The Matrix: Resurrections proves that Neo and Trinity’s love knows no bounds. It has been over two decades since the two first met and they have reunited once again for a new adventure. As exciting as this prospect is, there are many missing favorites in the new film.

Even so, there are many new characters to appreciate. Neo is joined by Bugs, Sequoia, and even at times a new Agent Smith to help him rescue Trinity from the new Matrix. All of these characters bring something new with their defining characteristics, and, no matter fans’ Zodiac signs, there’s a character in the movie they’ll be able to relate to.


Aries: Chad

Chad may only feature in a few scenes, but he always steals them. As Trinity/Tiff’s husband, there are many things that are admirable about him. While many fans of course want Trinity with Neo, Chad offers a good alternative.

Chad is sure of what he wants. He is unafraid of conflict and makes sure that his needs are known. Like many Aries, he is also highly competitive and doesn’t give up easily.

Taurus: Bugs

The captain of the Mnemosyne, Bugs takes control of many situations. She is the one to push the mission to rescue Neo forward. But many of her personality traits are that of a Taurus. Her sense of right and wrong is quite pronounced. There is no gray area for her.

Bugs insists on rescuing Neo. And when it comes to rescuing Trinity, Bugs wants to make sure that Trinity really wants to leave the Matrix. She cares about her crew members and would do anything for them, traits that make her a true Taurus.

Gemini: The Analyst

The Analyst gravitates towards anyone looking for power: the medical professional. The Analyst poses as Neo’s therapist as a way to control his mind. Though he is the antagonist of the film, his traits alone are not inherently bad. The Analyst uses his charisma the way any Gemini would.

Despite his ulterior motives, The Analyst has Gemini traits that make him likable – such as his sense of humor. The Analyst’s therapy is used as a gaslighting technique, but he is still a knowledgeable figure and has many good points to make about mental health – exhibiting the cleverness that is common to many Gemini.

Cancer: Sati

In The Matrix: Resurrections Sati fills the role of the Oracle. A character from the original The Matrix Trilogy, there are many Oracle quotes that will mess with fans’ heads and she is able to take many different forms. The last time the audience saw her, she was a child. In this film she returns to offer counsel as the Oracle always does.

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This counsel is what any good Cancer would provide. Cancers are sensitive and seek to make the lives of those around them easier. Sati is sensitive to Trinity’s feelings, and endeavors to make sure their mission is for the good of everyone, not just Neo’s wants and desires. Sati fills this caretaker role that Cancers often represent.

Leo: Jude

Jude exemplifies the big personality that Leo’s often exhibits, with an extroverted nature and a big heart. Leos often fill up the room with their personalities and are good at taking people out of their comfort zones – just like Jude does in pushing Neo out of his comfort zone in speaking to Tiff.

His excitement and passion for what he loves are something any Leo can understand and relate to. Jude is always confident in his opinions too, even if they are just computer codes.

Virgo: Agent Smith

One of the most analytical characters in The Matrix is Agent Smith. This time portrayed by Jonathan Groff instead of Hugo Weaving, the character is more or less the same one that fans already know. His motivations center around what is best for him, even if it temporarily aligns him with Neo.

As a computer program, he is industrious, practical, and full of knowledge – clear traits of the Virgo. Many Virgos veer towards intelligence and have a tendency to believe that they’re right. His fast-paced mind works in his favor and Agent Smith is known for his best quotes which really highlight his Virgo nature.

Libra: Morpheus

The Morpheus in The Matrix: Resurrections is not the Morpheus from the original trilogy. Even so, he demonstrates the style that audiences have come to love from the character. Always in a new color palette, this flare is typical Libra.

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He takes to his new role as a guiding force for Neo very well, something that is typical for Libra’s friendly and caring nature. In addition, Libra’s are often conflict-avoidant which is what made Morpheus stay as an agent program for so long. But once he understood his purpose in life, it wasn’t hard to break away.

Scorpio: Trinity

The real Trinity does not come out until the last act of The Matrix: Resurrections. She is hidden in the false identity The Matrix created for her called Tiff. But once she comes out, she is the Trinity audiences have come to know since the first film.

Scorpios are defined by their complexities which is something that Trinity has always been. Trinity is not quick to let down her barriers. She only does this with Neo who she has known for over sixty years at this point, which fits with Scorpio’s shrewd and stoic nature. She is calm and collected in a fight and never backs down from a challenge.

Sagittarius: Niobe

Niobe’s dedication to the preservation of the human race has not changed in sixty years. Niobe was an important character in the original trilogy. When Neo meets her again, she exhibits the same convictions. She does not shy away from the truth, even though Neo is her friend.

Sagittarians are devoted to the truth, even when others don’t agree. She refuses to let Neo go on his rescue mission because she thinks that it will endanger Io. Though Sagitarrians are warm, they also stick to their beliefs and Niobe is the embodiment of this ethos.

Capricorn: Lexy

Lexy may seem guarded when she first meets Neo, but that is typical of most Capricorns. It takes a while for them to let their guard down, but Lexy has a good reason. She idolized Trinity as a role model and is dedicated to the mission.

This dedication makes her an ideal soldier in the attempt to free Trinity from The Matrix. She is not weighed down by excessive emotion, she only wants to do what’s right which are typical traits for the sign of the Capricorn.

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Aquarius: Neo

The Matrix still holds up today, and so does Neo’s character. As the ultimate outcast, Aquarius signs can relate to the iconic character. Neo is always on the outskirts of society, avoiding corrupt capitalist enterprises and being almost the only person that can save the world. Because of this outsider status, he can see perspectives that most people can’t.

Neo insists on saving Trinity even when no one else supports him. Aquarians cherish their freedom which is the one thing that Neo represents as his purpose is to free human minds. However, as Neo shows in one of best quotes from The Matrix 4, he is also prone to insecurity – which is something that many Aquarians struggle with.

Pisces: Shepherd

Shepherd is one of the newer recruits to Neo’s cause. At first, he is loyal to Niobe but soon joins Neo’s fight to free Trinity. This demonstrates the Pisces in him.

He looks up to Neo, even romanticizes him to a degree. This is what leads him into helping Neo on his mission and this emotionally driven response makes him a true Pisces. He leans away from the logical and instead believes in the fantastical.

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