The Book of Boba Fett gives viewers an opportunity to spend time with one of the most fascinating and enigmatic of Star Wars characters. The title character quickly proves that he deserves his place as a great hero of the saga, especially since he does seem committed to making Tatooine a better and safer place for various populations.

However, he is also joined by many other characters, many of whom can be more fully understood and appreciated when looked at through the lens provided by the various signs in the Chinese zodiac.


Rat – Garsa Fwip

Even though she is a relatively minor character in this series, Garsa Fwip nevertheless demonstrates that she is a very compelling personality. She has many of the traits associated with the rat, most notably in that she is very quick-witted and charismatic. Just as importantly, she also shows that she is very persuasive, and she is usually able to convince others to do what she wants them to without too much exertion.

Ox – Krrsantan

Krrsantan has long been a very popular character in Star Wars lore, but he really comes into his own in this series. Though he doesn’t speak in a human language, he nevertheless makes it clear that he has all of the personality traits associated with the ox. In particular, he is very stubborn, and it can take a great deal to persuade him to change his mind about most things. However, this is precisely what makes him such a formidable fighter.

Tiger – Boba Fett

Boba Fett is the most important character in the series. The viewer gets to experience firsthand his transition from bounty hunter to able administrator and champion of the people. Given his generally authoritative attitude and his powerful intensity, it makes sense that he would be seen as a tiger. Indeed, it’s precisely these qualities that allow him to survive when many others would perish and that also allow him to become the leader that the people need.

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Rabbit – Grogu

It’s hard to think of a Star Wars character more likable and charismatic than Grogu, who became one of the best characters in The Mandalorian. As he did in that series, he shows all of the attributes associated with the rabbit.

He has a warmth and an ease to his personality that allows him to work well with others, whether that’s Luke Skywalker or Din Djarin. And, like all rabbits, he is very popular with almost everyone.

Dragon – Din Djarin

The Mandalorian Din Djarin is arguably one of the best creations to have emerged from recent Star Wars media. He has a powerful dynamism that is hard to deny, and he casts a certain spell over almost anyone with whom he comes into contact. He’s a signature dragon, with his energetic and fearless persona. There’s almost no conflict in which he doesn’t excel. At the same time, he also shows that sign’s essential warm-heartedness, particularly in his relationship with Grogu.

Snake – Cobb Vanth

Cobb Vanth is another compelling character to have emerged from The Mandalorian, and he is certainly one of Timothy Olyphant’s best roles. As the marshal, he makes ample use of the traits associated with the snake, ranging from its essential generosity to its intelligence. This makes him an ideal leader for the sorts of confrontations that overtake the town as the planet Tatooine finds itself drawn into the larger conflicts of the Galaxy.

Horse – Fennec Shand

Fennec Shand is one of the most formidable fighters in the series, and she shows time and again that she can also be very ruthless when she believes that the need arises. She has all of the energy and independence of the horse, and she marries these to a skill in combat that almost no one else in the series can match. It is precisely her independence that makes her one of Boba’s most valuable allies and key to his eventual victory on the planet.

Sheep – The Mayor’s Majordomo

The Mayor’s Majordomo is a fascinating minor character in this series, and much of his personality arises from his association with the sign of the sheep. Like others who are affiliated with that sign, he is essentially mild-mannered and peace-loving, and he often yearns to avoid conflict of any sort.

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While this serves him well as a member of the Mayor’s court, it also means that he gets himself into several precarious situations.

Monkey – Peli Motto

Amy Sedaris has been in many great roles, and it’s clear that Peli Motto will be one of those. She is fierce and independent, and she knows how to get what she wants. Of all of the signs in the Chinese zodiac, she definitely has the most in common with the monkey, given that she is almost always showing some signs of being active and engaging with the planet, and the people, tha surround her. It’s for this reason that she is also one of the most likable characters on the show.

Rooster – Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano is arguably one of the best Jedis to have ever emerged from Star Wars, and she certainly has one of its most compelling backstories. Her history has engendered in her a strong independent streak that serves her well, even if it means that she doesn’t always work well with others. What’s more, she also has developed a hard-headed and practical approach to most of life’s issues, which means that she doesn’t have a great deal of time or patience for emotions or sentimentality.

Dog – Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker is, of course, one of the best characters in the original Star Wars trilogy, and he casts a long shadow. During the time that the series takes place, he is still settling into his role as a teacher. However, he already shows that he is very dog-like in his personality. While he can be somewhat inflexible when it comes to his teaching methods, he is still diligent and patient with his young students.

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Pig – Mayor Mok Shaiz

There are many politicians that appear in Star Wars, but there are few that are as straightforwardly corrupt and cowardly as the Mayor. He shows many of the traits of the pig, particularly in his love of luxury. For him, the only thing that matters is that he remains safe, and that includes bargaining away the safety and well-being of the people that he is supposed to represent, care about, and fight for.

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