Parks and Recreation emerged as an instant classic for millions of viewers when it got its start in 2009. The show featured a similar type of humor and format as The Office, no surprise when you consider Michael Schur and Greg Daniels were largely behind both of these brilliant mockumentaries. This formula simply worked, and Parks and Rec fans were treated to seven seasons of comedic excellence.

The characters were hilarious, but they weren’t just there to make you laugh. Many of them had real personalities that viewers could gravitate to. And, there are certainly enough wacky characters in Park and Rec to fit several lists of the twelve Zodiac signs.

12 Aries- Donna Meagle

An Aries is confident, straight-forward, and is always trying to get ahead of the pack. Donna Meagle has never been one to mince words on Parks and Rec. 

She tells everyone what she’s thinking and isn’t afraid of, well, anything. She can also get quite upset with people who cross her, another Aries trait. Don’t mess with these people. They’ll make you pay for it.

11 Taurus- Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson is a model of stability on Parks and Recreation. He always has his affairs in order and is practical when he is tasked with doing something. Tauruses can also be stubborn, which is arguably this man’s most well-known trait.

Good luck convincing Ron Swanson to think or do something he doesn’t agree with. A Taurus also enjoys the finer things in life, like Ron Swanson does with food and, as the viewer eventually finds out, jazz music.


10 Gemini- Chris Traeger

Dealing with a Gemini is an adventure, which should be considered a euphemism in this case. They are quick learners, affectionate, and kind, but are also prone to veer off into some completely different personality, Jekyll and Hyde style.

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Chris Traeger has many moments of being the energetic, happy, intelligent member of the Pawnee Parks department, and others when he falls into a deep depression. Chris Traeger is a Gemini, there’s no mistaking it.

9 Cancer- Ben Wyatt

Cancers are a sweet, imaginative breed. Ben Wyatt is naturally kind and caring towards others. He also invented the massive, convoluted adventure game Cones of Dunshire, something that takes an incredible amount of creativity.

Cancers can also be a bit insecure, for they tend to lack confidence in themselves and avoid confrontation. Ben Wyatt improves in this category somewhat as the show progresses, but he clearly is not a natural Alpha male.

8 Leo- Tom Haverford

Leos excel when they are leading something. They relish in the spotlight, which is when their creativity and confidence shines through.

Tom Haverford might not always embark on the most successful business ventures, but he naturally gravitates towards this type of role. Leos can also be lazy and selfish, which Tom Haverford often is in moments when he isn’t mentally stimulated, like when he’s working at the Pawnee Parks Department.

7 Virgo- Leslie Knope

One look at Leslie Knope’s office and anyone will know that she is a Virgo. People of this Zodiac sign are known for being methodical and neat in every aspect of their lives. Every minute detail of this woman’s life is meticulously planned out.

This often affects her social life, for she is constantly working towards a future Pawnee project and finds it difficult to wind down. But hey, she’s a Virgo, they can’t shut their minds off.

6 Libra- Ann Perkins

Libras love balance. They are also fair-minded and excel when giving advice to others. Ann Perkins is good at separating her work from her social life when her nursing career allows for it, something that often makes Leslie turn to her for advice.

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She struggles in this area, so Ann Perkins can be counted on to always point her in the right direction. Were it not for her, Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt might not have ever gotten together.

5 Scorpio- April Ludgate

Scorpios are known for being secretive, mysterious, and quite stubborn. April Ludgate enjoys keeping secrets, specifically Ron Swanson’s, and is as headstrong as they come when it comes to receiving orders.

Much like the scorpion, the animal that represents this Zodiac sign, April Ludgate stings those who cross her, even mildly (i.e. April Ludgate’s ongoing petty feud with Ann Perkins).

4 Sagittarius- Jean-Ralphio Saperstein

Wherever a Sagittarius is, that’s usually where the party is too. Jean-Ralphio is one of the kookiest characters on Parks and Rec, who often upends many of Tom Haverford’s business ideas due to his erratic behavior.

That is an unfortunate trait for this Zodiac sign; they don’t always think things through and have trouble keeping promises. But if you’re looking for someone to have a good time and share a few laughs with, Jean-Ralphio Saperstein is your man.

3 Capricorn- Mark Brendanawicz

Mark Brendanawicz was only on Parks and Rec for the first two seasons, but made his mark nonetheless, no pun intended. He is a highly intelligent individual who is even-keeled, though he doesn’t really feel stimulated by his work in local government.

Capricorns are usually quite smart like Brendanawicz is, though they also tend to be condescending towards people that aren’t on their level. They can become curmudgeonly if they feel like they are being held back, like Mark Brendanawicz did before he departed Parks and Rec. 

2 Aquarius- Diane Lewis

Diane Lewis is an independent woman. She is a single mother of two, yet is just fine dealing with things on her own. She falls for and eventually marries Ron Swanson, who appreciates her classic Aquarius independence.

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This sign produces true originals who do not conform to societal norms, instead carving their own path because they are confident in themselves. Diane Lewis doesn’t need Ron Swanson, she just happens to love Ron Swanson.

1 Pisces- Andy Dwyer

A Pisces is arguably the most musically-inclined Zodiac sign, something that is right in Andy Dwyer’s wheelhouse. Pisces are also kind and gentle like he is, though they can be over-sensitive.

It isn’t hard to hurt a Pisces’s feelings, just like it isn’t had to make Andy Dwyer feel bad about his up-and-down (mostly down) music career. A Pisces will always be nice to you, just make sure to be nice to them.


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