Kingdom Hearts is a unique series of games in that it utilizes characters from Disney and Square Enix, as well as a great number of original characters, to tell a whole new story. This allows players to see characters that they love from their favorite Disney movies and Final Fantasy games, as well as fall in love with original faces like Sora, Kairi, and Riku.

Whether they are the original creation of the Kingdom Hearts writers or reimaginings of Disney’s favorites, these characters are colorful and vastly different, allowing audiences to relate with each of them in different ways. These 12 characters and their correlating Zodiac sign based on their personality traits will help fans find the character that matches them best!


Aries – Riku

Aries personalities are described as being bold and ambitious, as well as extremely competitive. They tend to plow straight ahead into a problem, sometimes without giving it much thought. While they often achieve much in life, they very commonly learn their lessons the hard way: through experience.

Riku is a great example of an Aries. He was always very competitive with Sora at sports, and when he wanted answers, he rushed into darkness without a thought for the consequences. His actions left his friends spiraling, determined to bring him back.

Taurus – Eraqus

A Taurus is practical and stern, and for that reason is known as being extremely reliable. They are also very patient, making them excellent teachers. As a downside, a Taurus will typically hold to their word to a fault, being unrelenting and lacking flexibility.

Master Eraqus is the teacher of Aqua, Terra, and Vetus, and he is fiercely protective of them, another characteristic of a Taurus. However, he also embodies this sign in that he is uncompromising, which ultimately contributed to Terra losing his way when he fails the Mark of Mastery exam.

Gemini – Kairi

A Gemini is kinda and caring and, when they need to be, they are courageous and make fierce friends. Between this and their inquisitive nature, Gemini are generally easy people to get along with.

Kairi is one of the most likable original characters in Kingdom Hearts and is loved by everyone in the series. With her gentle demeanor, balanced with an ability to stand up for herself and come through for her friends, any Gemini should be glad to claim her.

Cancer – Axel

Cancers are known for existing in the middle of the moral playing field. While they are endlessly loyal and tenacious, they can also be emotional and manipulative. Ultimately, a Cancer can choose their own path, but will likely bring a sarcastic playfulness along with them.

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This is a perfect description of Axel, who is the audience’s favorite bad guy redemption. While Axel is snarky and often plays with Sora like a cat would a mouse, he ultimately holds true to his own beliefs and comes through last minute to stand by his friend Roxas.

Leo – Demyx

Leos are passionate and very creative. Often artists, musicians, or dancers, Leos are willing to put everything they have into what they create. They also tend to be inflexible, holding dearly to their own concept of what is right or what makes good art.

Demyx is a member of Organization XIII and uses music to control water and make it fight for him. He is able to control the Dancer Nobodies and takes his music and art very seriously. He is also extremely secure in his mission, giving it everything he has, just like a Leo would.

Virgo – Naminé

Virgos, like Geminis, are kindhearted and loyal. They are very analytical of the people and situations around them, causing them to often be very intelligent. Unlike a Gemini, however, a Virgo is more likely to be shy and overly self-critical.

Naminé was unique in that when she was created, she had no memories, and no foundation for her personality. Because of this, she is very quiet and slightly fearful. However, she finds that she has empathy and compassion, resulting in her serving as a kind and gentle help to the heroes.

Libra – Goofy

Libras are social and friendly. They tend to be easy to get along with and are always striving to keep things fair and diplomatic. This can also lead them to be somewhat indecisive, often finding themselves on the fence about the conflicts around them.

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Goofy is difficult for anyone to dislike. He is extremely loyal and simply wants everyone to be okay and get along. He often plays the part of the mediator when it comes to hot-headed Donald, but such is the burden of the Libra.

Scorpio – Vanitas

Scorpios are passionate and resourceful. When these traits are used for good, they can lead a Scorpio to be a fierce and loyal friend. However, with their naturally distrusting and jealous nature, they can also fall on the complete other side of that spectrum.

Vanitas is the dark side of Ventus and the Kingdom Hearts villain fans love to hate, and after poor treatment from Xehanort, he developed a complete disregard for life. He is violent, determined, and arrogant. He is completely fixated on achieving salvation and does not care what he has to go through to get there. While he is certainly the worst-case scenario for a Scorpio, he is one all the same.

Sagittarius – Sora

The Sagittarius is the adventurer. They are idealistic and generous, caring deeply for the people around them. While a Sagittarius is likely to be energetic and optimistic, they are also very impatient, and will often say exactly what they think and feel.

As the hero of Kingdom Hearts, Sora is a natural Sagittarius. As well as Roxas and Ventus, he is endlessly cheerful, able to turn any situation into a positive one, and refuses to ever give up. His impatience only seems to push him further, propelling him onward to save his friends sooner rather than later.

Capricorn – Aqua

Capricorns are the responsible managers of the people around them. They often take on a parent or older sibling-like role with their friends and will protect them with everything they have. They can sometimes come across as a know-it-all, but the people that care about them don’t typically mind being told what to do by them.

Aqua cares for Ventus and Terra and will do anything to keep them safe. She is the one who reels them in and refocuses them. She is gentle and kind, similar to Kairi, but like a classic big-sister Capricorn, she will do anything for them, even if she is slightly exasperated by it.

Aquarius – Donald

An Aquarius is original and independent. They tend to put on a strong front, fearing to express deeper emotions, but they can be temperamental. They hold strong to their own opinions and it takes a lot to change their mind. However, they are also huge advocates for life and will do anything to help the people around them.

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As a video game that includes Disney characters, Donald Duck has to be included, and he makes the perfect Aquarius. He is the balance to Sora and Goofy’s endless optimism, and they are the balance for his tendency to exist on the more negative side of things. He is quick to anger, but this is mostly when he sees that someone has faced an injustice, and he will do anything to correct it.

Pisces – Terra

Pisces has so much potential for good. They are compassionate to the point of taking on everyone else’s problems and pains. They tend to be wise and intuitive, as well as creative and talented at almost anything they try. As a downside, they also can be overly trusting, and can easily become a victim.

Terra is strong and extremely skilled, with the ability to be one of the best Keyblade Wielders in Kingdom Hearts. He is quieter than his friends, coming off as cool and resolved, but under the surface, he feels a lot and he feels it deeply. His Pisces tendency to overtrust led him to put too much faith in Xehanort, causing him to be manipulated.

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