When Daredevil dies, who will replace him? This is the question answered in Daredevil: End of Days. This eight-issue miniseries, written by Brian Michael Bendis (Superman) and David Mack (Daredevil), with art by Mack, Klaus Janson (The Dark Knight Returns), Bill Sienkiewicz (New Mutants) and Alex Maleev (Event Leviathan.) All of these creators made a name for themselves working on Daredevil at some point, and they join forces to present the story of the next Daredevil.

Daredevil: End of Days is part of “The End” line of books published occasionally by Marvel which, as the name implies, chronicle the last adventure of the hero in question. These series are normally out of continuity, though Bendis has made it clear in interviews that he feels that End of Days is the canonical ending to his personal run as the writer of Daredevil. The series draws heavily on the Daredevil mythos, providing readers with a tense mystery featuring some of Daredevil’s most prominent friends and foes, including Bullseye, Elektra, and the Punisher.


Daredevil, AKA Matt Murdock, is killed in battle with Bullseye, uttering one, final word: “Mapone.” Ben Urich – the Daily Bugle‘s star reporter, and a recurring figure in Daredevil’s mythos – tries to track down the word’s meaning, leading him on a journey deep into Matt Murdock’s life, crossing paths with Murdock’s former friends, lovers and enemies. Meanwhile, a new Daredevil has appeared, but before Ben can find out his identity, he is killed. It’s in this moment that fans learn the truth of the new Daredevil.

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The new Daredevil is Ben’s adopted son, Tim Urich. Daredevil saw his end coming and chose Tim as his successor, training him as best he could, but also knowing that he would die before Tim’s training could be completed. Tim goes on to find Mapone – Daredevil’s child with the Black Widow – who it’s suggested will become his final sensei.

Matt’s choice of successor is fascinating in the larger context of his personal journey. Ben Urich was one of few people to discover Daredevil’s true identity on his own, burying the secret despite the knowledge it would have catapulted his career to new heights. That the identity of the new Daredevil is so hugely relevant to Ben, and yet a secret to him, flips the decision that defined the character on its head, actually acting as something of a betrayal on Matt Murdock’s part. In making Tim the next Daredevil, and positioning Daredevil’s daughter as the one who teaches him, Bendis crafts Daredevil: End of Days into a believable continuation of Daredevil’s legacy, finding new “echoes” of the relationships that defined the hero’s life.

Daredevil: End of Days is a celebration for Daredevil fans. A roster of superstar writers and artists, all of whom have had defining runs on the character, unite to tell the story of Daredevil’s replacement. By making it Tim Urich, who has deep ties to one of Daredevil’s oldest friends, it creates a sense of legacy with the character. Its status as canon is debatable, but it still stands as a fantastic Daredevil story, one that celebrates everything that makes the character great.

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