In a city like Los Angeles, there is no lack of potential for romantic partners. Especially when Lucifer takes a vacation. He brings the power of heaven and hell with him. Lucifer has an expansive cast of romantic partners to choose from.

Good and evil, there is a zodiac sign for everyone. From angels to demons to psychiatrists, everyone has a type. While it may be difficult to find a long term relationship with these characters, at least you’ll have a fun ride on the way.

12 Mazikeen – Aries

Looking for some adventure in your relationship? Look no further than Lucifer’s right-hand demon Maze. A bounty hunter literally from hell, Maze’s fiery disposition is a match for any Aries. Though she has softened over time, her spontaneity as key to an exciting partner And when looking for a night off, her search for her own soul proves that she has a soft spot.

11 Amenadiel – Taurus

The favorite son to the almighty, Amenadiel is safe choice. His heart guides him where it needs to go. And this is not a bad thing. No matter how many times he is knocked down, he always perseveres. He first landed on Earth because of his love for his brother. He stayed because of all of the people he connected with along the way. His genuine thoughtfulness provides the support that Taureans love.


10 Gemini—Michael

A relatively new addition to the Lucifer cast, there is no one more Gemini than Michael. Since he is Lucifer’s literal twin, he is perfect for the dual natured sign. For those looking for a stable relationship, this is not it. He is intent on destroying Lucifer’s life and everyone in it.

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But when Geminis are looking for love, that is not always a priority. Michael is a trickster and that will keep you on your toes.

9 Cancer—Lieutenant Marcus Pierce

Genuinely mysterious in the beginning, it takes a while for Lt. Pierce to show his true colors. For better or for worse, he shows his true nature through his actions. While he may have ulterior motives and is humanity’s first murderer, any respect earned from him would be hard-won and rewarding.

8 Leo—Dan

Dan may have had quite a few failed relationships, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have merit. He has made mistakes in the past, but his strength of spirit is where he shines. He is ferocious when protecting those he loves. He was difficult for even Lucifer to win over- and vice versa-but that was because of his protective nature. He is a fierce advocate for anyone in his corner.

7 Chloe—Virgo

Always choosing logic over emotion, it took Chloe several seasons to believe that Lucifer was the devil. This analytical mind is something that every Virgo can respect.

She believes in what she does and takes it seriously. This comes into play with work as well relationships. Her mind is her greatest asset.

6 Candy Morningstar—Libra

Candy goes with the flow, an attractive concept to a Libra. After knowing Lucifer for a day, she agreed to marry him.

It wasn’t without its benefits, but she had no issues following the tide in that regard. And just as quickly as they got married, the marriage was annulled. Her easy going nature appeals to Libras.

5 Charlotte Richards—Scorpio

When Lucifer’s ethereal mother possessed Charlotte Richard’s body, it seemed like the lawyer would not be long for this world. But she was resilient and resourceful. These are qualities that Scorpios would appreciate in a partner.

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Even when Charlotte got her body back, she didn’t let it keep her down. She strove to be better, no matter what the cost.

4 Ella—Sagittarius

Akin to blunt force, Ella comes out swinging when she first shows up on Lucifer. The fast talking crime scene investigator uses her artistic side in solving murders. She marches to the beat of her own drum, not beholden to anyone’s expectations. Every episode shows a new side of Ella. A Sagittarius would never be bored of her antics.

3 The Mother Goddess—Capricorn

Lucifer’s mother was so powerful that she had to be held in a cell in Hell for a millennium. This has to do with her ambition. Even when literally thrown out of heaven, she is determined to crawl her way out. This overachieving is something a Capricorn would be able to bond over. With The Mother Goddess, there will never be a mountain too high to climb.

2 Aquarius—Lucifer

Lucifer is difficult to pin down and relationships are something he is not famous for. However, an Aquarius would be an ideal partner. Charismatic and alluring, the pull Lucifer has is hard to deny.

An Aquarius would be able to leave him to his own devices when he needed it but would also benefit from his genuine caring persona and commitment to doing the right thing.

1 Dr. Linda – Pisces

Pisces are known for being emotional and sensitive. This is perfect for Dr. Linda who treats the Devil himself in therapy. She knows how to get to the soft core of human emotion. She never judges and has a soft spot for lost causes. She has a tender heart and romanticism that knows no bounds.

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