The 1990s provide a treasure trove of teen movies. Amongst all of the offerings, however, not a lot of them are actually romantic comedies. There are buddy comedies and coming-of-age stories like American Pie, tragedies like Romeo + Juliet, and even horror remakes like The Faculty.

The teen rom-coms of the ’90s include the likes of Clueless, 10 Things I Hate About You, and Drive Me Crazy. They have very defined character types that allow the audience to easily identify with their zodiac signs.

Aries: Cher (Clueless)

Aries are passionate people, and while Clueless isn’t relatable for every ’90s teen, Cher is certainly a good reflection of an Aries. Initially, Cher is most passionate about having fun with her friends and looking good while doing it, but she grows a lot over the course of the movie.


The ram sign is also known for being impulsive. Cher certainly has that trait as well. She immediately decides to take Tai on as a project without knowing anything about her. Cher also up and assumes she knows who to set her teachers and friends up with to improve their romantic lives. She’s bubbly and sweet, but she’s also passionate and impulsive.

Taurus: Preston (Can’t Hardly Wait)

Taurus is the most stubborn of signs. They tend to stick to a routine, and it takes a lot to get them out of their comfort zone. When it comes to ’90s teen rom-coms, Preston is a great example of just that. He spends the entirety of high school pining for one girl and only decides to tell her how he feels once their lives are changing and he might never see her again.

Of course, Preston also showcases his stubborn commitment to telling Amanda how he feels as he spends his entire night trying to get a letter to her. Once he’s made up his mind about something, there’s no turning back.

Gemini: Tai (Clueless)

Geminis have a reputation for being fickle, but the truth is they are great at adapting to new situations and moving on from bad ones. Tai is a great example of Geminis in Clueless.

She’s a brand new student at the school Cher and Dionne attend, and she’s clearly out of her element. Tai embraces Cher and Dionne’s makeover, fully immerses herself in Cher’s friend group, but also fits in just fine with the kids who aren’t part of it. After she and Cher have a falling out, Tai is also quick to apologize and move on from the argument, further proving herself a Gemini.

Cancer: Kenny (Can’t Hardly Wait)

Cancers are one of the more emotional signs of the zodiac. Unlike Pisces, however, who are more than willing to share their feelings, Cancers try to keep them hidden while still going out and making friends with anyone and everyone. Can’t Hardly Wait’s Kenny is definitely a Cancer.

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Despite trying to completely turn himself into a new person in high school, he’s clearly got the same heart and misses the people he used to hang out with. That’s why he and Denise are able to reconnect in the bathroom they get stuck in at the big party.

Leo: Zack (She’s All That)

There’s no question that She’s All That‘s Zack loves it when all eyes are on him; he is Mr. Popular. While he might appreciate the quieter moments and admit to feeling immense pressure, there’s no denying that he’s still the spotlight-loving Leo.

Leos are very loyal friends, but they’re also the life of the party — the charming person whom everyone wants to be around. Zack definitely has that charm, and it’s enough to convince Laney Boggs to allow herself a movie makeover moment courtesy of his sister. Having to pay up the outcome of a bet by walking through graduation stark naked doesn’t even faze him either.

Virgo: Josie (Never Been Kissed)

Josie is one of the few characters in the center of a ’90s teen rom-com who isn’t actually a teenager. In reality, she’s a writer sent undercover in a high school. Josie is absolutely the embodiment of a Virgo as she tries to plan everything about her covert experience perfectly, but her plans don’t exactly work out.

Virgos love structure. They like to plan things out, make goals for themselves, and check their accomplishments off of a list. Josie is forced to loosen up a bit to fit in with the teenagers, but she still exhibits the nurturing “mom friend” traits of a Virgo as she still continues to try to help the teens around her.

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Libra: Chase (Drive Me Crazy)

Libras are known as peacemakers in the zodiac. They are the sign that can straddle the line between two groups and understand both points of view. Chase, as both the outsider and the suddenly popular boyfriend of Nicole in Drive Me Crazy, is just that.

While the latter is initially an act, it doesn’t change the fact that Chase is able to slip in and out of both friend groups easily, understanding the “other side” of the social divide better than he anticipates.

Scorpio: Kat (10 Things I Hate About You)

Scorpios are often cast in the villainous roles in pop culture because they’re the kind of people who know exactly what they want and don’t let anything stop them from going after it. That aggressive approach to finding what makes them happy, however, isn’t a bad thing, as Kat demonstrates in 10 Things I Hate About You.

Kat knows exactly who she is and has no problem being an outcast as long as she is happy with herself. Of course, that does mean that she sometimes exhibits another Scorpio trait: hiding herself from others as she’d rather keep herself from getting hurt than open up. It’s not until Patrick gets under her skin that she manages to.

Sagittarius: Chastity (10 Things I Hate About You) And Katie (She’s All That)

Gabrielle Union is the unsung hero of the late ’90s/early 2000s teen movies, and she’s not even the protagonist in them. She was, however, typecast in the supportive best friend role, and that character often has the makings of a Sagittarius.

In 10 Things I Hate About You, Chastity wants freedom from Bianca’s shadow, and she ultimately gets it. In She’s All That, Katie is one of the few characters in the popular crowd who tells it like it is without worrying about any of the pushback from her friends. That blunt honesty and that desire to answer to no one else are both very Sagittarius traits.

Capricorn: Nicole (Drive Me Crazy)

In Drive Me Crazy, Nicole has goals. She’s almost as much of a perfectionist of a planner as a Virgo. Her drive and her constant need to be working on a project, however, is pure Capricorn.

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Nicole is one of the most popular students in school, in charge of planning the big dance, and the one who seeks out her neighbor to help make her ex jealous. She wants everything to work out just so, but doesn’t count on the fact that she’s going to fall for the neighbor she used to be friends with.

Aquarius: Laney (She’s All That)

Aquarius is the rebellious zodiac sign. They often take their own, sometimes harder, path instead of the one everyone expects them to. They also tend to put all of their support behind a few things that are most important to them.

For Laney, that’s her art. She throws herself into her passion as she grieves her lost mother. She also doesn’t exactly embrace all of the typical teen things that the characters she meets do, though she is the subject of She’s All That‘s movie makeover. Laney is able to stay true to herself while still joining the popular crowd.

Pisces: Patrick (10 Things I Hate About You)

Like Cancers, Pisces are very emotional zodiac signs. They’re in touch with their own feelings, and usually very observant of others. They’re often known as the wisest of the zodiac signs, which is why Patrick is such a good fit.

Despite being seen as the bad boy in 10 Things I Hate About You, he’s really misunderstood. He spends time away from school taking care of a grandparent, genuinely sees how great of a person Kat is, and he comes up with a very artsy way to apologize to Kat — getting her the guitar she’s been eying. Emotional maturity, empathy, and creativity are all signs of a Pisces.

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