Cyberpunk 2077 gives players a variety of options for how to approach the trials of Night City. Players can rush into battle, guns blazing, slice and dice opponents with a sword, or take everyone down without even drawing a weapon. The choice is up to the player. While it can be fun to explore everything in Cyberpunk 2077 with a balanced character build, the nuance of some systems can leave players wondering if they’re doing the right thing or not. With attribute points not being resettable, players should avoid leveling up attributes they may not use and focus on the ones that matter the most to each character build. But what build should Cyberpunk 2077 beginners go with?


Cyberpunk 2077 is not a typical RPG. There is no class system for Cyberpunk players to choose from and use as a guide while playing, and the game isn’t a medieval fantasy with magic. While RPG players may be familiar with the level- and perk-based system, the futuristic genre and first-person perspective can make Cyberpunk 2077 look and feel like a first-person shooter. However, it’s is far from being a true FPS game. With a variety of weapon choices and combat styles, players can go through Cyberpunk 2077 in many different ways.

There are five main attributes in Cyberpunk 2077: Body, Reflexes, Technical Ability, Intelligence, and Cool. Each attribute correlates to a specific fighting style or weapon class. Body focuses on blunt melee weapons and large power weapons, such as shotguns and light machine guns. Reflexes focuses on pistols, revolvers, rifles, submachine guns, and swords. Technical Ability focuses on crafting, armor, and tech weapons. Intelligence focuses on hacking. Finally, Cool focuses mainly on stealth. Players can utilize the Cool attribute to make an unkillable Cyberpunk 2077 character, but there is a better build for allowing players to test the waters in their first playthrough.

Cyberpunk 2077’s Best Starting Character Build

A good build for a Night City newcomer revolves around being able to take down an opponent at any range with any weapon, whether it be a pistol, sword, or cybernetic gorilla arms. For this “weapons specialist” build, the main attributes players should use are Body and Reflexes. Body is needed for close-range fights with perks in the Athletics skill tree, used to give the player more health and regeneration to stay alive. The Annihilation skill tree will help with damage using shotguns and light machines, whereas the Street Brawler skill tree will help with melee damage using weapons that aren’t blades. While a player may not be unkillable, the Body attribute does pack a punch, similar to that of a Cyberpunk Solo class build.

Blades come into play with the skill tree of the same name in the Reflexes attribute, whereas pistols and revolvers get a boost from the Handguns skill tree. Players can use pistols and revolvers at a distance, but they’ll benefit most from rifles and submachine guns in long-range combat, which are affected by the Assault skill tree. Players can also benefit from using tech and smart weapons. While both weapon types correlate with the Technical Ability skill, using them also levels up skills in the Reflexes attribute. They also don’t require much aiming skill, as smart weapon bullets lock on to targets, and tech weapon bullets can shoot through an opponent’s cover.

Not only does a weapons specialist build allow players to test out the various weapons available in Cyberpunk 2077, it also gives players options as to how they handle each situation. But there are many other playstyles to try in Cyberpunk 2077. After playing around with all the toys Night City has to offer in their first playthrough, players can sit back and use their chrome-plated brains to create a stealthy, netrunning hacker build, burning everything down around them without lifting a finger.

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