As controversial as they may have been upon release, the three movies that make up the prequel trilogy are often looked at in a much better light nowadays. They have a fantastic story, and even if some of the dialogue was messy, the characters, more often than not, are great.

The characters we meet through each movie all have very distinct personalities, some of which fans had already gotten used to, some of which fans had to get adjusted too. Nonetheless, the personalities shine and can be matched pretty perfectly – for the most part – with star signs. So, here we look at what prequel trilogy character you are based on your zodiac.

12 Aries – Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine

One’s mind might automatically pair the big baddie of the trilogy with Scorpio, but with more thought, it is clear that if you are an Aries, you pair up with Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.

Palpatine is unrelenting in his quest for complete and total power and domination in the Galaxy. His passion seeps through his every pore, and his charismatic leadership is incomparable. Palpatine gets stubborn and frustrated when things get in his way – such as Padmé – with his ambition and determination, making him a complete Aries.

11 Taurus – Chewbacca

Chewbacca is hardly in the prequel trilogy; nevertheless, there is nobody that embodies the Taurean quite the same as Chewie.

Other characters show traits of a Taurus, but Chewie’s stubbornness, loyalty, love of comfort, hard-work, and overall attitude towards his life and his friends, makes him the quintessential Taurus.


10 Gemini – Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker is the main focus of the trilogy, and again people would want to pair him with Scorpio, but he is so well matched with the Gemini.

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Anakin is intelligent, but at the same time, he is impulsive and headstrong, with a certain unreliability. He is curious about the universe, and when he became a Padawan, he adapted well and learned the ways of the Force quickly, typical of a Gemini. Most of all, though, the sign of the two personalities perfectly represents Anakin’s many internal battles, with an ever-changing mood.

9 Cancer – R2-D2

Artoo could arguably get paired with a couple of signs, especially in the prequels. But, ultimately, he lands with Cancer.

He is an immensely loyal droid and friend to Anakin, and even others like Padmé and Obi-Wan, he is attached to them in the same vein of a Cancer. On the flip side, Artoo can be very moody or suspicious – straight-up violent even – matching up well with the Cancer.

8 Leo – Padmé Amidala

Padmé Amidala is another who could get matched with a couple of signs, like a Libra, for example, but Padmé’s fiery nature makes her an excellent match for the Leo sign.

Her leadership shines through, the people of Naboo even wanted to amend the constitution, so she could serve longer as Queen. She then went on to the Senate to display the same leadership, passion, warm-heartedness, and stubborn traits that she shares with those under the Leo sign.

7 Virgo – Jango Fett

C-3PO is pretty much the quintessential Virgo, so if you are a Virgo and prefer Threepio, then take solace in that, but, another Virgo of the trilogy is Jango.

Jango Fett was one of the Galaxy’s finest bounty hunters, and this was aided massively by his analytical and critical nature, as well as his loyalty to his employers and practical temperament. Jango’s methodical approach to life matches him perfectly with anyone who is a Virgo, even having a soft spot, particularly for his son.

6 Libra – Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi is the best character of the prequels from a performance standpoint, and Ewan McGregor perfectly embodies the Libra nature of Obi-Wan.

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Obi-Wan will change his best-matched sign depending on the era of Obi-Wan of which you are referring. But in the prequels, his peaceful, diplomatic approach to things, his avoidance of non-essential confrontation, and overall desire for harmony, balance, and peace, particularly in the last two movies, makes him the mirror image of a Libra.

5 Scorpio – Count Dooku

Scorpio’s are stereotypically associated with bad guys, and unfortunately, that trend continues here with Count Dooku.

Dooku has traits of other signs, mainly due to his classy, exquisite nature. However, Dooky is immensely cunning with huge secrets that would change the Galaxy if they got out. He was also very distrusting, particularly of the Jedi, as well as ambitious in a search for power, and determined in his journey to complete the Clone War in line with his master’s plan.

4 Sagittarius – Jar Jar Binks

Likely nobody will want to get told they most resemble Jar Jar Binks. Unfortunately, there truly is nobody in the prequel trilogy that fits even slightly into Sagittarius that do not belong somewhere else, except the Gungan.

Han Solo is the best example of a Sagittarius in Star Wars, with Jar Jar being a very different Sagittarius. Jar Jar is very optimistic, as well as adventurous, with a penchant for talking. He is also forced into being an independent being due to his clumsiness, which can also be a typical signature attribute of a Sagittarius.

3 Capricorn – Mace Windu

Mace Windu falls on the right side of being a quintessential Capricorn, especially in the three movies of the prequels.

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Windu values the traditions of the Jedi Order and lives by the Jedi Code. A vital quality of the Capricorn is their discipline, and one has to look at his creation and mastery of Vaapad to understand how disciplined, hard-working, ambitious, and practical he is. He is a stubborn Jedi, but also a realistic/pessimistic one, and if you are a Capricorn, you wield Samuel L. Jackson’s iconic purple saber.

2 Aquarius – Yoda

The Grand Master of the Jedi Order is someone who, in both the original and prequel trilogies fits best with the Aquarius sign, despite having more matches with other signs, especially in the prequels.

Yoda’s wise yet eccentric nature is the basic foundation of what makes him the perfect pairing with an Aquarius. Yoda is constantly seeking knowledge, wisdom, and vision from the Force so to see the future better, and if you pair this with his total uniqueness, you have the perfect mirror of an Aquarian.

1 Pisces – Qui-Gon Jinn

Yoda could arguably be better suited for Pisces, along with another couple of characters, but this time if you are a Pisces, you are Qui-Gon Jinn.

Qui-Gon is very wise, as well as an empathetic Jedi, with great intuition. But the primary reason for this is spirituality. Qui-Gon rejected a place on the Council as he disagreed with a lot of their sentiments, and instead wanted to listen to and follow the living Force more.

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