Final Space is a hilarious sci-fi comedy show filled with unique characters. So why not delve deeper into these characters using their MBTI®’s? Your MBTI® is an in-depth study of your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and loves. It can help you understand more about yourself, as well as more about the beloved characters of Final Space.

What makes Final Space so wonderful is how unique and crazy the characters are. Every scene is changed and improved by certain characters’ presence, only serving to make this show even funnier than it already is. Despite adorable characters, like Mooncake, and badass characters, like Avocato, fans still don’t know everything about their favorites, so why not see what your Final Space character would be based on your MBTI® profile?

16 INTJ: Gary Goodspeed

Both INTJ’s and the beloved protagonist are known as being open-minded, a jack of all trades, and absolutely clueless in romance.

Throughout the show, Gary is made to do things that most would be unable to do. The first episode shows him working on the ship doing various tasks. He is also extremely bad at flirting with Quinn, causing some hilarious lines and failures.

15 INTP: Little Cato

INTP’s are imaginative, enthusiastic, and rather private. Just like Little Cato, they have a goal and are driven to achieve it, but often second guess themselves meaning that they often hide away from responsibility.

Both are enthusiastic and lovely to be around, so long as you’re there to pick them back up from their slump after second-guessing themselves.


14 ENTJ: Clarence

Clarence is a very confusing character, fans both love and hate him. This is particularly similar to ENTJ’s. ENTJ’s are efficient and strong-willed. If they believe something, they will pursue it until the end.

However, this can often make them appear as cold or intolerant to those around them, just like Clarence.

13 ENTP: Avocato

Most ENTP’s are knowledgeable and quick thinkers. They are determined and can come across as pretty insensitive and argumentative after trying to push their ideas and agendas onto the people around them.

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Although Avocato isn’t exactly argumentative, he can come across as insensitive. However, he is undeniably a quick thinker, often being forced to act quickly, and responding well, apart from his sacrifice.

12 INFJ: Quinn

Both INFJ’s and Quinn are passionate and determined to reach their goals. They often have one thing they aspire to be and that determination drives them, whilst also inspiring others to achieve their own goals.

Whist being a perfectionist who is driven to be great, Quinn can often be rather private and reserved, since most don’t understand her thought patterns and reject her passions.

11 INFP: A.V.A.

Just like a ship’s AI would be, both A.V.A. and INFP’s are hard-working and do their best for others, as long as it makes sense to them.

Similar to A.D.A. when H.U.E. begins talking, INFPs can be rather closed off and private, dismissing anything that doesn’t follow along with their plans. But, when you get to know them, they are extremely selfless and will do everything they can to aid you.

10 ENFJ: John Goodspeed

John Goodspeed fits perfectly into this category for more reasons than one. He is reliable, selfless, and sensitive when it comes to the people he loves, meaning he can be quick to fall and even quicker to trust the wrong person.

ENFJ’s are also natural leaders, which describes John perfectly. Ultimately, the strengths and weaknesses of ENFJ sum up John Goodspeed perfectly.

9 ENFP: Ash Graven

Starring in season 2, Ash Graven is displayed as the perfect ENFP after being shown her backstory. The traits that come with this personality are curiosity and finding it hard to focus, which explains why Ash is driven to learn more about her childhood.

Just like ENFP’s, she is observant and becomes extremely emotional, with her emotions being the main part of her power.

8 ISTJ: Lord Commander

The main antagonist of the first season. He is strong-willed, stubborn, and insists on enforcing order, just like ISTJ’s.

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Whilst this trait is more suited to police officers or people of the law, it is easily paired with The Lord Commander since he insists on loyalty and enforces his own style of order and discipline whilst being so stubborn that no one can get in his way or disobey him.

7 ISFJ: Nightfall

Whilst Nightfall and Quinn are technically the same person, they are by no means similar. Quinn is inspiring and determined, whilst Nightfall is hard-working and extremely humble about her new badass skills.

Not only that but due to being from the future, she worlds hard to make her dream a reality, being supportive to everyone around her and dedicated to changing the future.

6 ESTJ: H.U.E.

The beloved H.U.E. is a wonderful character that, once able to embody a robot, just gets better and better. However, this is all due to the strong ESTJ personality that he has inside of him.

He is dedicated, honest, and pretty stubborn when it comes to someones defying him. H.U.E. is dedicated to keeping people safe and is brutally honest with people’s mortality, which provides a few hilarious lines.

5 ESFJ: Fox

Equally as emotional as Ash, Fox is a tough guy with a kind soul. On many occasions, his emotions have gotten the better of him and forced him into a wave of sadness and doubt.

One of the most telling reasons as to why this is a perfect match is that ESFJ’s are pretty sensitive to criticism, just like poor Fox who has a heart of gold and gets upset when people don’t see that.

4 ISTP: K.V.N.

The traits that come with ISTP are energetic, spontaneous, and bored easily. If that isn’t K.V.N., then nothing else is.

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Being one of the most loveable annoying robots in the show, K.V.N. is undeniably energetic and, just like ISTP’s, gets bored easily, causing him to make some pretty risky choices that Gary has to fix. Ultimately, this couldn’t be a better pairing.

3 ISFP: Mooncake

Mooncake is by far the favorite character in Final Space, mainly for its cute face and even cuter lines.

Mooncake fits under the ISFP category perfectly, especially since some of the main strengths make it charming, sensitive, and passionate, whilst the weaknesses make it unpredictable and independent.

2 ESTP: Sheryl Goodspeed

One of the main antagonists of the second series, Sheryl was a difficult personality to explore, especially with it being so complex. However, when aligned with ESTP’s, the match couldn’t make any more sense.

ESTP’s are bold and rational. They know what they want and they will get it at any cost, making them rather impatient and defiant. Even if it is against their own son, they will defy them to get what they need quickly and efficiently.

1 ESFP: Tribore

Tribore is by far the most unique character, with him often getting on fans’ nerves. Nevertheless, he fits perfectly into the category of ESFP.

This is mainly due to them both being bold, observant, and having arguably great people skills. After all, you need it if you’re the leader of a rebellion. Both are still pretty unfocused and get bored easily, meaning that they typically avoid conflict if it isn’t worth their time.

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