Abin Sur, a mortally wounded Green Lantern, crash landed on Earth and chose Hal Jordan as his successor, for his ability to conquer fear… and because he happened to be nearby? That’s right, when Abin Sur commanded his ring to find a suitable replacement, there was a runner-up replacement who was passed over based on his proximity to the pink alien. This is the story of Guy Gardner.

Guy Gardner used to be the Green Lantern Corps’ red-headed stepchild with a bowl cut. Over the years, however, Gardner has proven himself time and time again as a protector of sector 2814, which includes the Earth, along with fellow Lanterns Kyle Rayner, John Stewart and Hal “Highball” Jordan. The hot-headed ringslinger was created by John Broome and Gil Kane in Green Lantern #59, with a design based on actor Martin Milner and a name derived from Guy H. Lillian III, a fan of the comic, and writer Gardner Fox. In the 1980s, writer Steve Englehart updated the character, blessing him with the obnoxious, macho persona we all know and love.


Originally from Baltimore, Gardner managed to overcome an abusive childhood with the help of his brother, a police officer, and would himself become a social welfare case worker. This conscientious characteristic was restored by writer Beau Smith in 1992’s Guy Gardner ongoing series, retitled Guy Gardner: Warrior with issue #17. Warrior was the identity adopted by Gardner after he discovered his true origins as a descendant of a space-faring race called the Vuldarians, as well as brand new powers such as the ability to transform parts of his body into any kind of weapon. Meanwhile, Gardner supplemented his income by opening a superhero-themed bar called Warriors. This temporary detour in his illustrious career as a Green Lantern developed just as Hal Jordan leveled Coast City, destroyed the Green Lantern Corps. and became the avatar of fear known as Parallax.

The most memorable point in Gardner’s career as a Green Lantern was arguably his tenure as a founding member of the Justice League International, during which he constantly clashed with Batman, until the Dark Knight laid him out with a single punch. Other “highlights” of this era included his relationship with Ice, a fellow League member who fought alongside him in battle against Doomsday. Much later, after his Warrior days, Guy returned in all his Green Lantern glory after helping five remaining Corps. members defeat Parallax. His comeback was further underlined when the Guardians enlisted him to be one of the senior officers of the new Green Lantern Corps., as well as one of its three main instructors.

With his new status, Gardner joined “The Corpse”, the Corps’ elite, top-secret black ops division. He would go on to be a key player in Geoff John’s string of mega-events, including “the Sinestro Corps War”, “Blackest Night,” “Brightest Day,” and “the War of the Green Lanterns.” However, after all his years as a space cop, Gardner will always be known for his temper, which enabled him to assume leadership of the Red Lanterns, a corps that derives its power from rage. Guy Gardner recently appeared in Doomsday Clock #9, along with a whole host of heroes and other Green Lanterns, to defeat Doctor Manhattan, showing that he’s still the man to call on in a crunch.

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