Most Pokémon may not be able to say much more than their own names, but that doesn’t stop them from having vibrant personalities — something that Pikachu proves during the very first episode of the children’s anime. Despite not being able to vocalize their likes and dislikes, Pokémon make their personality traits apparent as their trainers get to know them.

This is how Ash comes to realize that Pikachu is courageous and loyal, while Charizard is moody and rebellious — and the list continues. These qualities showcased in the anime are what were used to determine which zodiac sign some of fans’ favorite Pokémon represent.

12 Aquarius: Haunter

Aquarius don’t always fit into the mold society sets before them, much like Sabrina’s Haunter didn’t quite adopt the beliefs of its fellow ghost Pokémon in the Pokémon Tower — something that eventually led it to leave them behind.

Like those who claim Aquarius as their zodiac sign, Haunter is progressive and idealistic in that sense — and it’s also a bit eccentric. (One would have to be to appeal to Sabrina’s kinder side, though, no?)

11 Pisces: Vulpix

Although Vulpix eventually warms up to Brock enough to join his Pokémon team, it takes a while for the fox Pokémon to do so — and that’s because Vulpix is a bit more closed off than the other Pokémon fans meet. This is something it has in common with Pisces, and it’s not the only trait the fire type shares with them.

Pisces are also said to be intuitive and very cool, and fans know that Vulpix has a sense of style and the ability to make accurate judgments.


10 Aries: Pikachu

Aries tend to be passionate, relentless and enthusiastic — all traits Pokémon fans have witnessed Ash’s Pikachu display time and time again. Once Pikachu warms to Ash, the electric mouse Pokémon will do anything to prove itself and become the very best, just like its trainer.

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Like Aries, Pikachu has also demonstrated a lack of fondness for arbitrary expectations — like getting into a Pokéball, perhaps?

9 Taurus: Bulbasaur

Taurus are stubborn and uncompromising, two traits Pokémon fans know Bulbasaur exudes upon first meeting Ash. Bulbasaur is also possessive of the other Pokémon it cares about, showcasing what would typically be considered Taurus flaws in a more positive way.

Once it joins Ash’s team, Bulbasaur also displays numerous other Taurus personality traits, from being reliable and devoted to being responsible. Taurus are good people to have in your corner when times get tough, and Bulbasaur has proved an asset to Ash in the same way.

8 Gemini: Mew

Gemini are known for being loving, gentle, and curious, and Mew seems to fit that description best when it comes to the Pokémon Ash comes across on his journey.

Of course, Mew won’t hesitate to defend itself when provoked. But generally, the mythical Pokémon falls in line with Gemini’s more agreeable qualities.

7 Cancer: Togepi

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6 Leo: Squirtle

Leos can be cheerful and friendly with a great sense of humor, but their charisma can also border on arrogance at times. That description brings to mind the Squirtle Squad, and that’s why Squirtle is the perfect Pokémon to represent this zodiac sign.

Squirtle’s days in the Squirtle Squad also showcased a stubbornness that’s come to be associated with Leos. (But thankfully, Ash’s Squirtle does cave in and do the right thing when it’s called for!)

5 Virgo: Onix

Although Onix isn’t necessarily shy, Brock’s Pokémon is reserved and quiet, embracing two traits often associated with Virgos.

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In addition to being less loud and fiery than some of Ash’s Pokémon, Onix shows loyalty to Brock and the other Pokémon in his trainer’s party — and those who follow astrology know that Virgos are some of the most loyal people to have in your life.

4 Libra: Butterfree

Libras are social beings, and as Butterfree fly in large groups, it makes sense they’d represent this zodiac sign. Libras are also known for their diplomacy and leadership skills, two attributes fans have seen Ash’s Butterfree exhibit right before parting ways with him.

Of course, Butterfree had a difficult time choosing between Ash and its new family, which is also in character for Libras, most of whom tend to be indecisive.

3 Scorpio: Charizard

Scorpios can be fierce and stubborn, two traits that describe Ash’s Charizard incredibly well. And although these traits can be off-putting when it comes to Charizard, they can also be useful in moderation.

Like Charizard, Scorpios are also determined when they set their minds to something. They’re also loyal, something Charizard has proven to be, even if it only rushes to Ash’s rescue when things are truly dire.

2 Sagittarius: Meowth

Sagittarius tend to be idealistic and have a great sense of humor, and what Pokémon fits that description better than Team Rocket’s Meowth? Just like a Sagittarius, Meowth pushes the envelope — even going so far as to learn how to speak — and the cat Pokémon also makes for great comedic relief.

Naturally, Meowth’s joking nature can be a bit tactless at times, a weakness many Sagittarius struggle with. Meowth’s impatience only adds to this lack of tact, but these qualities prove Meowth a Sagittarius through and through.

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1 Capricorn: Mewtwo

Despite having an ambitious nature, Capricorns tend to view the glass as half empty, dwelling on the negatives even as they continue to improve themselves. That’s something Mewtwo struggles with in Pokemon: The First Movie, failing to see the positive side of human beings and failing to understand why one should use their power for good.

Mewtwo’s journey makes the legendary Pokémon a perfect figurehead for Capricorns — and offers the hope that the glass is not half empty after all, even if it looks that way at the time.

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