Grace and Frankie, the hit comedy from Netflix, is one of those series that manages to find just the right balance between comedy and drama. Every episode manages to hit the right notes, drawing audiences into the profound relationships between and among these characters.

The richness of these characterizations makes them easy to identify with, and thinking about them in terms of their zodiacs adds a further layer of richness and complexity to their personalities.

12 Aries – Robert

Robert is a textbook fire sign. From the time that he first appears in the show, Robert takes the lead in most things. He’s very courageous and lively, and he loves to try new things, such as when he wants to become an actor in the theater.

However, Robert can also be a bit impatient, and this causes more than a few headaches with his partner Sol, as does the fact that he can sometimes be inconsiderate of others’ feelings.

11 Taurus – Bud

One of the two sons of Sol and Frankie, Bud is definitely the practical one of his family. He has a no-nonsense demeanor that is sharply at odds with his brother Coyote and both of his parents.

One can’t help but wonder whether Bud has developed these personality traits in order to differentiate himself from the chaos that is always such a key part of the Bergstein household. And like all Tauruses he can also be a bit stubborn.


10 Gemini – Mallory

One of the two daughters of Grace and Robert, Mallory has always been an obedient daughter, and on paper she seems to have a perfect life.

However, under the surface there is a profound sense of discontent that is at odds with the face that she presents to the public and most of the members of her family. Like a true Gemini, there is always more to her than meets the eye, two very different sides of her complex personality.

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9 Cancer – Coyote

Coyote is the wild child of the Bergstein family. A man of deep and profound emotions, he is also a bit self-indulgent, particularly in the flame that he continues to carry for Mallory.

Coyote also tends to suffer from mood swings, and he unfortunately also has endured substance abuse for a significant part of his adult life. However, he is also very loyal to both of his parents and to his brother.

8 Leo – Adam

Adam is one of the standout minor characters who regularly appear in Grace and Frankie. He works for the company that Grace headed; in fact, she was responsible for hiring him. The fact that he manages to make such an impression despite his rather limited screentime speaks to his power as a Leo to command attention.

Furthermore, Adam also exhibits the Leonine tendency to be very straightforward, almost blunt, with his opinions.

7 Virgo – Grace

Grace is a textbook Virgo. She’s logical, sensible, and she has a keen eye for detail, all of which have served her in good stead as a businesswoman.

However, the flip side of all of that competence is that she tends to be more than a little judgmental when she thinks that other people aren’t living up to the standards and expectations that she has set. The Virgo, however, will appreciate that she is also kind and helpful, even when she disagrees with someone.

6 Libra – Jacob

Jacob is another of the recurring characters who makes quite an impression. Originally Frankie’s “yam man,” the two also have a romantic relationship.

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Though he’s a Libra, Jacob exhibits signs of being grounded, and he brings a certain measure of balance to Frankie’s way of being in the world (appropriately for a sign whose symbol is the scale). He is a very charming and romantic Libra, and so it’s no wonder that Frankie finds herself falling for him.

5 Scorpio – Nick

The Scorpio is the bad boy of the zodiac, so it would only make sense that Nick, the rather arrogant and cocky man that pursues Grace, would fit into this category. There’s something undeniably appealing about Nick’s character and the way that he seems to be able to take control of a room without really trying.

And, let’s face it, there is also something very sexy about Nick, as well (and everyone knows the Scorpio is the sexiest sign of the zodiac).

4 Sagittarius – Allison

The Sagittarius has something of a well-deserved reputation for being one of the stranger and more enigmatic of the signs, and they also tend to be more than a little tactless.

Though the viewer doesn’t get a ton of time seeing Allison on the screen, Grace and Frankie does often show her as being strange and sometimes more than a little unsettling, as well as lacking in tact in certain social situations.

3 Capricorn – Brianna

Brianna is the perfect synthesis of her two parents. She has the charisma of Robert with the ruthless business sense of Grace. As a result, it makes sense that Grace would put the well-being of her company into her hands.

Like all Capricorns, Brianna has a ruthlessly rational way of looking at the world, one that sometimes puts her at odds with those around her. However, it is precisely her ability to make plans and to see them through that makes her successful at what she does.

2 Aquarius – Frankie

All it takes is one episode to see the ways in which Frankie falls very easily into the Aquarius category. Though fiercely intelligent, friendly, and imaginative, she also has many of the other less desirable traits that are associated with this sign, including a certain unreliability and a tendency to follow her impulses.

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That being said, the most important Aquarius quality Frankie possesses is her loyalty, to both her family and her friends.

1 Pisces – Sol

Sol is quite possibly the most adorable character to appear in the show, due in no small part to the fact that he is portrayed by Sam Waterston. Sol is the perfect partner for Robert, for while Robert tends to be a bit too cold and calculating in how he thinks about the world, Sol is very much in touch with his feelings.

Given that Sol is a Pisces, however, sometimes his emotionality can lead him into trouble, and it causes him to make some very questionable choices.

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