The X-Men franchise is one of the most recognized in the world, accumulating a great group of fans who like to read comics, watch animated TV series and enjoy the movies of these mutants in the movie theaters.

Each fan has their favorite characters according to how they are portrayed in the stories. So which mutant do you think you are, based on your zodiac sign? Xavier, Emma Frost, Jane Grey or Wolverine?

12 Aries: Wolverine

The Aries people have immense strength, courage and energy, and like Logan, they will fight to the death to make justice and to protect others. The tremendous tenacity they possess ensures that they will rise up if they fail, providing them with an effective way to deal with any crisis.

Wolverine possesses an aggressive personality and, as the Aries does, usually reacts explosively when faced with anger. Although he is individualistic, he also has a strong sense of loyalty and honor. Those born under Aries are frequently very sincere.

11 Taurus: Gambit

The Taurus has the skill to obtain fortune and pleasure, but like Gambit, people can exaggerate these skills because of the ambition of the material world. Gambit has managed to come out of his past as a thief and, although it may not seem so at times (due to his arrogance), he is very kind and loyal.

Those of this sign are skillful, stealthy and virtuous. Gambit is driven by his generous nature, more than by ethics, justice, honor or morals, and he is often distrustful after all he has lived through.


10 Gemini: Jean Grey- Phoenix

The duality of Gemini is very well represented by Jean Grey. People of this sign have a temperament with a double skill: they can be present in their day-to-day life, while their mind is elsewhere. This impression of having two different personalities can be disconcerting for some people.

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Jean lived for a long time with two personalities, when the Phoenix woke up, she released her psychic barriers and showed a darker, more instinctive, and disturbing aspect of herself.

9 Cancer: Mystique

People of the Cancer sign deal with a lot of emotions that, sometimes, they are unable to control. In many cases, their reactions cannot be predicted, moving in different directions.

Mystique tolerates frustration poorly, so she can be considered hostile, but on the other hand, she feels a lot of appreciation for the important people in her life.

8 Leo: Emma Frost

Like Emma Frost, Leo love majesty and believe they are kings, just like the lion that represents them astrologically. They tend to dazzle wherever they go and try to persuade other people to think like them, because they cannot control their capacity as born leaders.

The Leo and Emma Frost are very confident creatures and always believe they are right in everything they do.

7 Virgo: Cyclops

Scott Summers belongs to the first generation of the X-Men and, because of his personality, Xavier chooses him as the leader of the group. Like those in the Virgo sign, Scott is reasonable, reserved, tidy, and very dedicated to his work.

Cyclops is completely committed to his task as an X-Men and does not start a project without having the intention of finishing it, and he can often be a perfectionist. With the team he is always cordial and attentive, and he finds himself clinging to the ideal that Xavier developed in the school.

6 Libra: Storm

Storm is a fairly strong mutant, who was trained in Wakanda and has many leadership skills. She struggles with separating her emotions to keep her power from overreaching. She hopes to protect people, a quality she shares with the Libras, who are always thinking of the welfare of others.

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Over time, Storm achieved the balance between her powers and fears, through mental exercises and willpower, achieving the harmony that Libras crave so much.

5 Scorpio: Rogue

Rogue can be rebellious, powerful, explosive, and brave. Throughout the stories she has played different roles among the villains, anti-heroes and heroes. She stays with the X-Men after finding Xavier, who helped her solve the problems that arise when she not only absorbs physical powers, but also people’s thoughts, memories, and life force.

Some astrologers relate the sign Scorpio with death, and Rogue shares this characteristic, because she can cause death touching a person’s skin, for that reason she considers her power as a curse. Rogue has the intensity of Scorpio not only in her personality, but also in her powers that she needs to learn to control.

4 Sagittarius: Domino

Domino can change the odds in her favor through her ability, to make everything work out for the best, making it seem like she’s going through life without a struggle.

The good fortune of Domino is also seen in people of the Sagittarius sign, who always have confidence in the good outcome of the situations they find themselves in. This mental capacity allows Sagittarians to have an aura of joy and constant positivity around them.

3 Capricorn: Charles Xavier

The Capricorn have a sense of duty and responsibility from a very young age, therefore, Charles Xavier focuses his life on actions that represent a high value for him.

Hard work is one of the main qualities of this sign, they’re always looking for success in everything they undertake. These people have a great tolerance for fatigue and will continue to strive until they reach the goals set.

2 Aquarius: Jubilee

Jubilee started with the X-Men very young and always surrounded herself with adults, and this made her stand out even more for her charisma, joy and rebelliousness (but without a hint of whimsy).

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Like the Aquarians, this mutant has great energy, fearlessness and creativity. In addition, they have considerable originality, are open-minded and will always be considered a little different from other people.

1 Pisces: Colossus

The compassionate soul of the Pisces allows those born under this zodiac sign to be very kind, in spite of everything around them.

Colossus is a great example of this sign, he has an intimidating appearance with his steel armored body, which contrasts with his non-aggressive personality and consideration for his peers. Pisces are also willing to assist other people and always help with their best humor and disposition.

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