Anyone who grew up in the ‘90s remembers Full House (even if they didn’t watch the show). It was simply one of those sitcoms that managed to become a phenomenon. There was just something endearing about it that seemed to hit just the right notes. Part of its success, no doubt, stemmed from its characters, all of whom were fleshed out in complex and interesting ways.

Those who grew up watching it will no doubt find it entertaining to use their zodiac signs to determine just which of these characters they really are.

12 Aries – Joey Gladstone

It’s impossible not to like Joey Gladstone. Though he acts remarkably immature for a man his age, there’s something fundamentally endearing about the way in which he seems to connect so effortlessly with children. Like most Aries, he’s a lively and passionate person, who actually proves fairly versatile in terms of what jobs he takes. Whatever he does, though, he brings to it that signature Aries energy that is such a key part of this sign’s appeal.

11 Taurus – Aunt Becky

It would take a special sort of person to tame the wild energies of Uncle Jesse, and that person was Aunt Becky. With all of the groundedness and logic that is typical of Taurus, she was able to build a successful life with Jesse and taught him how to be responsible. Taurus will also appreciate the fact that she became something of a surrogate mother to the Tanner children (as well as an actual mother to her own).


10 Gemini – Kimmy Gibbler

As soon as she comes barging in that back door, it’s hard to escape the fact that the annoying neighbor Kimmy is a textbook Gemini. She has all of the bubbly enthusiasm that one expects from the sign and, despite the fact that she likes to play dumb, she actually has a sort of sharp intelligence that she cannot completely hide. At the same time, it’s impossible also to miss the lack of direction that is also a signature problem with the Gemini.

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9 Cancer – Stephanie Tanner

There’s no question that Stephanie is a bit of a drama queen. Though she is able to put that aside sometimes, there are quite a few instances in the show where she indulges in her own whims and desires, sometimes the exclusion of others.

At the same time, as any Cancer will see, she is also very loving, loyal, and protective toward those that she cares about, including her sisters D.J. and Michelle.

8 Leo – Uncle Jesse

Leos are one of the most dominant signs of the zodiac, sweeping all before them with their fiery intensity. Those lions in the audiences will recognize one of their own with Uncle Jesse, who seems to ooze charisma from every pore. Though he made some questionable hair choices early on in the show, by the middle of its run it was clear that Uncle Jesse was someone that everyone in the audience could find appealing.

7 Virgo – Danny Tanner

No one is quite as much of a neat freak as the Virgo. As one of the most detail-oriented of the zodiac signs, they seem to always be obsessed with making sure that everything is in its own place. That describes Danny Tanner to a T. Anyone who has seen even a few episodes of the show knows that Danny is the kind of person who cleans his cleaning supplies and every one has its own place.

6 Libra – D.J. Tanner

Though she is one of the three Tanner children, D.J. is remarkably mature for her age. She is more level-headed than her younger sister Stephanie, and like any Libra she tries to find balance and stability in her life and in that of those that she loves. However, she’s also a bit of a romantic, and her relationship with Steve is one of the more endearing ones of the show.

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5 Scorpio – Uncle Jesse

The Scorpio is widely acknowledged to be the sexiest sign of the zodiac, so it would make sense that Scorpios would find a lot to identify with in Uncle Jesse. John Stamos is one of the handsomest actors to have ever appeared in a television series, and he brings a lot of that intensity to his characterization of Jesse. However, fans of the show will also recognize that, like all Scorpios, there’s a jealous side to Jesse as well.

4 Sagittarius – Steve Hale

D.J.’s boyfriend Steve is one of the more charming characters to appear in the show. More than that, though, he is also one of the nicest and most cheerful (making him a good match for D.J.) He seems to be a genuinely good-hearted guy (which makes it rather nice that they end up together in the sequel series). However, like all Sagittarius, he can also tend to be a bit tactless.

3 Capricorn -D.J. Tanner

Though D.J. exhibits many of the traits of the Libra, Capricorns will also see a lot of them in her. She’s a very practical sort of person, much more so than either of her two sisters (and more than either Jesse or Joey). In that sense, she definitely takes after her father, who has much of the Virgo about him. Earth signs have to stick together, after all!

2 Aquarius – Joey Gladstone

Despite his immaturity, Joey shows many of the key signs of the Aquarius. Along with Jesse, he is definitely one of the most creative characters on the show (as can be seen by the numerous imitations that he does, as well as eventual role in a children’s TV program).

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And, like many an Aquarius, he is also very friendly and, it should go without saying, very loyal to his family and friends.

1 Pisces – Danny Tanner

Though there are many things about Danny that fit into the earth sign of Virgo, he also has a lot of the Pisces about him. Pisces viewers will see in Danny all of the good things about their sign, including his selflessness (he is utterly devoted to his daughters) and deeply compassionate. It’s part of what makes him such an excellent father, as well as such a good friend and supporter of Joey and Jesse.

NextGilmore Girls: The Best Friendship In Each Season

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