One of the most popular series in the Star Trek franchise, Star Trek: The Next Generation took the torch from the original 60s series in 1987 and charted its own course to boldly go where its predecessor had never gone before. From 1987 until the early 00s, Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-D’s adventures spanned seven seasons and several popular films, taking Gene Roddenberry’s original Utopian ideals and updating them for a new generation of fans.

Like Captain Kirk and Co. on the original Enterprise, the characters of TNG became fan-favorites. Fans came to identify with Commander Data’s unique sense of humor, Riker’s effort to be the next intergalactic Casanova, Deanna Troi’s unwavering empathy, and Captain Picard’s stalwart integrity. Read on to find out which TNG character you are based on your zodiac sign.


As the first officer aboard the Enterprise-D, Commander William Riker had a lot of responsibilities, but despite the duties inherent to his rank, he still managed to become quite popular with his fellow crew members. While his aggressive nature initially clashed with Captain Picard’s, he was able to learn some diplomatic skills from his more reserved commanding officer.

Like most Aries, Riker was adventurous, forthright, and much more fond of taking initiative head-on rather than talking about a plan of attack. Though he could be impulsive and quick-tempered, his emotionally dynamic side made him passionate. His charm was as infamous as his love for jazz music.


As the first Klingon to join Starfleet and raised by a human family for most of his life, Commander Worf often felt conflicted about his heritage. When he became the Chief of Security aboard the Enterprise-D, after Tasha Yar perished during First Contact with a hostile alien, he took comfort in finding his purpose.

Unlike most Klingons but reminiscent of most Tauruses, Worf was known for his patience, reservation, and reliability. The only times he could be possessive and hostile were in matters of love and honor, but most of the time Worf reveled in the discipline and routine of his work. Beneath much of his reserved placidity, he could be quite warm-hearted and even lovable.



Considered a wunderkind/boy genius, Wesley Crusher was given a position on the bridge of the Enterprise-D despite not having completed Starfleet Academy by the time of his assignment. With an intricate knowledge of all things mechanical and technological, he picked up skills quickly in all manner of departments, from astroscience to engineering.

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Like many Gemini, Wesley was extremely adaptive and intelligent, often using his versatility to help others around him. His youthful exuberance sometimes worked against him and he occasionally felt like he wasn’t taken seriously by older members of the crew. Luckily he could communicate his needs and be receptive to the advice of his peers.


As a Betazoid, Deanna Troi made an exceptional ship’s counselor aboard the Enterprise-D, utilizing her inherent empathetic abilities to sense crew member’s emotional distress and offer them advice. Her compassionate nature and convivial personality always put her colleagues at ease.

Like a true Cancer, her intuition served her well in intimate matters, as well as on missions, when Captain Picard relied on her ability to read the emotions of new civilizations. While she could occasionally be moody and prone to over-stimulation, she always puts the needs of the crew above her own and exercised discretion when reaching out too far.


Known as Data’s “brother” and fellow synthetic artificial intelligence, Lore was developed by Dr. Noonien Soong to have the best of Data’s capabilities with one key difference — an emotion chip that let him process various feelings in ways that Data would never be able to do.

In stark contrast to Data, Lore was like many Leos — bombastic, friendly, and able to see a bigger picture. Over time, he felt that androids were naturally superior to humans and worked to cripple aspects of the Federation and overthrow the human race. His dogmatic intolerance for organic life ultimately led to his necessary destruction.


Data was the first android ever to be inducted into Starfleet and much of what he did as a bridge officer aboard the Enterprise-D was used as a guide for the duties of all synthetic life forms there might be in the future. Though he didn’t have the capacity to experience emotions as humans did, this didn’t stop him from aspiring to be as close to human as possible.

True to most Virgos, Data could always be relied upon to complete tasks with mechanical efficiency, his diligence represented in his thorough attention to detail. His practicality could also cause him to obsess over perfection, to the detriment of appreciating something in its raw and imperfect state.


Though Geordi La Forge lost his sight at a very young age, he didn’t let his physical handicap prevent him from following his dreams of pursuing a career in Starfleet. As Chief of Engineering aboard the Enterprise-D, he was known for being as easygoing as a well-maintained warp core.

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Though he often had mechanics on his mind, like most Libras, Geordi was also a hopeless romantic. He once created a holo program just to spend time with his favorite engineer and despite his fear of rejection, he was never deterred in making attempts to find a date. Unfortunately, like Libras, Geordi could be easily duped, especially by alien life forms who posed as his mother.


An old friend of Captain Picard’s, Guinan served as the bartender on board the Enterprise-D, ready with a drink and some sound advice for anyone who wandered into Ten Forward. As an El-Aurian, her culture was known for being “listeners”, though Q maintained she was capable of much greater powers than mere mortals could imagine.

Like a true Scorpio, Guinan was intuitive about customer’s problems and forceful with her opinion of them. Though she could often give off an aura of secrecy, beneath her collected nature resided an inward warmth filled with passion and emotion, which seemed to resonate with other beings on her wavelength.


As a member of the Q Continuum, Q was never a part of the Enterprise-D crew, though that didn’t stop him from spending all of his free time (which was considerable, as a time-hopping immortal) on board. He loved nothing more than to pester Captain Picard and harass his fellow officers.

Possessed of a dynamic and jovial personality, like most Sagittarians, Q could be quite philosophical. Though most felt he was incapable of being anything but obtuse, he could cut to the point like a phaser beam when it suited him. His morality games with humanity often put the ship in danger and his irresponsibility with his powers got him punished, but despite it all, he was optimistic about the human race.


Though Captain Picard was the commanding officer who sent her husband Jack Crusher on the away mission that would claim his life, Dr. Beverly Crusher still agreed to serve aboard his ship as the Chief Medical Officer. She became known for her firm but nurturing bedside manner during countless close calls aboard the Enterprise- D.

Like most Capricorns, Dr. Crusher was prudent and practical, but she was prepared to think outside the box should a medical emergency call for imagination. She had a keen sense of humor and in her spare time often wrote plays for the crew to perform.


The stalwart Captain of the Enterprise-D, who assumed command from the infamous Captain Kirk, was known as one of the finest officers in Starfleet. Favoring diplomacy over more aggressive tactics, he relied on open communication despite being an intensely private person. His greatest ability was seeing the best in others and challenging them to meet their expectations.

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Despite his reserved outward demeanor, Picard was nothing if not cordial and urbane. Like most Aquarians, he preferred his independence, often choosing his own company and the pursuit of an intellectual curiosity or adventure. His integrity and loyalty were beyond repute and he would sacrifice anything for his crew.


Lieutenant Reginald Barclay often found himself trying to determine where he fit into the crew of the Enterprise-D, but his skill and expertise with various mechanical parts of the ship often saw him drifting between engineering and his personal pursuits on the holodeck.

Extremely sensitive to the opinions of his colleagues, Barclay wondered what they thought of him to such an extent it impacted his work. The only time his insecurities subsided is when he could be part of wild holodeck stories, where his imagination could be allowed to explore. Though he eventually used them to escape his reality, Counselor Troi eventually helped him find his will.


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