Studio Ghibli’s Princess Mononoke is one of the finest cinematic pieces that Miyazaki has ever created, and one of the biggest contributors to its success were the colorful and interesting characters of the movie. The movie dealt with the grey area of mankind’s survival versus preserving nature, a dichotomy that Ashitaka and San brought out very well.

All the Gods, demons, and humans of Princess Mononoke had such distinct personalities, that they aligned perfectly with the astrological signs. All the players in the Studio Ghibli movie displayed traits that the twelve signs of the zodiac are known for, and this is how they fared.


Aries: Lord Asano And The Samurais

Although Lord Asano never appeared in the movie, his samurais and court officials represented him and his intentions well, which were clear. He always wanted to be first, and he always wanted to come out fighting, just like the celestial rams. They are bold and ambitious, and Lord Asano’s ambition to conquer was quite clear from the start.

Always armed and ready for battle, he didn’t hesitate in taking several villages by force and even aiming for Irontown and the Forest when he had to.

Taurus: Lord Okkoto

The variety of characters made Princess Mononoke one of the best Studio Ghibli movies, and Lord Okkoto added that diversity, being a boar god, and a blind one at that. He was wise but stubborn, just like Taurus tend to be. He loved the Forest and its serene environment, but he was dead set on fighting the humans, even if it meant the end of his clan.

His obstinance led to the end of his boars, and even his demise because he didn’t listen to San when she told him that they were being led into a trap.

Gemini: San/ Princess Mononoke

San, better known as the titular Princess Mononoke, had a double identity, just like the zodiac sign of Gemini. Not two-faced, but she struggled with the duality of being human, but also being raised as a spirit of the woods by Moro.

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She was also playful and one of the most intelligent characters of Princess Mononoke, which also made her similar to the twins of astrology. She would have been a lot more at peace if she had belonged wholly to the Forest, but Ashitaka helped her see that there could be harmony between both her identities.

Cancer: Yakul

The red elk was a constant companion to Ashitaka, and his clairvoyance was much like a Cancer’s. The animal was observant and sharp beyond his years, and his natural empathy for his master, along with the courage to step into the forest but stay away from danger resembled the zodiac sign a lot.

He truly cared for Ashitaka, and he used his intuition to guide him through rough patches in the battle. Yakul exhibited all the qualities of the crab of the zodiac.

Leo: The Forest Spirit

The Forest Spirit of Princess Mononoke formed the epicenter of all the conflict in the movie. He controlled and gave life to the Forest, but humans were trying to take over his land by destroying it piece by piece. Moreover, Jiko wanted his head, which made the Spirit the star of the show, akin to Leo.

Leos love being in the limelight and enjoy the attention they receive while they are in it. One can say that the Forest Spirit was a playful show-off with his healing abilities, and his limited appearances were wildly dramatic and unforgettable, like the celestial lions. The emotional ending of the Studio Ghibli movie can also be attributed to the vivacious Forest Spirit.

Virgo: Gonza

Practical and loyal, Gonza believed in systems and the hierarchy, much like the methodical Virgo. He knew that his service was to Lady Eboshi, so he protected her to the best of his ability, striving for perfection in her security detail.

He liked being at the top of the Irontown chain of authority, which meant that Toki and the other men technically reported to him. They didn’t take his authority seriously, but he sure did.

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Libra: Ashitaka

The scales of the zodiac always aim for balance and harmony, and Ashitaka was a living, breathing embodiment of Libra. He knew how to look beyond black and white, and see that there was a way to help out both the environment, as well as the humans to mitigate a bad situation between the two.

He also hailed from the Emishi, a clan that was patrons of arts and crafts. He appreciated his own culture and aesthetics, which also resembled this unique astrological sign.

Scorpio: Master Jiko

Like Scorpio, Master Jiko was not afraid to lie in wait till the time was right, and then strike for gold for his benefit. Since meeting Ashitaka, he was planning several steps to be able to get to the Forest Spirit and get its head for his gains.

He was mysterious till the end, and viewers were left guessing what his endgame was, till he revealed he owed ahead to the Emperor. He was shady and evil, much more than Lady Eboshi also.

Sagittarius: The Wise Woman/ Hi-Sama

Forever on a quest for knowledge and the unknown, the Wise Woman in Ashitaka’s hometown was most like the zodiac’s archer. She used her powers and her affinity for the spiritual to give Ashitaka and the villagers the answers they needed about Nago and the gods.

She also wasn’t afraid to give them the news that their Prince would have to separate from the tribe and go right the wrongs that were happening in the Forest. She was fearless, intelligent, and wise, just like Sagittarius.

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Capricorn: Toki And The Iron Town Women

The women of Irontown were special — they were resilient and hardworking, and nothing could stop them from getting their work done. After a hard life as sex workers, Lady Eboshi had given them a new lease on life, which they appreciated and worked for.

Just like the goat, they showed unwavering loyalty to the one who spoke up for them, and Toki led them fearlessly. She showed a huge amount of determination when it came to protecting Irontown, which was unexpected for women at the time.

Aquarius: Lady Eboshi

Often hailed as the antagonist of Princess Mononoke, this Ghibli villain was very different from the usual. She was revolutionary in her thinking and put humanity first if one looked beyond her destructive capabilities. She didn’t shun lepers but invited them to work for her.

Similarly, she gave sex workers a respectful way of working and provided them all with a home. Just like Aquarius, she was a humanitarian who had unfortunately gone just a bit too far.

Pisces: Moro

Being a 300-year-old God, Moro had absorbed all the history, love, pain, and beauty of the world, just like the last sign of the zodiac is prone to doing. Therefore she was extremely wise and all-knowing, having seen how the world works.

She could be kind and gentle like she had been with San when she decided to raise her as her pup, but also be fiercely defendant of her own and the Forest when she needed to be.

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