Square Enix has revealed that six Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters are on the way, but while only the first three have release dates, there is information buried within Steam that might have revealed the release dates for the remaining three Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster games.

The Pixel Remaster games will remaster the visuals of the first six Final Fantasy games, in order to make them more appealing on modern systems. The remasters of FF5 and FF6 were notable for the questionable quality of their character sprites and backgrounds, which is likely why they’re being pulled before the Pixel Remaster launch. Indeed, the remakes and remasters of these games have had a rough time in the past, as Square Enix hasn’t always shown them the care that some feel they deserve. Some of these things may be improved with the Pixel Remasters, though they won’t include the additional content from the other remakes and remasters, which means a lot of post-game bosses and dungeons won’t be present.


Square Enix has announced that the Pixel Remasters of FF1-3 will be released on July 29, but it has yet to reveal the release dates for the remaining three games. It’s possible that Square Enix is giving the first three games a bit of space, as they are less popular than FF4-6, and releasing them all at once might leave them in the dust. But while Square Enix might not have given an official release date, Steam might just have revealed it ahead of time.

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The Release Dates For Final Fantasy 4-6 Pixel Remasters

The potential release dates for the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster games may be hidden in the Steam Database pages for each game. The SteamDB page for FF4 Pixel Remaster page says the release date is August 19, the SteamDB page for FF5 Pixel Remaster page says the release date is September 9, and the SteamDB page for FF6 Pixel Remaster page says the release date is September 30. It bears mentioning that these dates haven’t been officially confirmed by Square Enix as of the time of writing.

The first three Final Fantasy games were released on the NES, where they pushed the hardware to its very limits. They packed a ton of gameplay and story into those NES cartridges, but they pale in comparison to the next three games in the series, which had the power of the SNES to back them up. The first three Final Fantasy games certainly aren’t bad games in any respect, but they’re not as beloved as FF4-6, so it makes sense that Square Enix would space out the Pixel Remasters so that the first three aren’t entirely overlooked.

The Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters of Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy 2, and Final Fantasy 3 will be released for PC and mobile devices on July 29.

Source: SteamDB, (2), (3)

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