Some directors just have a particular look to their films that is recognizable a mile away, and no one would dispute that Tim Burton is one of those directors. Though this most obviously manifests in his unique visual style, it can also be seen in the types of characters that typically appear in his films.

These are men, women, and animals that are strange, unusual, and often beautiful, and thinking about them through what zodiac sign they each can symbolize allows for a better understanding of how everyone in the audience can relate to them.

12 Aries – Edward Bloom

Though this film isn’t considered one of the best Tim Burton offerings, it nevertheless has a good heart and a warm story about the challenging bonds that exist between fathers and their sons.

The central character, Edward Bloom, is a man known for his ability to tell tales with the best of them, a key trait of the Aries. Like most rams, he is also incredibly energetic and positive, no matter what challenges life throws at him.

11 Taurus – Joker

One thing that anyone quickly learns when they know a Taurus is that you do not mess with them. As an earth sign, they have a tendency to hold onto grievances, and to meticulously plan their revenge so that it has the greatest possible impact on the object of their hatred.

It thus makes sense that the Joker, one of the most formidable villains Batman faces, would be a bull, driven by his own implacable hatred.


10 Gemini – General Thade

Though many people didn’t like the directions that Tim Burton took in his remake of this classic science fiction film, there’s no question that one of the film’s standouts was Tim Roth’s General Thade, a villainous and brutal chimpanzee soldier.

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Like most Gemini, Thade has a fundamental instability at the heart of his character, one that leads him to some precipitate action and, ultimately, contributes to his defeat at the hands of rebelling humans.

9 Cancer – Edward Scissorhands

Although Cancers can sometimes be a bit melodramatic and self-indulgent, there is a softness, a tenderness, and a profound sense of compassion at the heart of the crab that cannot be denied. That certainly describes Edward Scissorhands, one of the most iconic and enduring of Tim Burton’s many film creations.

Though his story is one that is tinged with tragedy, it is precisely Edward’s continued good-heartedness, even in the midst of trial, that makes him such a fascinating and wonderful character.

8 Leo – Beetlejuice

Though he isn’t what anyone would call the most pleasant character, Beetlejuice definitely makes an impression. As a poltergeist, he is prone to all sorts of mischievous goings-on, but there is also something absolutely irresistible about him.

Like most Leos, he seems to draw every eye to him, and this is no doubt due to the extraordinary performance that Michael Keaton delivers. Like all Leos, however, he can also be very egotistical and domineering.

7 Virgo – Ichabod Crane From Sleepy Hollow

This film is a rather strange one for Tim Burton to undertake, but he somehow manages to imbue this classic American tale with his own signature style. In particular, he allows Johnny Depp to create a very different sort of Ichabod Crane than most people have probably seen.

Like a Virgo, Ichabod is incredibly fastidious. At the same time, the film makes clear that he is also a man of knowledge and wants to bring the precision of science into the world of criminal investigation.

6 Libra – Willy Wonka

Though famous comedic actor Gene Wilder delivered what many feel to be the signature interpretation of the famous candy factory owner, Johnny Depp put his own stamp on the character.

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His Wonka is very Libra in his behavior, with his rather detached way of engaging with the children that tour his factory, as well as his indecisiveness regarding whether or not he should reconcile with his father. Though his traps for the children might seem a bit arbitrary or cruel, they also have a certain justice to them (and everyone knows how much the Libra loves justice).

5 Scorpio – Sweeney Todd

Revenge is the watchword for the Scorpio, definitely the most vengeful (and sometimes petty) sign in the zodiac. This is definitely the word one would use to describe Sweeney Todd, a man who goes on a murder spree in an effort to attain justice for his wrongful imprisonment.

Despite the fact that he is definitely a monster, there is something undeniably sexy about the demon barber, in no small part because of his Scorpio sensuality.

4 Sagittarius – Jack Skellington

Jack Skellington has become a very popular character, both among Tim Burton fans as well as among the general populace. There’s just something about him that makes him likable, even if he does try to take over Christmas. Like all Sagittarius people, he has a certain kindness in his nature.

Skellington’s downfall, however, is that, like all of those under this sign, he does tend to be a bit impulsive and prone to getting too caught up in his own sense of self-confidence.

3 Capricorn – Batman

Michael Keaton turned in what is still regarded as one of the best performances of Batman. It of course makes sense that a superhero would be a Capricorn.

With the earth sign’s signature groundedness and its disciplined approach to life, the Capricorn makes an ideal superhero. However, there is also a bit of a flip side to all of this, in that characters like Batman, like many other Capricorns, can be more than a bit stubborn.

2 Aquarius – Penguin

There have been many interpretations of this iconic villain, but the one in the second of Tim Burton’s Batman films has to be one of the strangest.

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Given how truly bizarre this Penguin is, he without a doubt an Aquarius (the sign that according to most is the strangest one on the zodiac). He also exhibits the signature absolutist attitude of this air sign, which in part explains his intense desire to gain revenge (even if it leads to his death).

1 Pisces – Ari

Pisces are well-known for their sense of compassion, for wearing their bleeding heart on their sleeves. Compassion is also one of the key traits of Ari, one of the main ape characters in Planet of the Apes.

Unlike most of her fellow simians, she views humans not as slaves or as beasts, but instead as being worthy of respect, dignity, and protection. However, it is precisely her Pisces sense of compassion and social justice that also renders her vulnerable to attack from her fellow apes.

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