Some villains remain evil forever, while others, like DC’s Director Bones can’t quite decide what side they’re on. This rogue went from villain to hero observer to government official. Yet along the way, he hasn’t quite been a hero which is rather problematic. Here’s the low-down on the director of the D.E.O.

Debuting in Infinity Inc.#16 in 1985, Director Bones began life under the moniker of Mr. Bones. He was created by Roy Thomas, Dann Thomas, and Todd McFarlane. He and five other metahumans were born from a genetic experiment on pregnant women by Dr. Benjamin Love – a gynecologist. Bones has transparent skin, hence why he looks like a skeleton even though he really isn’t one. He also has a cyanide touch, which stems from a compound that is naturally released. This is the reason why he can most often be seen wearing gloves and why he doesn’t often touch others in the later part of his career. However, this allows him to be immune to cyanide poisoning. He also has enhanced stamina and strength. Early on, he and his fellow metahumans wanted to form a superhero team, named Helix, but they got off to a bad start.


Helix was formed by Mister Bones, Penny Dreadful, Tao Jones, Kritter, Arak Wind-Walker, and Baby Boom. To get money, they ransomed Fury, a member of the Infinity Inc. team, resulting in a large fight that ended with Helix running away. Carcharo, a later member of Helix, was also the product of one of Dr. Love’s experiments. After another battle with Infinity Inc., Mr. Bones was arrested before being kidnapped by Carcharo, who turned on Helix. Their feud ended with Carcharo biting off Mr. Bones’ leg and dying of cyanide poisoning. The skeletal figure eventually ended up receiving medical care when his teammates turned themselves in to save him. Bones fell into the custody of Infinity Inc., who took him on to keep an eye on him and be better influences. The rest of Helix would receive care and go their separate ways from Bones’ negative influence. Bones was an unofficial member of the Infinity Inc. team and while he did not become an official hero, he certainly pulled his own weight. Over time, this team also disbanded.

After his reformation with Infinity Inc., Mister Bones went on to work with the D.E.O. – the Department of Extranormal Operations. This government agency focuses on investigations and activities of metahumans. Bones became the director of the D.E.O. and has been seen trying to work with – or on occasion against – some of DC’s major heroes. He had a run in with Blue Beetle when the hero showed up looking for help from the D.E.O., just to be deemed suspicious by Bones. The D.E.O. director has also been at odds with Supergirl. While he has been known to work with Agent Chase, the two have butt heads and even parted ways.

While Bones can generally be considered a good guy working in the interest of the U.S. government, he has also had some rather shady dealings. During his feud with Supergirl, he was working with Mokkari, a servant of Darkseid. Mokkari was tasked with helping Bones control metahumans to be used as weapons. The D.E.O. Director has been perceived as somewhat of a traitor as a result of his methods, but this doesn’t force him out of his role long-term.

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As of late, Director Bones is still at the D.E.O. and he has been investigating the potential threats posed by the Multiverse in DC’s Infinite Frontier with his former – and once more current – co-worker, Agent Chase. Considering his past, it seems likely that Bones could make some questionable and unheroic decisions in the near future. Despite the good he has done, this largely reformed DC character still has a lot of work to do to be a genuinely good person that heroes want to partner with.

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