In Star Wars Legends, there are a number of lightsaber colors that have different meanings and uses throughout the galaxy. However, all of that was left behind when the new canon was released. But due to the upcoming High Republic Era novel and comic series, many lightsabers from Legends have been confirmed in the new canon to exist once again.

Jedi: Fallen Order also makes some of these saber colors official as Cal Kestis is able to change his saber colors between a number of different selections. Here is a list of which saber color you would have if you were a Jedi or Sith based on your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® personality. Which saber will you be wielding?

10 Green – INTJ

The green kyber crystals have attuned to highly wise Jedi such as Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn. This saber would nicely match anyone with an INTJ personality type as those with this type are incredibly wise and seem to think up everything before they act. This saber is suited for someone who prefers to handle conflicts peacefully, but can definitely use force if needed. Therefore, it is perfect for INTJs who are strategic and rather plan around conflict than go in headfirst.

9 Blue – ENFJ

Blue may be the most common lightsaber color but that is because some of our main Jedi in the franchise use this color. This saber symbolizes justice and protection. It is used to protect people from harm and for those who fight on the light side against the dark. Therefore, this saber is perfect for someone with an ENFJ personality type. ENFJs are known to be inspiring leaders (much like that of General Skywalker and General Kenobi) and are full of passion and charisma. They are able to lead by example and always strive to do some good in the world.


8 Purple – ENTJ

Mace Windu is one of the only characters to have a canon purple saber. There are others on this list that are similar, like that of magenta and indigo, but the purple that Mace wields is vibrant and clear. It is a saber for someone who perfectly has control over themselves as the saber represents someone who is a bit in the middle between light and dark.

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Though Mace Windu was a strick Jedi, his fighting style and rage bleed into the dark side just a tad, a gift in which he used to his and the council’s advantage. This saber is perfect for someone with an ENTJ personality type. Also known as the commanders, ENTJs lead by example and make for excellent leaders. They are bold, imaginative, and strong-willed and always seem to come up with a new path if an already existing one doesn’t suit them.

7 Red – ESTJ

Those with red sabers fall into the Sith as the kyber crystal “bleeds” away the old color into the deep crimson. Those with ESTJ personality types are also known as the Executives which perfectly matches alongside any Sith Lord. The red will suit them nicely as they manage their subordinates. ESTJs take pride in bringing people together to complete a task, while the Sith love to bring people over to the dark side. Perfect match.

6 Yellow – ISFJ

ISFJs are known as the Defenders, and yellow lightsabers may just be the perfect color for these personality types. Yellow lightsabers were once used by Jedi temple guards who protected the temple and Jedi within. These defenders were pretty much glorified security guards and always strived to protect those they were sworn to protect, no matter who got in there way. Because of this, it makes sense why Rey would end up with a yellow saber at the end of the sequel trilogy. She is left to protect and begin again the ways of the Jedi.

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5 White – INFJ

So far the only known white sabers in the canon universe belong to Ahsoka Tano, who purified two red sabers to become her own. The red was bled away and became a crisp white, symbolizing Ahsoka’s dedication to the force rather than to any faction such as the Jedi or Sith. Ahsoka was neither but somehow better than both. These sabers are perfect for those with the personality type INFJ as they are utterly mystical and it seems like those who wield white blades are pure with their intent and are one with the force.

4 Cyan – INFP

Cyan blades have just recently become canon in Jedi: Fallen Order but were once known as Sunrider’s Destiny back in Legends. It is sometimes called teal or aquamarine, in Legends, this blade would only allow itself to be wielded by the true owner of the blade, showing its immense loyalty to its crafter. Because of its color and mix between blue and green, it can be inferred that this saber is some kind of combination between the two.

While in canon it is unknown what makes the crystal become this color, it is clear that the saber would wonderfully attune to that of an INFP, who is sure to help people and any cause in need.

3 Orange – ISTJ

Based on color theory, it can be assumed that the orange saber (which has also been made canon by Jedi: Fallen Order) is a combination between red and yellow. It is the closest saber to red and may have a similar take as the purple saber. This saber will likely be associated to someone who is always reliable, no matter the situation. This person would be practical and fact-minded like that of a Jedi Temple Guard and will take pride in their work.

2 Indigo – ENTP

The indigo saber is very similar to the purple saber but is fused with a blue shade to make it the indigo color it is in the image above. This saber may be a combination of blue and purple, which will leave the owner of this blade a true fighter for justice and may mean they don’t care about the consequences as long as they get the job done. This saber is perfect for an ENTP because of this. ENTPs are incredibly smart and curious, they are always seeking answers and cannot resist a challenge. Because of this, the indigo saber may be perfect for them.

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1 Magenta – ENFP

Magenta is also very similar to that of the purple saber that Mace Windu uses but has a slightly more pink tone to it. It is probably a combination of red and purple itself rather than the red and blue that makes purple. This saber would definitely be perfect for someone with the ENFP personality type. ENFPs are free-spirited and love to just enjoy themselves, but will help with causes they see fit. This magenta blade is fun in color and will allow for the user to be a bit more in touch with their emotions as they ride between the thin line of light and dark.

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