Matt Reeves’ The Batman has been making waves for the way it depicts a dark take on Gotham City. The Caped Crusader and the rest of the supporting cast all have deep characterizations in the movie that sets them apart from one to the other. 

Batman, Catwoman, and Riddle are unlike their secret identities even though they’re one and the same. Zodiac signs are a good way to assess how characters work because traits and mannerisms are distinct from one sign to the next. It’s altogether interesting to see where Robert Pattinsons’ Batman along with the other characters land on the zodiac wheel based on their personalities.


Batman: Aries

Fierceness pretty much sums up Batman’s character in the movie, as he never backed down and remained firm in his mission. People of the Aries sign are known for being courageous and bold, with these personalities sometimes taking things too far as well.

Batman didn’t know when to stop and he could be very much brutal even when it wasn’t required. Aries personalities tend to need reality checks to understand when they’ve crossed lines, with Batman realizing this after The Riddler confessed he inspired his vigilantism.

Alfred Pennyworth: Taurus

Taurus people are among the nicest, who are known for their willingness to help without expecting much in return. Alfred was along the same lines, showing that he cared for Bruce even though he was clearly concerned for the latter’s mental and physical health.

Like Taurus personalities, Alfred took a whole lot of responsibility despite not being in the wrong, claiming he blamed himself for Bruce’s sad childhood because he should have protected Bruce’s parents.

Catwoman: Gemini

It’s unclear if Catwoman is a character who will return in The Batman’s sequel, but her unpredictability ties in with Gemini personalities’ own attitudes. People of this zodiac change their demeanor without warning, and their mental flexibility can be confusing to some.

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The Catwoman persona of Selina Kyle’s was far more chaotic, going up against Batman and openly attempting to kill thugs. She had Gemini’s emotional personality and the zodiac’s natural charisma that made Batman feel drawn to her.

The Joker: Cancer

The Joker showed up in the climax of The Batman where he befriend Riddler at Arkham. Like Cancer personalities, Joker does what he wants, and his intention to become Riddler’s friend was out of self-service so he could break out.

The Cancer zodiac is generally considered to comprise of people who can put their own needs first, and Joker is a dark example. Cancer people are still quite charismatic and very emotionally intelligent, which Joker is as well since he instantly got Riddler to become his ally.

Gil Colson: Leo

Gil Colson was the corrupt district attorney who was killed off when he decided not to answer the final riddle that would have prevented the bomb from going off. While Leos aren’t all unscrupulous like Colson, they do share Colson’s respect for familial ties.

Colson died because he wanted to protect his family by not ratting on Falcone – Leos are similarly inclined to put their families first. People born under this sign go the extra mile for their loved ones, which served to be Colson’s redeeming quality.

Carmine Falcone: Virgo

It’s hard to fight against people of the Virgo sign because they can keep a very cool head under pressure, they’re diligent and detail-oriented, and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals.

Virgos also possess skills of leadership and cunning mentalities, which all describe Carmine Falcone. He had little problem keeping his underlings controlled, and the mobster was so dominating that he didn’t have qualms about eliminating Selina, his own daughter.

Selina Kyle: Libra

Selina Kyle’s primary personality differed from Catwoman’s, in that she was friendlier and more empathetic. She greatly cared for Annika and got involved in the story to investigate her death, which closely relates her to the Libran desire for fairness and justice.

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Libras are people that others are drawn toward because they can be a source of comfort. People born under this sign tend to go with the flow, which is how Selina operated as well. Selina decided to leave Gotham when it became clear there was nothing more there for her anymore and Libras can understand that mentality.

Penguin: Scorpio

Although a lot of fan reactions to The Batman have been about Robert Pattinson, there have been significant responses toward Colin Farrell’s Penguin, too. Penguin was a corrupted man who was unrepentant about his lifestyle choice, and such a daring attitude belongs to Scorpios.

Scorpios obviously aren’t all mobsters, but they can be shrewd opportunists like Penguin, who jumped at the chance at becoming the next crime kingpin when Falcone was killed. Many Scorpios may not seem aggressive or dominant at the outset, but that’s only because they wait for the perfect time to strike. 

Edward Nashton: Sagittarius

There were quite a few memorable quotes from The Riddler in The Batman that alluded to his feeling that he and the titular hero had a kinship. Sagittarius personalities are known to be loyal and smart, which can still be twisted into more negative outcomes.

Nashton protected Batman from his diabolical plans because he was loyal toward the Dark Knight’s vigilantism, reacting with horror when Batman rejected him. His smartness came into play through his planning that led Gotham to ruin. Sagittarians are also nicer in general, but their loyalty can be boundless in not-so-nice ways.

The Riddler: Capricorn

Nashton’s Riddler persona was a whole lot more malevolent, going so far as to brutally kill people because he thought their corruption justified their deaths. Capricorns are notorious planners and very dedicated to their goals, which can make them detached from others.

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Riddler didn’t empathize with others’ suffering and was glad to dole out his twisted form of justice to no end. Like Capricorns, Riddler was a shrew planner who managed to get the drop on authority figures and even managed to stump Batman.

James Gordon: Aquarius

The best types of Aquarius personalities are kind and parental figures who make for great friends. James Gordon was the only person Batman could trust in Gotham and served as a confidante on a few occasions that the Dark Knight really needed.

Gordon stayed true to Aquarius’ trait of self-reliance, as he didn’t need the rest of the police force on his side since they were all corrupt. He was calm and collected like people of the sign as well, which went a long way in zeroing in on the Riddler’s plans.

Bruce Wayne: Pisces

The Bruce Wayne persona wasn’t fierce like Batman, keeping himself withdrawn and distant. Alfred claimed Bruce used to be a sweet child, but his experiences turned him sour. That’s a description of how Pisces personalities operate as well, with people of this sign generally going extreme with their emotions.

Pisces can take in a lot of sadness, but they also tend to punish themselves with it. Bruce’s activities as becoming Batman was his way of dealing with his inner darkness, and it was counterproductive since he didn’t achieve any peace. Like Pisces people, he had to go through a mixture of emotions to understand where he stood best.

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