James Cameron’s epic disaster film Titanic is a piece of cinematic history, and not just because of its impressive special effects and true story. The incredible cast of characters -both fictitious and based on real historical figures- engross viewers in the story. From the RMS Titanic’s bucolic departure from Southhampton, to its catastrophic sinking several days later, and the exploration of its wreckage in the modern age, it’s the passengers -and the treasure seekers- that bring its voyage to life from the depths of obscurity.

Even with such a sprawling cast, it’s no surprise that individual characters stand out in memorable ways. Using the MBTI® personality test, it’s possible to sort them into specific categories based on their most salient traits.


Thomas Andrews was the shipbuilder for the R.M.S. Titanic, who took great pride in his work without being arrogant or conceited. He couldn’t stand to see the Titanic sink and vowed to go down with his creation, after helping as many passengers as he could get life jackets and find their way to safety.

As an INTJ, he was a strategic thinker, who analyzed possible outcomes from the information at hand. He knew that 20 lifeboats wouldn’t be enough to save the lives of Titanic’s passengers should a catastrophe befall the ship, but was unfortunately discouraged by his financiers.


Rose Dewitt Bukater may have looked the part of a woman of society, sailing to New York City in an elegant stateroom on the arm of an imperious steel tycoon, but internally she was a prisoner, who longed for adventure.

Like most ISFPs, Rose was adventurous and excitable. She was disinterested in anything related to small talk, which sent her into the arms of charismatic artist Jack Dawson. It was her intrepid spirit that helped her survive the sinking and live a long and robust life.



On what was to be his final sea crossing before retirement, Captain Edward Smith embarked on Titanic’s maiden voyage with confidence. He never expected that an increase in speed would contribute to its demise.

True to INFJs, Captain Smith was convivial, gentle, and reserved. His over reliance on the opinion of others, such as J. Bruce Ismay and his other financiers, forced him to hold fast to his convictions when they mattered the most – going down with the ship.


The highly competent manservant of Caledon Hockley, Spicer Lovejoy had been associated with the Hockleys for years following his employment as a Pinkerton agent. After Nathan Hockley’s death, he became Cal’s valet, and doggedly pursued Jack and Rose on his behalf.

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Like many ISFJs, Lovejoy was dedicated and efficient, acting as his employer’s proxy when it came to even the most unscrupulous of tasks. He defended the Hockley name by trying to separate Rose from Jack, when her activities might besmirch it.


A friend of Brock Lovett’s and a technician aboard the Akademik Mstislav Keldysh, Lewis operated the ROVs that sifted through the wreckage of the R.M.S. Titanic. He was equal parts skeptical and enraptured by Rose Calvert’s story of surviving the sinking.

As an ISTP, he had a very practical skill set, which included being an ROV technician and his finesse when explaining the 3D animation of Titanic’s sinking to an elderly Rose. He was bold, innovative, and intelligent, despite his brash demeanor.


A dedicated seaman for the White Star Line all his life, and first officer under Captain Smith aboard the Titanic, William Murdoch was responsible for ensuring everything went smoothly on the ship’s maiden voyage whenever the captain was indisposed.

Smart, capable, and practical, Murdoch espoused all of the best qualities of an ISTJ. He didn’t hesitate to put the ship hard to starboard the moment he heard it was headed for an iceberg.


Ruth DeWitt Bukater was a shrewd social climber. She knew that with her aristocratic name and the Hockley family fortune, arranging a marriage between her daughter Rose and Cal would secure their future.

A true INTP, Ruth was every bit as intelligent as her daughter, she simply preferred to use her intellect to play a game of social politics to ensure her survival. A strategist, she did whatever was necessary -even suppress her daughter’s happiness- to see that she didn’t end up in the poor house.


Unlike some of the officers commanding life boats, 5th Officer Harold Lowe was a man of conscience. Believing there to still be survivors in the water, he ordered his passengers to each grab an ore and row back. Had it not been for him, Rose would probably not have been rescued.

Like many INFPs, Officer Lowe was kind, compassionate, and altruistic. While others could sail away without another thought to the unfortunate survivors in the water, his heart wouldn’t let him.


A dreamer and a maverick, Jack Dawson (Leonardo DiCaprio) was destined to sail on Titanic after he won two tickets for himself and a friend in a lucky game of chance. Social status wouldn’t prevent the starving artist from meeting wealthy socialite Rose DeWitt Bukater and embarking on a passionate love affair.

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Energetic, sociable, and not easily intimidated, Jack embodied all the best qualities of an ENFP. He was comfortable among the first class as well as the third class passengers. His willingness to take risks may not have benefited him, but they helped the love of his life survive the tragedy.


A natural born leader with the ability to hold sway over public opinion, Caledon “Cal” Hockley was a man who “made his own luck” and was used to getting everything he wanted. His aggressive, villain-like traits allowed him to survive the sinking of the ship, even though he lost what he really wanted – Rose.

True to an ENTJ, Cal not only played by society’s rules – he made them. He wielded his power as an indomitable figure of status aboard the Titanic like a monarch, but his personality’s overbearing condescension, selfishness, and arrogance led to him becoming unrivaled.


The managing director of the White Star Line, J. Bruce Ismay was one of the most prominent passengers on Titanic, and constantly boasted about its strengths. He declared that the ship was “unsinkable” ironically before its sinking found him huddled on a life boat.

A natural ESTJ, Mr. Ismay felt at ease ordering others about, including Captain Smith. He had exacting standards, and was often overly reliant on his own opinions. His hubris eventually caught up to him, and after Titanic sank, he became a recluse.


A vivacious and energetic personality among the more reserved passengers of first class, Molly Brown (Kathy Bates) didn’t rest on ceremony and made everyone she encountered feel instantly at ease. She was a true friend to Rose and Jack Dawson, even at the expense of her social standing.

Like many ESFPs, Molly Brown was sociable, friendly, and had a way of commanding attention from those around her. She used this trait to great effect when she rallied those in her lifeboat to go back and collect survivors from the sinking.


Tommy may have been a third class passenger on Titanic, but that didn’t stop his boastful spirit. He told anyone who would listen about the “15,000 strong Irish hands” who constructed Titanic in Belfast, making it the world’s largest man-made moving object.

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As an ENFJ, Tommy was not only charismatic, he had the ability to rally others to his cause. He valorously took a stand to smash the gates that prevented the third class passengers from escaping the flooded lower levels of the ship, and tried to secure more passengers spots on life boats.


A treasure hunter in pursuit of the Heart of the Ocean, the diamond that he believed sunk to the bottom of the ocean along with the RMS Titanic, Brock Lovett found a greater bounty – Rose Calvert, a survivor of the tragedy who was the last person to have seen the gem.

Like a true ESTP, Brock was confident, energetic, and entrepreneurial. He supervised several dives with ROVs to search the ship’s wreckage for the necklace, each time coming up short but never letting it impact his drive.


2nd Officer Lightoller helped lead the life boat launch after the ship struck the iceberg, and kept order among the panicking crowds by threatening to “shoot them all like dogs”.

Like many ENTPs, Officer Lightoller could think quickly on his feet and easily adapt. He was the most senior officer to survive the sinking, and went on to serve bravely in WWI. Even in retirement, he was part of the launch of private ships that saved soldiers during the events of Dunkirk. 


While many passengers aboard Titanic might have passed by the band without so much as a second glance, they were more than background players and entertainers. They were morale boosters when the ship began to sink, remaining until the bitter end playing songs to calm passengers.

As ESFJs, the band displayed great empathy, compassion, and concern for the well being of their fellow passengers. They put their own safety aside to ensure that others felt comfortable.

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