Though hit fantasy series, Game of Thrones, may have had a convoluted ending, there are a number of fans who still strongly admire the characters and their story arcs. After 8 seasons (and by default, 8 years), fans have come to fall in love with some of the characters from the series. Whether that love is a fanning over how stunning a character is, or admiring their character growth, this show has always promoted its audiences to choose a favorite.

Many of the characters from the series and been unanimously type-casted into different personality types under the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®. Because of this, it has become incredibly easy to figure out which character belongs to which personality type, and therefore, figure out who is your soulmate based on your matching personality types.

10 INFJ – Jon Snow

Jon Snow is the firs ton the list and falls perfectly under an INFJ, also known as the Advocate. Jon Snow is tirelessly idealistic and always has pure intent. He aims to solve matters in a calm and peaceful way and probably has the biggest heart within the series, giving him more room to love you. The INFJ is known as “the preceptive leader,” which really suits him. He can perceive when things are going array and easily adapts to different kinds of people around him.

9 ENTP – Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion is probably the best example there is of an ENTP. This personality type is also known as the Debator, they can’t help a challenge and seemingly love being able to talk their way out of situations, much like Tyrion does time and time again. If Tyrion is your soulmate, the two of you will adore sharing in long debates with one another. Neither of you would see these debates as arguments but rather like that of exciting conversations that you both would thrive off of and became closer because of them.


8 ISTP – Arya Stark

Arya Stark is a true ISTP. She is able to take anything she is given and master it. ISTPs are known as the Virtuous and tactical leaders, they are known to be masters of all kinds of tools and anything they could get their hands on. This may explain why Arya is so quick to learn how to use her sword after her separation from Syrio. If Arya is your soulmate, you are surely able to work with your hands and master any kind of tool you set your mind too. Funny enough, Gendry Waters is also a known ISTP and shares a romantic affair with Arya.

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7 ESFJ – Sansa Stark

Sansa Stark goes through quite the character change and seemingly becomes more and more introverted as the show goes on before fully becoming her extroverted self again at the end of the series. Sansa probably has it the hardest out of all the Stark children which is especially difficult due to her extremely caring nature.

ESFJs are known as the Consul. They’re typically widely liked and are rather popular due to their caring and helpful natures. If Sansa is your soulmate, she is sure to help you out in any time of need and will support you during your endeavors.

6 INFP – Samwell Tarly

No one loves as much as Samwell Tarly loves. As an INFP, Sam is incredibly altruistic. He puts others before himself in almost every situation he gets himself into throughout the show and is constantly caring for others. He cares deeply about Jon, Gilly, and Little Sam and will do anything to protect them, even leave the Night’s Watch and stand up against his family. Sam has a deep understanding of right and wrong and constantly acts based on what his heart tells him. If he is your soulmate, you will have a strong love like no other, and someone who will always have your back.

5 ESFP – Ygritte

Ygritte is definitely an ESFP. She is spontaneous and energetic and always knows how to make sure her partner is happy. She seemingly puts a smile on Jon’s face the entire time they are together and feels utterly betrayed when he leaves her. If Ygritte is your soulmate, she will make sure you are always happy and having a great time. She will make sure to listen to your woes and consul you through joy.

4 INTP – Lord Varys

Varys has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and is always searching for more information. In a lot of ways, Varys is very similar to the likes of Tyrion, but due to his more introverted nature, he may come off more as a gossiper than a debator.

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If Varys is your soulmate, you surely love to gossip and hearing the latest news of the kingdom. You also probably enjoy helping others with the information and knowledge you come by and are willing to come up with new ways to help those in need.

3 ESTP – Jaime Lannister

Jamie Lannister is an ESTP, also known as the Entrepreneur. ESTPs are truly adept at reading people and situations. They know when relationships have gone sour based on the other’s personality rather than words. But Jamie also enjoys having a good time, he is energetic and enjoys some pretty good banter. If he is your soulmate, the two of you would understand one another beyond words can say and will have fun quips back and forth.

2 INTJ – Petyr Baelish

Little Finger is definitely an INTJ, and though he a rather bad example of the MBTI®, no one really fits this one like him. Tywin Lannister is another listed INTJ, but Petyr Baelish seems to capture the essence of the Architect perfectly. He is always planning and always has a backup plan. He manipulates people to a breaking point and knows to trust himself over every other plan. This is the reason for his demise as well. He trusted his abilities to manipulate and strategize so much that he forgot to calculate for his manipulation failing. If he is your soulmate, he will have a love for you that is so strong and powerful, it may unfortunately become toxic.

1 ENFJ – Daenerys Targaryen

Finally on the list is Daenerys Targaryen. Daenerys is the best example of an ENFJ, also known as the Protagonist. She is a charismatic leader who makes the people love her for her leadership and actions rather than by force. She is on a mission to free the slaves and reclaim her throne throughout the series. Daenerys becomes truly inspiring, which is why many end up backing her during her fight for the throne. However, even she can’t handle the greed of Westeros and becomes a bit power hungry by the end of the series.

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