The profession simulator game House Flipper is a solitary experience, as the player’s first-person view character never sees any NPCs in or outside the homes they renovate, leading to an experience that can be relaxing or eerie, depending on the house in question. There are buyer NPCs, however, and despite these characters having pre-defined likes and dislikes, trying to satisfy the buyers’ often extremely specific desires is complicated, and may sometimes feel impossible. House Flipper has achievements for selling homes to each of the different buyers, so players will need to appeal to individual buyer’s often mercurial moods to unlock each one.


One odd quirk of House Flipper is that the buyers seem to always expect pre-furnished houses. Players will need to master House Flipper’s tools for renovation and repair, but also develop their skills in design and furnishing. Beyond amenities like sinks, refrigerators, and toilets, if a home does not have a bed placed in it, many buyers will complain that they have no place to sleep, while others will complain about the absence of a television, and other specific furnishings. While it seems strange that the buyers do not simply move their own furniture into the home and decorate it themselves, the expectation of a furnished house adds to the gameplay of House Flipper, as simply cleaning and repainting a home would likely grow dull much faster.

This means players must learn each buyer’s tastes, and prepare a house ideally suited to them from time of purchase. Buyers will list the pros and cons of a house as they make their bids, but even in the rare cases where a buyer has no dislikes, they may not be the top bidder. This means that players aiming to have a specific buyer make the highest bid may need to not just meet that buyer’s needs, but intentionally make the home unappealing to other buyers. House Flipper is full of secrets, but sometimes understanding the buyers seems like the most elusive part of the game.

All House Flipper Buyers Expect Fully Furnished Homes

Rafael Erko is a buyer who is a 28-year-old personal trainer, and self-described “real man.” He enjoys having a television in the bedroom as well as the living room, large speakers, and bookshelves for his magazine collection. He will react negatively if there are any items suited for children in the house, or if there are no bookshelves, but one pet peeve of his is difficult to get past. Rafael will often complain that “there is no private space for myself.” The game does not offer any elaboration on what this means and giving Rafael his private space is a bit perplexing.

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The player can construct a small room with a single chair, a desk, and a computer or gaming console in House Flipper, for a one-person office space, and Rafael will still voice the same complaint. A flipper can place a door with a lock outside such a room, using the option for an exterior door on the inside of the home, and the issue is still repeated. For most people, a private space to themselves would be whatever room they choose to make it. Rafael in House Flipper clearly has some extremely specific ideas of what a private space is, but it is left to the player to guess what they are.

Buyers like the Jantart family and the Jonson family will both request large living rooms, where they can spend time together as a family. Just as Rafael’s private space is dubiously defined, it can be difficult to create a space that these family will consider an appropriate family room. Players can build a large room containing a television, couches, and items like a piano and other conversation pieces, and these buyers may still state they have no space where they can gather as a family.

Appealing To Odd Buyers Is Part Of House Flipper’s Charm

There are many other exacting demands from buyers that players will encounter, including a few buyers who will only purchase properties with bunkers, for those with access to the Apocalypse DLC. These doomsday preppers include Lonewolf37 and Ted Arrown, and options are limited to “Garage with a bunker” and “Old house with a bunker.” The artistic Veronica Liptson will want the house pre-decorated with art and plants, and she is one buyer who actually prefers a bit of a mess, something players can leverage when they are aiming to make her the high bidder. Each buyer has their quirks, and while they are often illogical, they do add to the unique and offbeat experience of playing House Flipperalong with its pop culture references and other Easter eggs.

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