In the history of Marvel Comics, few events promised the same action as Ultimate Power, bringing the Squadron Supreme into full-on contact with the Ultimate Marvel universe. And no moment stands out more than when Thor and his hammer Mjolnir collided with Hyperion, the Squadron’s leader… and Marvel’s version of Superman. In this battle of Gods vs God, Hyperion and Thor continued the timeless debate: who would win, Thor or Superman?

In Ultimate Power, Reed Richards barely conceals plans to study other dimensions with his goal of helping cure Ben Grimm of his condition as The Thing. When the Squadron Supreme arrives, they fight members of the Ultimates and other Marvel heroes until they reveal one of Reed’s probes in their possession, accusing him of destroying their world. Faced with the accusation of bringing a virus that has killed millions, Reed goes with the Squadron to face trial for his supposed crimes while the Ultimate Marvel heroes are warned not to follow. Of course, they do, uniting the Ultimates, X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Spider-Man in the parallel dimension.


However their appearance is not welcome as the welcoming party is Hyperion, one of the many versions of a character meant to be based on DC Comics’ Superman. This version was an alien who was intercepted by the U.S. government and raised in a controlled environment to be a superhuman agent and later a state-sponsored hero for the newly created Squadron Supreme. Hyperion put aside his dislike of government exploitation in the past to help protect the world, which suffers from this deadly rapidly spreading organism that Hyperion has little to no effect over.

Receiving orders to fight from Fury, Thor and Hyperion collide in the sky, quickly learning that they are too evenly matched to make any real damage to each other. Fury sends in Invisible Woman and the Human Torch to even the odds although their efforts do little except strip Hyperion of his clothes. Hyperion appears to win when he stops Thor mid-blow and not only disarms him of his signature hammer but sends both of them plummeting to the ground. Thinking his opponent neutralized, Hyperion leaves to deal with the ongoing battle which is made even worse when Scarlet Witch’s powers unintentionally bring another Squadron Supreme from another universe there, somehow splitting the power between the Squadron dopplegangers.

Around that time, Thor rejoins the battle and seeks out Hyperion whose strength has noticeably weakened. Due to these new limitations, Thor brings down the hammer and defeats Hyperion, his victory stopped by Doctor Spectrum who appeals to Thor’s better nature and asks him to help them find out the truth behind the conspiracy responsible for this battle.

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Unfortunately, there is no clear winner as both heroes are as equally matched in victory as they are with their powerful abilities. While Thor was originally no match of Hyperion’s strength and power, he was weakened enough by the unfolding circumstances for the God of Thunder and Lightning to even the odds and prove himself truly Hyperion’s equal. Hyperion and Thor accepted this metaphorical tie and worked together to help all the heroes stop an out of control Hulk and uncover the guilty parties responsible for the whole affair.

While the Ultimate heroes returned to their world with Reed Richards, the Squadron Supreme are left to rebuild their world with contingencies in place to make sure another crossover doesn’t happen again. Perhaps the latest Squadron Supreme set in the mainstream Marvel universe will finally settle this lingering question, once and for all.

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