An ideal and customized lover for the player is a unique mechanic exclusive to Baldur’s Gate 3. Unlike other characters the player can romance, this lover is made by the player for the player character. This happens directly after the character creation, however, many players never end up seeing their idyllic lover.

Within the character creation, the secondary character menu pops up while asking, “Who do you dream of at night?” Players are able to make a character that is of any of the currently playable races, subraces, and gender. This character can be entirely missed out on, if players are being cautious, due to the nature of this character.


What is the Dream Lover in Baldur’s Gate 3?

This character is not a real physical entity. Instead, it is a character that plagues the player’s mind. It is a sort of representation of the tadpole within or someone who can connect to the player via the tadpole. Yes, this may be a romantic partnership that players can entertain with the Illithid growing inside their head. The character can be accessed through a dream-like sequence, where this dream lover will ask the player if they want to unlock the power of the tadpole. Each time that the player has a dream with this lover, they will become more and more hostile, while also feeding into a lover type role.

Players won’t be able to see their personally crafted dream boy or girl until the second dream. Players will know that they are about to have the second dream when everyone arrives at camp complaining about the terrible pain they are experiencing and the panic that they are turning soon. Depending on what the player chooses to do within each of these dreams, they may resist or accept the Illithid’s offer of power. If accepted the player and everyone within their party will gain a new power based on their class. Each party member also talks about having a specific dream and talk about feeling better.

Wizards receive a Reflective Shield ability, that protects them from projectiles. Warlocks gain the Supernatural Attraction ability, which allows them to teleport to another infected creature. Clerics gain Survival Instinct which infuses a targeted creature with a psionic force that will heal them when they hit zero hit points. Fighters get the Psionic Pull, which just pulls enemies towards the player. Rangers gain the Force Tunnel which allows them to charge forward four meters, displacing anything in their path. Lastly, Rogues get the Inkblot, which gives them the ability to create a cloud of magical darkness and hide within it.

How to Trigger the Dream Lover Scenes in Baldur’s Gate 3

Unless a player is trying to make their way through the game on the straight and narrow path, they likely will have chanced using their Illithid Wisdom to get past some difficult situations or peek into the minds of their party members. Using this power consistently does come at a cost, as the player is speeding up the time that their transformation will take. However, it also allows the player to meet their ideal partner. Use the powers as much as possible, and sleep often to keep the dreams coming.

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There are four possible dreams a player can see within the early access version of the game. The last of the four can end somewhat gruesomely. This is due to the tadpole growing frustrated that the player isn’t giving in and giving up their body to them. Players can keep things peaceful between the player and the tadpole by telling their dream lover that they are not trying to keep them out. They will admit that there is something within the player that is naturally fighting for control over their body. The player will have a revelation, that the transformation that they are accelerating makes them crave blood and flesh. Then the player should either admit to wanting to eat him or try to pass the Charisma check.

They will try and comfort the player by telling them that they will see them soon and that everything will be okay. The player and lover can kiss before this last dream ends. After this dream, the player cannot force another within the early access. Players can also choose to make the dream lover angry or even fight them in the end if they wish to. It is up to the player as to whether or not this romance is worth them risking their lives and the lives of their party members. Players also never get a straight answer as to exactly what this dream lover is or whether they can even take a more corporeal form. However, it seems likely as he states that he will see the player again soon.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 early access is available exclusively on PC and Google Stadia.

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