Red Dead Online fans can rejoice: Rockstar Games has finally released new content for everyone’s favorite cowboy-simulator. Previous Frontier Pursuits allowed the player to slip into the boots of a Bounty Hunter, Trader, Collector, and Moonshiner; now, folks will be able to become a Naturalist. This is a deep role to get into, especially for those who love all the wildlife that roams the western states of Red Dead Online‘s sprawling world.

As a Naturalist, players can either dedicate themselves to studying wildlife or—since this is a Rockstar game—kill wildlife for profit. Either way, there are tons of animals to find in the game’s diverse locations—from the lush farmland around Emerald Ranch to the harsh deserts of New Austin. In addition to the regular old animals, there are new legendary animals as well. Once the player begins to progress the role, they will be able to get access to an Animal Field Guide and start tracking down these legendary animals. They can be pretty hard to find, though. This guide will describe how to find one in particular: the illusive Marble Fox.


Where to Find the Legendary Marble Fox in Red Dead Online

Players searching for the Legendary Marble Fox are somewhat in luck. This cute little critter tends to be easier to catch than the other Legendary foxes—the Ota and Cross fox—but can still be tricky. To find this fellow, players will have to travel north, deep into the mountains in the Ambarino region (as seen on the map above). The Marble Fox tends to spawn around the area directly in between Spider Gorge and Cairn Lake.

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To find the fox more easily, players should make frequent use of Eagle vision. While Eagle vision is activated, the fox will glow as will its trail.  Once you are near the Legendary Marble Fox, a golden paw print icon will appear on the mini-map. While it’s often nice to saunter around without a cluttered HUD, here it is especially helpful as the fox itself can be hard to spot with the naked eye. Keep in mind, once the player is near the Marble Fox, the thing is quick to take off. It won’t attack the player, but it is pretty fast and can easily be lost if Eagle eye isn’t being used, or if the tracks the fox leaves behind aren’t being followed.

What will attack the player are wolves, and there are plenty in the area. It’s best to take out any wolves  right away so they don’t interfere. If having trouble catching the fox itself, Legendary Animal Pheromones can be put down to attract it. This should only be done after the player is sure the fox has spawned. It won’t always spawn (and if it doesn’t, the player should either keep circling around or rejoin the server) and the pheromones will be wasted if used too early. It can be challenging to actually come across the Legendary Marble Fox, but so long as the player keeps trying this area in Ambarino, it will be found eventually!

Red Dead Online is available on PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One, and Stadia.

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