Three major book characters were missing from TheWheel of Time season 1 finale, which raises questions about whether or not they’ve been cut altogether. So far, Amazon’s Wheel of Time show has taken quite a few liberties with the source material. In regard to how characters have been introduced, this is especially true.

The journey from the Two Rivers to the Eye of the World has been full of noteworthy book changes. Elayne’s introduction won’t happen until season 2, Thom wasn’t encountered until after they left the village, Perrin didn’t meet Elyas Machera,  and Min was supposed to show up in the early portion of the story. The way Amazon’s adaptation has moved characters around and drastically adjusted the timeline of events has added a sense of unpredictability to the show. The early deaths of characters like Loial, Ingtar, Uno, and Lord Agelmar has also removed several future stories that were expected to be told later.


The battle at the Eye of the World in particular had three glaring omissions. At the end of the first book, The Eye of the World, Moiraine’s group encountered the Green Man, Aginor, and Balthemel, but none were included in the show’s version of the story. The Green Man was an ancient, plant-like humanoid and the sole-surviving member of his species. He aided them in the battle against Balthemel and Aginor, members of the Forsaken. Like all Forsaken, Balthemel and Aginor were evil immortal channelers pledged to serve the Dark One. During the fight, the Green Man killed Balthemel, and was in turn slain by Aginor. Aginor died after channeling too much of the One Power from the Eye of the World. Since all three characters died there, there isn’t a clear place for them in future seasons.

Of the three, the ones most likely to appear (regardless of the season 1 finale) are Balthemel and Aginor. Unless Wheel of Time reduces the number of Forsaken that exist in its world, they have to be out there somewhere. Rand or someone else may run across the duo in an upcoming episode. It’s possible that the show will use Balthemel and Aginor to reveal the existence of the Forsaken, who were discussed in episode 5 as allies of the Dark One that are supposedly still sealed away. They were the first of the 13 Forsaken to get defeated, and that still could end up being the case in Amazon’s Wheel of Time show.

As for the Green Man, his future is much less certain. Protecting the Eye of the World was his entire purpose in the story, so the fact that Wheel of Time has already moved past that point certainly hurts his chances of appearing. However, the plant-like nature of this wise and knowledgeable creature lends the series an opportunity to create an incredibly interesting and unique character. For this reason, there’s a chance the show will make him the guardian of a different location in The Wheel of Time’s world.

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