While there are many things to enjoy about the Pokémon series, Shiny hunting is one of the more popular ways to spend time exploring a game’s region. Shiny hunting has undergone many changes since it was first added into the series, with more recent titles like X and Y and Sword and Shield purposefully integrating mechanics that allow players to hunt these differently colored Pokémon more easily. However, some fans may be surprised to learn just how long Shiny Pokémon have been a part of the series.

The first Shiny Pokémon encounters were found the Generation 2’s Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal. Finding a Shiny Pokémon in the Johto region wasn’t easy, as there weren’t specific methods to help players encounter them in the wild. Generation 2 relied on random wild encounters, with 1/8192 as the potential odds for finding a Shiny. Players would have to run in the grass, caves, or other areas where they could find wild Pokémon and repeatedly engage in random encounters, with no way to increase the odds of an finding being shiny.


While there isn’t any concrete information about the behind-the-scenes design origins of Shiny Pokémon, fans on Reddit theorize they might be traced back to the first real notable Shiny of the series, Red Gyarados. During Gold and Silver, players encounter a Red Gyarados in the Lake of Rage that they must battle and attempt to capture. Fans speculate Shiny Pokémon were invented as a way to make Gyarados stand out against the lake and be more noticeable to players, as the old pixel graphics of Gold and Silver would have made finding a blue Gyarados difficult in the lake’s murky waters. While there is no evidence from developers to back the theory, is gives players an interesting potential perspective on why the most notable quality of a Shiny Pokémon is their alternate coloration compared to other Pokémon of their species. Regardless of their true origin, Shinies were likely integrated into the series as a whole in order to give the games a bit more mystery and excitement.

The Pokémon Series Added Shiny Pokémon In Generation 2

Like many mechanics in the Pokémon series, Shiny hunting has evolved with each new game and console. Whereas players once had to engage in endless random encounters to find a Shiny, now they can increase their odds by Chaining encounters of the same species repeatedly or by entering Dynamax Adventures in Pokémon Sword and Shield. Players can also breed and hatch Pokémon eggs to get a Shiny, giving them a chance to potentially have a special Pokémon with carefully bred stats.

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While all Shiny encounters are usually a cause for Pokémon fans to celebrate, some Shiny Pokémon appear to be worth more than others to dedicated Shiny hunters. Even though Shiny Pokémon have become more popular and easier to catch in recent titles, some of the most coveted Shinies are the ones captured in older games like Generation 2, then painstakingly transferred from game to game. This intensity in Shiny hunting has created an entire community of Shiny hunters online, some of whom post YouTube videos of their journey to collect as many Shinies as they can. These dedicated hunters share their methods with other Pokémon fans, spreading their wisdom in hopes that it could lead others to a successful hunt for a rare Shiny.

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