The host of top players in Succession all have a similar life objective: to obtain ultimate power and never let it go. Their methods vary greatly depending on their personality and perhaps zodiac signs. Whether each individual is an air, fire, water or earth sign may provide insight into their cunning and conniving tactics.

Realistically, most of the Roy family member would find crediting their complex personalities solely to when they were born entirely laughable. But a few, such as Greg, could wake up each morning excited to read their horoscope, hoping for insight into how their day is likely going to unfold.


Aries: Kendall Roy

As the first astrological sign of the zodiac, it only makes sense that a critical component to an Aries is their desire to be No. 1. This attribute alone sounds like a direct character description for Kendall. Although he’s not technically Logan’s firstborn, he is in his own mind, and he’ll be sure to cash in on his rightful inheritance by any means necessary.

Aries treat life like a game, one they’re sure to conquer, and they’ll do anything to achieve stardom. This trait presents itself in Kendall’s unwavering confidence in his fight against Logan. He has deemed himself the winner before the battle has even begun.

Taurus: Caroline Collingwood

Though Caroline appears in only a handful of episodes, her bluntness and possessiveness undoubtedly exhibit Taurus qualities. She has no problem telling it like it is, even if it’s harsh, especially when it comes to her children. She treats them coldly and keeps them at a distance, despite guilting them for never visiting. Later on, she discloses to Shiv that she should never have had children.

A strong-willed bull symbolizes this earth sign. And to be married to Logan, she couldn’t be anything less than stubborn. Still, she holds great power over the company and is a low-key Succession villain in many ways.

Gemini: Roman Roy

Roman exudes heavy Gemini energy. Yes, he’s rough around the edges, but there’s no arguing he’s exceptionally charismatic when he wants to be. However, possibly the most telltale sign that he’s a Gemini is his use of humor as a defense mechanism. Most of the things that come out of his mouth are meant to be comedic, typically to hide incompetency.

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Generally, Geminis are overly extroverted, to the point that they could probably have a conversation with a brick wall and be content. Simply put, Roman doesn’t know how to exist in silence, and no matter what room he’s in, he’ll be sure to talk all ears off.

Cancer: Tom Wambsgans

As with any water sign, Cancer’s are pretty sensitive and regularly seek comfort, both of which are significant components of Tom’s personality. But, when merged with Shiv’s Aquarius’s aloofness, it often leads to an unbalanced love portfolio and relationship dissatisfaction.

Another key element is a Cancer’s ability to forgive but never forget. After Tom lamented that the sad he would feel without Shiv might be less than the sad he feels with her, truly showed her wrongdoings could never be overlooked.

Leo: Logan Roy

The patriarch of the family and the entire Waystar Royco company has the biggest Leo personality. Logan built his entire empire, and to do so, he couldn’t play nice. He had to have the loudest roar and a huge vision, both of which are evident Leo characteristics. Yet, in combination with his MBTI personality–ENTJ, he’s downright unstoppable.

Vanity and self-centeredness are core features of both Leos and Logan. And those in his circle and beyond easily fall at his feet when and if they’re lucky enough to catch some of his friendly rays.

Virgo: Rhea Jarrell

Since Rhea’s really only shown in a work environment, it’s a bit harder to discern which zodiac she fits best. Nonetheless, the minimal scenes shared between Rhea and Logan that convey romantic tension provide a quick look into her possible Virgo tendencies. The cautiousness and practicality behind her attraction for Logan portray an earth sign’s desire for stability over anything too casual.

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One major flaw of Virgos is their uptightness, commonly presented through unchecked criticism. When Logan turned to Rhea for an honest perspective on who should take over as CEO, she didn’t hesitate to openly and honestly opine about Shiv’s inexperience, Roman’s immaturity, and Kendall’s wimpiness.

Libra: Willa Ferreyra

Willa’s quite an enigma, again making it a challenge to totally nail down her zodiac. Albeit, the little information given paints her like a Libra, someone obsessed with art and aesthetics. She’s always put together, and her new career as a playwright showcases her love of style and creativity.

Libras are also well known for their indecisiveness and conflict avoidance. While Willa’s certainly not knowledgeable or involved in the family business, when asked whether Logan should stick with or sell the company, her response heavily lacked conviction, much like a Libra.

Scorpio: Marcia Roy

She may initially come off unsuspecting, but boy does Marcia have the sting of a Scorpio. Her loyalty to Logan is hard to shake, and she was willing to do anything, needing no one’s approval, to ensure Logan stayed put when he was hospitalized. The children may not regard her as anything more than his third wife, but she hardly cares, knowing full well she still holds power over them.

Manipulation is a Scorpio’s favorite pastime, and Marcia’s negotiation to confirm her and her childrens’ wellbeing in order to stay married to Logan in season 3 was the perfect manipulative tactic.

Sagittarius: Connor Roy

Free-spirited may just be a kinder substitute for reckless, but together they sum up the eldest Roy. Connor’s job resume may be blank, but his extreme confidence clouds his judgment, hence his bid for president of the United States. Sagittarius’ are highly opinionated to a fault, sometimes founding their declarations on thin air.

They blaze their own path, not following prescribed norms. So, while his whole family is interested and obsessed with Waystar Royco, Connor’s living on a secluded ranch doing nothing.

Capricorn: Gerri Kellman

Perhaps one of the only level-headed characters, all signs point to Gerri being a sturdy Capricorn. She’s ambitious, organized, and isn’t afraid of the hustle. All of which are necessary building blocks of a Capricorn. Logan may constantly make jokes about how Gerri will obviously not be the next CEO, but she hardly minds. Ultimately, to hold the highest power is nowhere near her end goal.

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Gerri quickly became a fan favorite, indicating that her loyalty and competence resonate well with viewers. Of course, this doesn’t discount the subtle streaks of brutality and emotional coldness that still run through her veins. After all, Capricorn’s can’t be all good and stable.

Aquarius: Shiv Roy

The only zodiac sign that makes sense for Shiv is an Aquarius. Her aloofness, intelligence, and self-reliance demonstrate only a handful of the reasons she’s likely an Aquarius. They strive to be exceptional, and Shiv would give anything to step up as CEO and rub it in her brothers’ faces.

Symbolically, being an air sign means they resist labels and enjoy freedom. Distinctly, this is seen in Shiv’s relationship with Tom and her continued push for it to be non-monogamous. She wants to live on the wild side and doesn’t want to be restricted.

Pisces: Greg Hirsch

Greg’s absolutely a Pisces, and he’d absolutely be sorted into Hufflepuff. They’re non-mutually exclusive personalities. He’s a dorky guy who got caught up in the game. And now he’s too deep to stop playing. He’s fairly attuned to others’ feelings, like when he witnessed Shiv’s infidelity at the wedding and felt the need to tell Tom out of courtesy, but then realized Tom already knew.  

Also, as a Pisces, he’s emotionally sensitive and genuine, making him the most pure-intentioned character who struggles when he’s coerced into doing the wrong thing.

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