if harmed it would rush in to heal the damage in instants.

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Wheel of Time‘s version of Mashadar is very similar to the books, with the same destructive effect on any living thing it comes into contact with; but it appears to move with direction, hunting the Emond’s Field Five, eager to consume them. It also seems to have bided its time, suggesting it wanted the ruby-hilted dagger to be discovered before forcing the group out of the city. It will be fascinating to see whether the ruby-hilted blade has been adjusted for Amazon’s Wheel of Time, perhaps becoming an extension of Shadar Logoth’s curse, in which case Mashadar may well return when Mat Cauthon draws the dagger.

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