The elemental gods of Mortal Kombat have always been mysterious beings. Out of the five elemental gods in the series, players only know of two of them: Raiden, god of thunder, and Fujin, god of wind. The other three gods: fire, water, and earth do exist within the Mortal Kombat universe, but they are unnamed and have much less screen time. Before Fujin came along in the Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath DLC, Raiden was the only elemental god to fight against the Titan known as Kronika in Mortal Kombat 11‘s main story. Where were the other gods?

While Raiden has been a part of the Mortal Kombat series since the beginning, Fujin and the three unnamed elemental gods made their debut in MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero as boss characters. Fujin has appeared in several other Mortal Kombat games whether it be in a cameo or as a playable character, whereas the three unnamed elemental gods have not made any other appearances. They have only been mentioned in the games. Despite only being mentioned, the three unknown elemental gods haven’t been sitting idle in the Mortal Kombat universe. Just like Raiden and Fujin, they too have been busy.


Speaking to Ars Technica, Dominic Cianciolo, story and voice over director at NetherRealm Studios, answers fan-submitted questions about various unsolved mysterious in the Mortal Kombat universe. One of those questions involved the mysterious water, fire, and earth gods. Cianciolo reveals that the three gods are “…guarding the Temple of the Elements,” in Mortal Kombat 11. He goes on to further explain that it’s in the Temple of the Elements that the fire, earth, and water gods are “…keeping watch over various sacred items that need to be kept away from both mortals as well as other evildoers in the Mortal Kombat universe.” One of the most important items being guarded in the Temple of the Elements is the Amulet of Shinnok, the talisman created by the fallen Elder God Shinnok.

A New God Rises

Despite there being a fire god who is supposedly actively guarding the Temple of the Elements, Mortal Kombat 11 and the Aftermath DLC, depending on what players and NetherRealm view as canon, sees the ascension of Liu Kang to godhood. In his fusing with Raiden to defeat Kronika in the main story of Mortal Kombat 11, Raiden gives his power to Liu Kang, making Liu Kang the new elemental god of both lightning and fire. This leads to the question of if Liu Kang is the god of lightning and fire, what happens to Raiden and the previous fire god? While players might not get the answer to part of that question until Mortal Kombat 12, it can be assumed that Raiden is now human, or perhaps doesn’t exist at all in the new timeline. Of course, again, it all depends on what NetherRealm deems canon.

Mortal Kombat 11 took a different approach to the overall lore of the Mortal Kombat universe with the vivid inclusion of Titans and timelines. It’s through this timelines story that Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe became canon. If NetherRealm does decide to make the events of the Aftermath DLC and Fire God Liu Kang canon, the Mortal Kombat universe could be reverted to its very beginnings, the first Mortal Kombat tournament.

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Players may not know what’s next for NetherRealm and Mortal Kombat, but the teasers, questions, and mysteries left behind in Mortal Kombat 11’s Aftermath DLC could leave them wanting more. With several significant changes potentially being made canon it’ll be interesting to see where Mortal Kombat goes from here. It’ll likely be a while before Mortal Kombat 12 releases, so in the meantime, fans can continue to play Mortal Kombat 11. After all, there are tons of fatalities to perform before Halloween.

Source: Ars Technica

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