Though Ari Aster has only released 2 featured films and 2 short films, he has risen high in the world of horror. Fans continuously adore his work and eagerly anticipate more as he seems to be changing the horror genre, leaving way for old tropes to die out and new ones to settle in. Ari Aster has a way of making audiences feel afraid in broad daylight, making them feel eery to the bones, without the need of jump scares or monster flicks.

All of Ari Aster’s characters are unique and different, complex in a way the audience wouldn’t expect. Because of this, it makes it easy to place different Ari Aster characters with different zodiac signs based on personality and ambitions. Here is which Ari Aster horror movie character you would be, based on your zodiac.

12 Aries – Josh

Josh is one of the five characters in Midsommar to travel to Sweden and is actually one of the main reasons they go in the first place as he had decided to write his thesis on the Midsommar traditions in different parts of the world.

Josh is incredibly ambitious, and a bit quick to jump into things, especially when he feels like his position is being threatened by Christian who suddenly claims he wants to cover the same topic. Josh gets a bit ahead of himself, like any Aries would do in this situation, and crosses the line. He makes a mistake that costs him his life.

11 Taurus – Mother

Mother is one of the leading characters in Ari Aster’s silent short film, Munchausen, about a mother who goes to great lengths to keep her son at home so that he won’t be able to leave her. Mother showcases a lot of Taurus traits to a pretty negative extent.

She is unwilling to handle the change in her life and continuously has flashbacks to when her and her son were happily living together. She would do anything to go back to that time and keep things that way.


10 Gemini – Joan

Joan from Hereditary is the perfect Gemini because audience members won’t really know what’s going on with her until way late in the film. She plays this character that seemingly has multiple motivations who easily can play the role of a friend in times of crisis and the role of the lead antagonist.

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Joan makes an excellent Gemini due to her dual personality but also because she is curious and kind, even when she is threatening to kill.

9 Cancer – Pelle

Pelle is the character in Midsommar who lead his college friends to his home and introduced them to his people’s Midsommar traditions. Though Pelle may be part of the horror in the film, he is also deeply compassionate and kind which makes him the perfect Cancer.

Pelle ends up deeply caring for Dani and wishing her nothing but happiness as he continuously sees the turmoil that Christian puts her in. Pelle has a bit of an outer shell that many of the friends don’t get to see, but once he trusts Dani, he opens up to her and believes she is the perfect May Queen.

8 Leo – Christian

Though there are many deaths in Midsommar and a ton of bizarre and strange cultish things, Christian is the real antagonist of this film. He is incredibly proud of himself and often puts himself before others without even realizing it.

Christian takes some of the good traits Leos have, like having self-confidence and understanding their worth, and exploits them, making these traits toxic. He doesn’t even attempt to sympathize with Dani and takes Josh’s thesis idea even though he knew he was working on it. He also undermines all of Josh’s hard work and tries to usurp him.

7 Virgo – Maja

Maja is one of the young girls in the village and quickly develops a crush on Christian upon seeing him. Maja makes for an excellent Virgo due to the fact that she seems to know what she wants and aims to achieve it.

She comes off as extremely quiet and shy, which puts Christian a bit on edge, but she obviously has much more to her than just the shy pining girl. Virgos are symbolized by the Virgin, which Maja also seems to symbolize within the village.

6 Libra – Sidney

Sidney is the leading character and father in Ari Aster’s first short film, created way back in 2011 titled The Strange Thing About The Johnsons. The film is deeply disturbing as it focuses on an awful father-son relationship in which the son has been molesting his father since he was 12 years old.

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Sidney is an extremely conflicted character and represents the back and forth nature of the Libra. He wants to tell the world of what his son has been doing to him but also feels like he is responsible just the same and fears his son. Sidney seems to often put others before himself and cares for his family. He is afraid of what his wife will think and how she will handle the news.

5 Scorpio – Peter

Peter is Charlie’s older brother in Hereditary and is just enjoying his youthful life and a high school student. He goes to parties and hangs out with his friends. But Peter also is deeply conflicted about his mother and their past together. He doesn’t really get along with her much and seems to strive to avoid her.

Peter makes for an excellent Scorpio due to the fact that he allows his emotions to lead his actions. He does things without properly thinking. He has a lot of emotions that he sometimes doesn’t seem to know how to convey, which often portrays him as stubborn.

4 Sagittarius – Mark

Mark is the comedian of the group in Hereditary and really just wants to travel to Sweden to have a good time and to meet Swedish women. Mark is a perfect Sagittarius. He is an adventurer and comedian while being deeply extroverted and optimistic.

Though he makes a lot of dumb mistakes and doesn’t think about his actions, Mark doesn’t really hold ill will in his heart. He knows that Christian should break up with Dani instead of leading her on as he has been and though he feels a bit awkward around her, he genuinely tries to be friendly towards her.

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3 Capricorn – Annie

Annie is the mother in Hereditary and probably the main character. Annie is deeply sarcastic and independent. She tries to take the weight of her mother’s and later, her daughter’s, death on her own.

She is hardworking and likes to express her emotions not by speaking them, but by putting them into the miniatures she creates. Annie likes to be fully in control of what happens around her and loses it a bit when things are not in her control, she stresses herself out when things aren’t perfect by her standards which makes her an excellent representation of a Capricorn.

2 Aquarius – Charlie

Charlie is the face of Hereditary and seems to be kind of an enigma to her family and the audience alike, much like Aquarius seem to be to the masses. She is a bit strange and she knows it.

She, like her mother, enjoys making her own miniatures but uses rather odd tools to do so. Like an Aquarius, Charlie is deeply imaginative and original. She is also pretty incomprehensible like many Aquarius’s seem to be.

1 Pisces – Dani

Dani is the leading character in Midsommar and is the perfect Pisces. She is deeply emotional, things seem to affect her just a bit more than the average person. But also like a Pisces, Dani doesn’t really like to express her concerns and feelings in fear of scaring off the people around her.

What Dani (and many Pisces) don’t realize is that if those around her aren’t willing to hear her out, their not worth her time. She seems to slowly learn this as she becomes closer to Pelle and his people. The women of the village heavily sympathize with her, crying with her as they accept her pain and comfort her through it.

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